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Realize it is not entirely or maybe not at all your fault. Children will have broken marriages and families like their parents. Goddark, Macmillian Company and A Study Of The Relation Of Crime, Pauperism, Disease, And Heredity In The 1900's by R.L. ), The inventor of the first deck of cards evidently hated God and the Bible. It leads to potential corruption, discord, growth in occult and cults, selfishness, doubt, inability to achieve, fake sickness, hypochondriacs and church splits. The offence should be explained. 0000041981 00000 n The deceptive leader promotes peace through tyranny. Use list of demons as follows or as the Lord directs. 1. 28:1-25; Isa. ), Scripture warns us to have nothing to do with fairy tales, fables, enchantments, charmers or such like: Tit. Aubanus, writing of mumming in Germany, says that in the Saturnalia there were frequent and luxurious feastings amongst friends, presents were mutually sent, and changes of dress made; that Christians have adopted the same customs, which continue to be used from the Nativity to the Epiphany: that exchanges of dress too, as of old among the Romans, are common, and neighbours by mutual invitation visit each other in the manner which the Germans call mummery. All it takes is a straight forward application of the Bible with signs, wonders and miracles following the true teaching of the Word of God to attract people to church. This is the reason why bastards have so much trouble with their church relationships; they are cursed. Cartoons draw on Egyptology - Isis; mythology, witchcraft, occult, Smurfs, Dungeons " Dragons, Little People and Gremlins. MAGIC: Witchcraft (See same scriptures). ANOTHER SON -- at 22 on relief; at 44 breach of peace; jail at 49; in poor house rest of life. There are exceptions to this, as in the case of children who have been exposed to demonic attack through severe circumstances. MALE -- at 21 on relief, jail vagrant, soldier in rebellion. 5. Deeply craving and seeking peer approval, a disciplined life and a better world than the one they see, these youngsters do not realize how easily they can be deceived. A husband has special power and authority over his family that even I don't have as a deliverance minister.). Experiment with demon power. HWM#H4){|XE%6%EI~p%`!_zc1wqK8PF0|w)`ie}6.. God has provided a way to get rid of the effects. Worship of the Virgin Mary, regarded as carried to an idolatrous extreme: opprobrious term. Most children by the age of five or six can be given a simple explanation of what you are going to do before you begin the ministry. MALE -- cohabited, killed at war. BLACK STAR: Warlock with alien demon; similar to D " D. BLACKSTONE: Teaches magic. The Lord also told my husband of various stuffed toys (in shapes of animals - whales, dogs and kangaroos), a plastic toy Big Bird and matching bib. In 75 years the family of 1200 members cost the state $1,308,000.00 in costs. The following are some special curses on children: 1. Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next 24-48 hours. Webster's Dictionary defines FABLES: fictitious narrative, legendary story of supernatural happenings, a narrative story in which animals SPEAK AND ACT LIKE HUMAN BEINGS. After going through basic deliverance, the three R's, then start to cast out the other demon families (Schizophrenia-Paranoia). MALE -- industrious, soldier at 21, good reputation. MALE -- bricklayer, at 19 on relief, jail, married cousin. We have taught small children to cast out demons; the demons hate to have to obey children! The Book of Proverbs was a special comfort to me after Byron died because we had disciplined him; he was a well-behaved son. Realize that their troubles are probably as great or greater than yours. 1. Likewise machines descending from above, double, with Dives rising out of hell and Lazarus seen in Abraham's bosom; besides several figures dancing jiggs, sarabands, and country dances, with the merry conceits of Squire Punch and Sir John Spendall. Nine Males; Fourteen Females: MALE -- on relief. The prayerful and judicious application of the rod can act as a deterrent to childish and foolish behavior (Proverbs 22:15). Children born from incestuous unions (Gen. 19:36-38). Some of the key words researched are chirp, murmur, peep and mutter uttered by people practicing the occult or talking against God. 23:2). Since the spirits have not been there very long, they are not as deeply embedded in the flesh. 8. DEMONIC RELIGIOUS CULTS FOR THE YOUNG, 16. Don't be fooled or become sympathetic to the demons! 47'8-11; Jer. 18:11, Isa. 4. 0000002509 00000 n Fifth Generation: 7 MALES, 10 FEMALES: MALE -- Laborer, syphilis, jail numerous times, petit liar, assault and battery, poor house most of life. It is derived from the words fool and buffoon, incubus, divinities of Olympus, devils rising out of Hell, etc. Abuse means to use ill; to maltreat; to misuse, to use with bad motives or wrong purposes; to violate; to defile; to deceive; to impose on; to treat harshly; to use insulting, coarse, or bad language about or to, to revile. SCRIPTURES PERTAINING TO OCCULT PRACTICES. Others are vicious and unprincipled men, depraved and driven to all sorts of excesses. 0000001362 00000 n There in an inebriated state he intercoursed a woman who was. HERSELF THE ELF: GREMLINS: Violent, sadistic; use transformation (New Age concept), Cannibalism, and promotional scheme. Confusion, frustration, disgust, hate, etc. CABBAGE PATCH DOLLS: Creates soul tie with child; mockery of life and death, and natural emotions. The spirits may cause the child to resist being held. 10.Use Common Demon Groupings on page eleven of LISTS OF DEMONS. Exodus 20:4 - No graven images and Jer. MALE -- industrious, soldier at 21, good reputation, NOTE: a child deserted who was adopted . At the close of the War of Independence, the father, Martin, Sr., went to a pub to celebrate the end of the war. Wear charms (amulets) to keep away evil spirits (occult symbols). The commands can be given with such calmness and matter-of-factualness that the child will scarcely realize what is taking place. 27:8-9; Jer. MALE -- at 7 in poor house, was abandoned. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what dolls to throw away; be cautious about any doll. The deliverance minister must discern reactions in the child attributable to the spirits being stirred up. aim to frighten, to deceive, to familiarize children with hideous characters, to entice children to accept evil as good, etc. 0000002983 00000 n The Lord also told my husband of various stuffed toys (in shapes of animals - whales, dogs and kangaroos), a plastic toy. He may cry or scream and show signs of great fear. 27:9; Isa. WIZARD: One skilled in magic, sorcerer, male witch, to be destroyed in Israel (Deut. Since the spirits have not been there very long, they are not as deeply embedded in the flesh. (They can also be cast out of the fetus in the womb. Some are pressured so by rejection, they go to unnatural or extreme means to succeed. Many times an abused child will mildly or completely neglect themselves to convey the idea to others that they are worthless or at fault. There is no unreality in the Bible! Eventually they accept or partially accept the verbal abuse as true. 8:19; I Chron. 13:22; Micah 5:12-15). God taught us to tell the truth in love; we practice tough love! FEMALE -- harlot, illegitimate child. Its goal is to awaken the energy center (in the brain) and to expand mental awareness. MALE -- attempted rape, dangerous man, unmarried. 3. MALE -- intemperate, lazy. . 19. How can a child be influenced to readily accept demons? We have seen children (from babies to teens) receive significant deliverance in the church and at home. Doing many things to harm themselves, they always have a hate/love relationship with themselves. I know that God helped me in this area. Such a figure moved by attached strings or wires, or by the hands, in a puppet show. Video games incite destruction and death. I also talk with the child about asking the Lord Jesus to come into his heart (Revelation 3:20) if he has not already done so. Use. 6. 38:8-9). 7 MALES, 10 FEMALES: MALE -- Laborer, syphilis, jail numerous times, petit liar, assault and battery, poor house most of life. I then ask if he would like for those things to come out of him if they are there. 11. 9. An illegitimate son, Martin, Jr., was born. The topics presented include Jesus' ministry to children, When the womb is unsafe, Methods of deliverance for children, A child's imagination, and more. God does not need any human circus or side shows to sell and promote the Kingdom of God! (We have not seen any parents that have protected their children completely or properly. FEMALE -- harlot. Often they lash out in temper when problems need to be solved. 2. There is a strange hold that many weird cults have on thousands of ensnared young people which is through demonic control spirits. to their life. n.; pl. There it was: origin in witchcraft and magic. Use Schizophrenia and Paranoia on page forty six of LISTS OF DEMONS. Ask us here. 33:6). DEMOLISHING THE HOSTS OF HELL by Win Worley, A STUDY OF THE RELATION OF CRIME, PAUPERISM, DISEASE, AND HEREDITY IN THE 1900's by R.L. BOARD GAMES: These games open children to the influence of occult power, wizardry, violence, mind control and witchcraft: Thundar-Barbarian, Pandemonium, Magic 8 Ball, Monster Mansion, Krull (occult with sorcerer), Herself the Elf, Gremlins, Dragon Master, Mythical Cards, Dungeon, Ouija, Dark Towers, Magical Crystals, Dragon Lords, Towers of Night, Forest of Doom, Fires of Shadarr, Star Wars and Yoda, Fantasy Card Game, Hell Pits of Night-Fang, Rune Quest, Chivalry, Sorcery and Arduin-Grimoire. (Notice that the deliverance prayers are establishing the basis for casting out the demons.). ANOTHER SON -- in poor house at 23 and remained there rest of life. Hear a rogue like a wild woodman, or in an antic shape like an incubus, desires your company to view his motion. 3. TRANSFORMER: New Age concept. Very simply, there is a name of a demon for every evil practice that is contrary to the Holy Bible! The disguisyng and mummyng that is used in Christemase time, Langley writes in his synopsis of Polydore Virgil, in the Northe partes came out of the feasts of Pallas, that were done with visars and painted visages, named Quinqatria of the Romaynes. 2. UNICORNS: D " D Monster Manual; Medieval kings and popes used amulet made from horn; believed to have magical and healing powers. 17.The parents should enter into the deliverance of their children in church and at home. Many people under 35 years old have a hard time living in a real world. Hate figures in all abuse, but is extreme in a sexually abused child. There is no unreality in the Bible! 5 out of 5 stars for Confronting Familiar Spirits: Counterfeits to the Holy Spirit. The Lord began to show us the legal grounds Satan held. 19. n. (from L. ventriloqous, lit., one who speaks from the belly, from venter, belly, and loqui, to speak; and -ism.) 15.Adults have to overcome false religious teaching, ignorance of the Bible and fear of deliverance. Use Prayer Against Soul Ties on page ten of HOW TO DO DELIVERANCE. Puppet, n. (Fr. Learn the basics of how to effectively minister deliverance for children. CARE BEARS: (Not Really???) New Age Children's music is to incite rebellion and self elevation. ), Once one is alerted to the dangers of passing on weaknesses, infirmities and other unpleasant things to siblings, he should begin breaking curses, destroying legal holds and grounds, and binding inherited spirits, . Parents are able to minister some of this to younger ones while the child is sleeping. 0000001039 00000 n Only witch doctors or medicine men were allowed to handle them. HERSELF THE ELF: Elves are inferior spirit beings with great powers supposedly. They cannot be glad or grateful when something good happens because they fear it has a price to be paid. Jesus is supposed to be the joker. MARIONETTES, MARIOLATRY, MUMMERY, PUPPETRY ", 1. Max, blindness, probably due to the syphilis. You can also use the previously listed names of demonic toys, movies, games and music as the names of demons in deliverance. Find out the child's problems by talking to the parents (and the child if possible). Finally, children are open to satanic attack and will usually become like their parents! Emotionally these children are unsure of themselves, and everyone or almost everyone around them. FEMALE -- harlot, incurable syphilis. Maria, Mary, and Latreia, worship.) All. Impact Christian Books / 1996 / Paperback, Impact Christian Books / 1988 / Trade Paperback, Impact Christian Books / 1990 / Trade Paperback, Impact Christian Books / 2004 / Trade Paperback. 5:1). Children will have broken marriages and families like their parents. FEMALE -- harlot, incurable syphilis, vagrant. Performance by mummers. If the person is young, you should seek help and protection from this abuser. It was to get the children to feel comfortable, even to love the better of the evil presented to them. Usually I ask if he sometimes does or says things he doesn't really want to do, things which get him into trouble. Teaches how to become a magician. Or, they go to the other extreme - they must always look beautiful to hide their real selves. God is total reality; there is no fantasy or play acting in God! poupee; L. pupa, a puppet.) Cast out the demons. (Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what dolls to throw away; be cautious about any doll. MALE -- at 21 on relief, jail vagrant, soldier in rebellion. Paying heed to them, however amusing or cute and innocent they seem to be, gives respectability to that which God forbids for He knows it leads to one opening up oneself to satanic bondage. Demons can be called out of children in the same way they are called out of older persons. The minister and/or parent will then become so sympathetic with the child that they will stop the ministry and the demons retain their hold. 0000001019 00000 n Some become so fearful they are always watching everyone around them. Children in the First Grade were taught to war in the spirit. You are rejecting when you do not set a proper example, or withhold correction or instruction or love. Both World Book and Britannica point out that dolls were buried with people and were supposed to be friends and servants in the spirit world. Putnam and Sons, Tracts on demonic toys, movies, games and music written by Shirley Smith, 9700 Highway 107, Sherwood, Arkansas 72116. Exodus 20:4 - No graven images and Jer. (They can also be cast out of the fetus in the womb. FEMALE -- harlot incurable syphilis, lazy, kept brothel. Music is more powerful than drugs. Rabbit foot, rainbow with star (New Age symbol) horseshoe, four leaf clover. The father and mother had a violent argument over the matter. SOOTHSAYING: The act of foretelling events, prophesying by a spirit other than the Holy Spirit (Jos. MALE -- incurable syphilis, assault and battery, jail. 47:12-15; Jer. MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: Evil lords of destruction, beast man, evil ocean warlord - sorcery. 1. Chanting is often used to focus attention and limit peripheral vision. Christians should not deal in any spiritual fantasy. Paul admonished believers not to be entangled again in the yoke of bondage (Gal. Experiment with demon power. Since the children may feel more secure with a parent, it is often best for the parent to hold the child during the ministry. 0000006219 00000 n ANOTHER SON -- at 24 on relief, assault and battery at 33, habitual drunk. A young Christian couple brought their three month old child for ministry. With my children, I would never touch to punish when I was really mad or upset. 3:4): the town bum, drunks, sexual perverts, etc. Kill and viciously attack people. ), Especially in ministry with children, it is well to remember the fact that it is not the loudness of a command that moves the demon but the authority of the name and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, .

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