challenges of toyota company

challenges of toyota company

+ throw new Error(`Cannot use ${isFlyingShuttle ? ]js$/, `.${this.buildId}.js`)] = compilation.assets[name]; exports.ServerlessPlugin = ServerlessPlugin; -const imurmurhash_1 = __importDefault(require("imurmurhash")); const source_map_1 = require("source-map"); const webpack_sources_1 = require("webpack-sources"); const RequestShortener_1 = __importDefault(require("webpack/lib/RequestShortener")); - const { terserOptions = {}, warningsFilter = () => true, sourceMap = false, cache = false, cpus, } = options; + const { terserOptions = {}, warningsFilter = () => true, sourceMap = false, cache = false, cpus, distDir, } = options; - terserOptions: Object.assign({ output: {. + pageChunks: Object.assign({}, this._recalledManifest.pageChunks, nextManifest.pageChunks). + files.forEach(f => allFiles.add(f)); + if (chunk.entryModule && chunk.entryModule.loaders) {. 'next/dynamic': 'next-server/dist/lib/dynamic.js'. + const { request } = chunkGroupOrigin; + chunkGroup.chunks.forEach(chunk => {, + chunk.files.forEach(file => {, if (!file.match(/\.js$/) || !file.match(/^static\/chunks\//)) {. +// reloads the page when it has changed. - updatedModules = _context.sent; - handleApplyUpdates(null, updatedModules); - _context.t0 = _context["catch"](6); - handleApplyUpdates(_context.t0, null); + return _promise.default.reject(error); var _assign = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/object/assign")); var _slicedToArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/slicedToArray")); var _promise = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/promise")); -var __importDefault = void 0 && (void 0).__importDefault || function (mod) {, - return mod && mod.__esModule ? + await mkdirp(path_1.default.dirname(recallPath)); + await fsCopyFile(path_1.default.join(this.shuttleDirectory, DIR_FILES_NAME, recallFileName), recallPath); + movedPageChunks.push(newFileName); + this._recalledManifest.pages[page] = pages[page]; + this._recalledManifest.pageChunks[page] = movedPageChunks.filter(f => f !== serverless); + this._recalledManifest.hashes = Object.assign({}, this._recalledManifest.hashes, pages[page].reduce((acc, cur) => Object.assign(acc, { [cur]: hashes[cur] }), {})); + this._restoreSema.release(); + Log.wait('docking flying shuttle'); + await recursive_delete_1.recursiveDelete(this.shuttleDirectory); + await mkdirp(this.shuttleDirectory); + const nextManifestPath = path_1.default.join(this.distDirectory, constants_1.CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST); + if (! + return reject(err); - console.log(`> Disposing inactive page(s): ${disposingPages.join(', ')}`); + Log.event(`disposing inactive page(s): ${disposingPages.join(', ')}`); "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node": "2.2.0". + let selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier = ''; + .reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = env[c]), a), {}). + return _promise.default.resolve(); + } // Feature detection is used to see if preload is supported, + // If not fall back to loading script tags before the page is loaded, + // + return _tryApplyUpdates.apply(this, arguments); + tryApplyUpdates.toString = function () {. +When using `next export` to statically pre-render pages Next.js will detect if the page supports AMP and change the exporting behavior based on that. - // If it doesn't end in `.js` Next.js can't handle it right now. + return _promise.default.resolve(pageLoader.loadPage('/_error')).then(function (_pageLoader$loadPage3) {, + return _promise.default.resolve(doRender((0, _assign.default)({}, props, {. [, + new index_1.TerserPlugin(Object.assign({}, terserPluginConfig, { terserOptions: Object.assign({ safari10: true }, ((selectivePageBuilding || config.experimental.terserLoader) ? + if (_temp3 && _temp3.then) return _temp3.then(function () {}); + return _promise.default.resolve(renderError(props)).then(function () {. +The AMP community provides [many components]( to make AMP pages more interactive. + this.filename = filename || 'chunk-graph-manifest.json'; + this.selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier =. - return _getInitialProps.apply(this, arguments); var _now = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/date/now")); var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/classCallCheck")); -var react_1 = __importStar(require("react")); var prop_types_1 = __importDefault(require("prop-types")); var utils_1 = require("next-server/dist/server/utils"); var htmlescape_1 = require("../server/htmlescape"); var constants_1 = require("next-server/constants"); + return ampPath ? (!isUpdateAvailable() || !canApplyUpdates())) {. - }); // In development runtime errors are caught by react-error-overlay. + src: assetPrefix + (dynamicBuildId ? const validator = await amphtml_validator_1.default.getInstance(); const result = validator.validateString(html); const errors = result.errors.filter(e => e.severity === 'ERROR'); + if (curRenderOpts.amphtml && query.amp) {. + const ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}${path_1.sep}index.html`; + const ampBaseDir = path_1.join(outDir, path_1.dirname(ampHtmlFilename)); + const ampHtmlFilepath = path_1.join(outDir, ampHtmlFilename); + await accessP(ampHtmlFilepath); + // make sure it doesn't exist from manual mapping. Anything in next/dist should not be imported. + return recursive_readdir_1.recursiveReadDir(directory, new RegExp(`\\.(? +const flying_shuttle_1 = require("./flying-shuttle"); +const generate_build_id_1 = require("./generate-build-id"); +const is_writeable_1 = require("./is-writeable"); +const webpack_config_1 = __importDefault(require("./webpack-config")); +const write_build_id_1 = require("./write-build-id"); +const unlink = util_1.promisify(fs_1.default.unlink); +async function build(dir, conf = null) {, if (! ]js$/, `.${this.buildId}.js`). + isValidElementType = _require.isValidElementType; - _renderError = (0, _asyncToGenerator2.default)(, - _regenerator.default.mark(function _callee3(props) {, - return _regenerator.default.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {, - switch (_context3.prev = {. var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); -var _regenerator = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/regenerator")); -var _asyncToGenerator2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/asyncToGenerator")); +// Attempt to update code on the fly, fall back to a hard reload. + request = path_1.default.relative(dir, request); + if (path_1.default.isAbsolute(context)) {. '); +const find_up_1 = __importDefault(require("find-up")); +const recursive_readdir_1 = require("../lib/recursive-readdir"); +function collectPages(directory, pageExtensions) {. - renderReactElement(react_1.default.createElement(error_boundary_1.ErrorBoundary, {, - fn: function fn(error) {, - }).catch(function (err) {. + const filename = this.resourcePath; const options = Object.assign({}, cfg.options); for (const file of [cfg.babelrc, cfg.config]) {. ')); + const cleanError = strip_ansi_1.default(state.errors[0]); + if (cleanError.indexOf('SyntaxError') > -1) {. Multiple configurations can be combined together with function composition. - readline_1.default.cursorTo(process.stdout, 0, 0); - readline_1.default.clearScreenDown(process.stdout); - console.log(chalk_1.default.cyan('Starting the development server ')); - console.log(` > Waiting on ${state.appUrl}`); + Log.wait('starting the development server '); +`waiting on ${state.appUrl} `); - console.log('Failed to compile. + ext)); + let pagePath = await find_page_file_1.findPageFile(pagesDir, normalizedPagePath, pageExtensions); // Default the /_error route to the Next.js provided default page, if (page === '/_error' && pagePath === null) {. + let request = m.readableIdentifierStr.replace(/ \(ignored\)$/, ''); + .match(new RegExp(`^ignored (. + accept: 'application/amp.bind+json', + }).then((res) => res.json()).then((result) => {. + manifest.chunks[] = files; + const getLambdaChunk = (name) => name.includes(this.buildId), + .replace(new RegExp(`${this.buildId}[\\/\\\\]`), 'client/'), + .replace(/[. Errors and warnings will appear in the terminal where you started Next.js. - __NEXT_DATA__ = _this$context$_docume4.__NEXT_DATA__; + __NEXT_DATA__ = _this$context$_docume4.__NEXT_DATA__. + const recalled = await flyingShuttle.restorePage(unchangedPage); + _unchangedPages.delete(unchangedPage); + const unchangedPages = await Promise.all([_unchangedPages].map(async (page) => {, + const file = await utils_1.getFileForPage({. - return pageLoader.loadPage('/_error'); - exports.ErrorComponent = _context3.sent; - return utils_1.loadGetInitialProps(App, {. + error: chalk_1.default `[ {red error} ]`. false : {, name: constants_1.CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, + } : selectivePageBuilding ? null : this.getScripts()); + return buildId ? - task.cacheKey = 'a' + imurmurhash_1.default(input).result(); + task.cacheKey = 'a' + string_hash_1.default(input); processedAssets.add((compilation.assets[file] = outputSource)); - warnings.forEach((warning) => {, + warnings.forEach(warning => {. assetPrefix = _this$context$_docume4.assetPrefix. + const u = unchangedPages.length; + const c = pageNames.length - u; +`found ${c} changed and ${u} unchanged page${u > 1 ? - return _context.abrupt("return"); + if (document.readyState === 'complete') {. +const { CUSTOM_KEY, CUSTOM_SECRET } = process.env; +AuthMethod({ key: CUSTOM_KEY, secret: CUSTOM_SECRET }); +AuthMethod({ key: process.env.CUSTOM_KEY, secret: process.env.CUSTOM_SECRET }); -> :warning: Note that this option is not available when using `target: 'serverless'`, +> **Warning:** Note that this option is not available when using `target: 'serverless'`. + warn: chalk_1.default `[ {yellow warn} ] `. - return pageLoader.loadPage('/_app'); - return pageLoader.loadPage(page); + return _promise.default.resolve(pageLoader.loadPage('/_app')).then(function (_pageLoader$loadPage) {, - if (! return on_demand_entries_utils_1.closePing(); on_demand_entries_utils_1.setupPing(assetPrefix, function () {. }), staticMarkup ? - return loadable_1.default.preloadReady(dynamicIds || []); exports.router = router_1.createRouter(page, query, asPath, {, - exports.router.subscribe(function (_ref5) {. + throw new Error('Cannot handle a MultiModule with moduleless dependencies'); + throw new Error('Cannot handle a MultiModule dependency without a module id'); + const identifier = ids.sort().join('::'); + console.warn(`> module identifier: MultiModule ${m.identifier()} => ${identifier}`); compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin', compilation => {, compilation.hooks.beforeModuleIds.tap('AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin', modules => {, - if ( != null || !m.identifier) {. + serverRuntimeConfig, + publicRuntimeConfig. - return (_SingletonRouter$rout = SingletonRouter.router)[field].apply(_SingletonRouter$rout, arguments); + return router[field].apply(router, arguments);, function () {. + Component: exports.ErrorComponent. - currentModule = module.rootModule; - if (!manifest[currentModule.rawRequest]) {. +const matchOperatorsRe = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?. + exclude: /\.min\.(js|mjs|jsx)$/. (!props && Component && Component !== exports.ErrorComponent && lastAppProps.Component === exports.ErrorComponent)) {. + dynamicBuildId = data.dynamicBuildId. const presetItem = babel.createConfigItem(require('../../babel/preset'), { type: 'preset' }); const applyCommonJs = babel.createConfigItem(require('../../babel/plugins/commonjs'), { type: 'plugin' }); + isServer: opts.isServer, + asyncToPromises: opts.asyncToPromises. ".concat(buildId, ".js") : "/_next/static/".concat(buildId, "/pages/_app.js")) + _devOnlyInvalidateCacheQueryString, if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {. +const chunk_graph_plugin_1 = require("./webpack/plugins/chunk-graph-plugin"); +function getBaseWebpackConfig(dir, { dev = false, debug = false, isServer = false, buildId, config, target = 'server', entrypoints, selectivePageBuilding = false, selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier = '' }) {, - options: { isServer, cwd: dir }, + options: { isServer, cwd: dir, asyncToPromises: config.experimental.asyncToPromises }, // Disable .mjs for node_modules bundling. }, on_demand_entries_utils_1.currentPage); - return _ref2.apply(this, arguments); var _set = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/set")); -var mitt_1 = __importDefault(require("next-server/dist/lib/mitt")); // smaller version of

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challenges of toyota company

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