grey knights 9th edition tactics

Grey Knight Chaplains continue to be far too cool for regular Litanies and have their own special list. Other units also get some specific tricks here Purgation squads get a very welcome strat for +1 to wound at half range, Brother Captains get an extremely useful ability to provide a +1 to cast aura with Psychic Locus, and in-line with a lot of units Interceptors have their once-per-game shunt moved to a Stratagem. to one that was active earlier in the battle). The Grey Knight Codex has a lot of options that further boost your Denies, and a few that boost your casting, while the Thousand Sons have a lot of boosts to casting, and only a few for Denies. Most of the Infantry units also have the Combat Squads ability. Both the 9th edition Grey Knights and Thousand Sons codexes released alongside a double-army battlebox, Hexfire: Supernatural Warfare in the 41st Millennium. After both players have deployed this allows you to redeploy three CORE units, or pull them into strategic reserves for free. Draigo) isnt big enough that youll routinely take one. They are a purified order, incorruptible and possessed of iron huh. shenanigans makes these a bit weaker than they once were, and your heavy support slots are now heavily contested by Dreadknights, but if you find yourself needing a few more guns, these still fill that role, especially as psycannons are a bit spicier on base rate now. Hes slightly cheaper, keeps his same melee profile (i.e. WarHammer 40K 7th ed - Adeptus Mechanicus - Skitarii. The Grey Knights are the legendary Chapter 666 - and although nominally a Chapter of the Astartes, they are in the Chamber Militant of the Inquisition. It now just grants a flat 4++, which is. ever getting caught in a grinding engagement in any one place, as your forces are likely to be relatively few in number, and although tougher than they used to be, still not really meant for a meat grinder. By contrast, Thousand Sons get +1 to cast and a 5+ Invulnerable save added to a lot of their units. at baseline. , and in-line with a lot of units Interceptors have their once-per-game shunt moved to a Stratagem. I think there are two key problems with this book that really hold it back. In an army thats going to be all over the table, being able to just trivially switch on re-rolls when you need them is phenomenal, and while the Swordbearers are, the Dreadknight Brotherhood, if you want a second GMDK this is a stupendous trick for them to have access to. The average price of a home in le-de-France is 1,158,405 USD, and range in price between 490,943 USD and 44,129,750 USD. Both neat in the right matchup, but therein lies the problem a lot of stuff here is narrow. Once that initial onslaught has softened the enemy up, most of the units are deadly melee combatants as well, and are more than capable of putting any survivors to the sword. The hit rolls working for everyone is real nice, as it mitigates the move/shoot penalty for Purgation squads and per-unit special weapons, but the real big-money payoff here is with Dreadknights. The Grey Knights were founded in secrecy to be the bane of Daemons. Its maybe not the strongest list out there, falling off after two near-mandatory picks, but having super Rites of War available brings up the standards quite a bit all by itself. Finally. This is also strong if you end up bringing Grey Knights in soup and dont want to make one of them your Warlord, as it gives you partial coverage on that trait at a key moment. Knowing two of these was vital to how Grey Knight Chaplains were used in 8th, and only getting to know one makes them quite hard to justify. Two more new wargear stratagems provide some final powerful options. $5. Purifiers and Paladins also get a shakeup. Allows units from a Brotherhood to cast their subfactions Psychic power multiple times in a turn, increasing the Warp Charge value by one each time (which eagle eyed readers of the previews on WarCom guessed might be possible thanks to the wording on some of the powers). If you just want a robot guy to sit at the back and plink away, then sure you probably still pick this, but its a real shame that the upgrade angle is closed off. Sadly, Psybolt Ammunition no longer makes bolt weapons count as Psi. We take you through all the biggest nerfs and buffs to the Grey Knights army along with the core strategies and thoughts on list creation. has been toned down a bit in exchange for being more reliable into the primary target the splash is only for 1MW, but the targeted unit just straight up takes 2d3 mortals whatever you cast it on, which is decent. Secondly, this book has clearly been developed in parallel and as a mirror to Thousand Sons, and loses out badly in the exchange. Neat stuff. What is the average price for a luxury home in Paris, France? Its amazing what access to a good invulnerable save will do for you! We've assembled a crack team of Conclavers for this new, relaxed and entirely random show where we waffle on while we hobby away. There is genuinely better support in this book for running a Land Raider or Stormraven than pretty much anywhere else in Marines at the moment, so there could be some utility in these, and strange though it seems thematically they can also amp up Dreadknights, which is especially relevant for the regular flavour. This should be a lock on turns two and three and youve got ways to reach for it in other turns, so might be worth it in some games. Like the Grandmaster variant, basic Dreadknights rule theyre slightly down in price, have access to the same improved wargear as the Grand Masters, and crucially have been upgraded with both the CORE keyword and a baseline 4+ invulnerable save from, . Grey Knights are Space Marines and thus benefit from their iconic And They Shall Know No Fear and Bolter Discipline abilities. Taking a unit or two of these to shore up your objective play and ensure you can apply early pressure seems very good in particular, they give you great additional reach forPurifying Ritual. There seems to have been a fundamental disconnect in how these are priced presumably the cost of regular Terminators was taken as a starting point and then a premium was added on for the psychic ability (they also get. I can just about see situations where an opponent revealing a choice of Attrition or Stranglehold might give you pause, but often youre going to be able to anticipate that ahead of time. A few units can mix it up a bit (notably Paladins, for whom this is the new gimmick), but by and large youll know what tricks you have access to. is a fully hilarious tool for punishing enemy Psykers a unit with the right keyword (and its generously distributed of all your infantry, including characters) can throw one, and if it hits (on a 2+) the Psyker just immediately suffers Perils. keep access to an equivalent of Transhuman Physiology, albeit at a slightly higher price of 2CP/3CP for small/big squads respectively. For most non-Character units, the datasheet includes a fixed Sanctic power that they know in addition to Smite. Essentially, 10pts extra on your Dreadknights is now going to substantially magnify how much of a headache they are to have on the table very much what you want. Purifiers and Paladins also get a shakeup. , where its a jump from 42% to 58% a considerably bigger boost, and starting to push to a pretty happy place. Kaldor Draigo kicks ass, and you want to take him a, . Its reasonably costly at 2CP, but opening up +1 to hit for, targeting a specific unit as well as +1 to wound for the vehicles lets you pull off a, of a gank with ranged firepower, especially when you throw. This is super, super cool, and the power level is real expect this to be a common pick. Still great. Ironically, this book. Welcome to the 2021 edition of the Munitorum Field Manual. AJ1 Joe 1 High Top casual board shoes. You pick a visible enemy within 12, and then all attacks made against it with Nemesis and Psi weapons are at +1D until your next psychic phase. Grey Knight Chaplains continue to be far too cool for regular Litanies and have their own special list. While the power of the Swordbearers abilities means that Im giving these the faintest little bit of a side-eye, ultimately these run you the same price as a Strike Squad for the cheapest build, and you should buy the Strike Squad. With only oneits a tough sell (unless this is where GW reveal that Commanding Oratory, which GK get a version of, was always meant to let you use Litanies you dont know). Means that any 1s or 2s you roll when Advancing or Charging count as a 3. Paris le-de-France CCI is a source of proposals, informs debates on key issues and plays an active role in the growth of local companies and the economy in its territory. Well thats where the stratagem comes in Marked for Death, which lets you pick an enemy unit near to one of your Psykers and give all Swordbearer units (not even just vehicles) +1 to hit against it with their ranged attacks. is considerably less useful on these than some Chapter Tactics out there, and Grey Knight Chaplains arent nearly as exciting as regular Marine ones, which leaves these far weaker than their counterparts in some other chapters. The Dominus discipline, on the other hand, is just a bog standard Psychic Discipline that works like any other, and is available to your characters. Such is their power and psychic mastery that the Sons of Titan can turn the fickle eddies of the warp itself against the very creatures it nourishes. Functionally, both types work exactly the same you can buy one of these for each (non-named) Character and cant take the same one twice, and, stuff here. Welcome back to our spin-off show in the Conclave Podmatic Universe: Voices in the Warp! only going to want this if Daemons are rampant in the metagame. Theres only three here, but theres some good stuff. With the basic troops of the army being so much deadlier it is, of course, possible that youre happy just having a Chaplain kicking around for the hit re-rolls in a fight, but our read is that youre going to want to be plowing as many points into units as possible. Mortal wounds are already popular in the metagame and likely about to become more so, and with your models all being highly valuable defences against them are very valuable. Powers: Warp Shaping, Sanctuary, 5 Strike Marines, 3 swords, 1 stave, 1 psycannon 115, 5 Strike Marines, 3 swords, 1 stave, 1 psilencer 110, 5 Interceptors, 4 halberds, 1 stave 120 It feels like this could maybe have borne giving re-rolls as well, but any way to get a better than 9 charge was something notably missing from the previous incarnation of this book and its welcome. Conveniently this was the third power shown off by WarCom, a kind of gimmick smite which you apply to a unit and which causes it to potentially take mortal wounds if it moves or charges. Chapter Tactics (AA units in AA detachments gain the Chapter Tactics ability) Chapter Command (if your army contains any AA detachments) . For 1CP, you get to swap out one of your secondariesbut you have to do it straight after both players reveal them, at which point theres unlikely to have been much of a change in your incentives from a few seconds before. Fundamentally, some of the stuff here is what makes the army tick and you want it. This is obviously much weaker than the version of these effects that trigger at the start of the first Battle Round (since you have to declare it before you know whos going first), but if you decide you want to be putting more of your units into reserves than youre normally allowed, or want to try and pull some mind games, there might be something here. More on that later. . Well have to go ahead and feed that one into Hammer of Math and see which one comes out ahead. As youd expect from Grey Knights, theyre also. The other tricks are less splashy but quite useful the, stratagem lets a Character swap out one of their powers for another from the Dominus discipline, always useful for a faction so reliant on psychic powers, while the. Each one unlocks a stratagem and warlord trait, pretty standard for a subfaction, but in place of a relic each BROTHERHOOD PSYKER unit gains access to a subfaction-specific Psychic Power in addition to any others they know. He also provides a RR1s to hit aura for all Grey Knight CORE units (rather than being Brotherhood locked like a regular GM), is a 2-cast Psyker, and has the new version of Chapter Master in place of his old re-roll aura (presumably why the price went down). returns with the same theme but a new effect. All the Stratagems, Traits, Relics and Chapter Approved Rules youd expect. Thatsfine, but because many of the games most mobile units rely on Advance or Charge boosts, flat halving of movement is always a bit less powerful than it sounds. hilarious? lots of Deny boosts most of the time, and theyre dead weight in many matchups, whereas cast boosts are always relevant, and generally have less drop-off in utility. That leaves him as fine overall, but honestly even if youre already running Wardmakers he isnt mandatory. Depending on what guns the opponent is packing, you can either keep the Purifiers together as a single block for maximum Untained and Unbowed/Sanctuary tarpitting, or Combat Squad them for a big damage spike from two casts of Purifying Flame. Psychic Epitome instead boosts the psychic might of your army each Psychic Phase the warlord can empower one nearby friendly Psyker to do +1MWs with any Witchfire powers. These kick ass. A Grand Master Dreadknight with both of these traits via Exemplar of the Silver Host feels pretty real! The good news for Grey Knight players is that because these forces do, thematically, work together on the battlefield this keyword locking isnt as restrictive as it is for Death Guard its really only those three things, abilities from the Brotherhoods themselves and a couple of stratagems that require you to match up. This is a button youll want to slam a lot, which obviously isnt cheap, and this is where the Warlord trait has your back Divination grants a psychic action you can perform to gain a command point. overall, but honestly even if youre already running Wardmakers he isnt mandatory. Other units also get some specific tricks here Purgation squads get a very welcome strat for +1 to wound at half range, Brother Captains get an extremely useful ability to provide a +1 to cast aura with. Functionally, both types work exactly the same you can buy one of these for each (non-named) Character and cant take the same one twice, and most grant a once per game effect. Strike Squads, Purgation, and Purifiers all went up to 17 pts base which is huge in what is considered an already overcosted army. While these stand out, the other five Brotherhoods definitely arent useless, all having at least some interest to them. Rounding things out, you get two thematic options in Daemon Slayer and Psychic Epitome. As youd expect from Grey Knights, theyre also substantially nastier than your common or garden Lieutenant, being a full Terminator-armoured killer armed with a nemesis weapon of your choice and a master-crafted storm bolter. Crusade rules, including the ability to create and hunt a custom Daemonic Nemesis. Sadly, this one ends up falling a bit flat Smite isnt a Witchfire power, and theres a specific, that stops the splash damage interacting with this (. Its worth saying that the impact it has on Deep Strike charge maths isnt, by itself, bumping you from a 28% chance to around a 39%. As you might be able to guess from that build up, and some of the comments earlier, Ive found this book a bit disappointing, and think it ends up in the pool with Blood Angels as something of a miss. You get one-shot effects to switch off Overwatch, shoot a unit that arrived from Reinforcements, and trigger a Heroic Intervention from non-characters, and the more unique and potentially very spicy ability to Overwatch on a 4+. In theory there are cool things you can do with a big squad of these, but once again it looks like youll get far more reliable value from Strike Marines. I can just about see situations where an opponent revealing a choice of, might give you pause, but often youre going to be able to anticipate that ahead of time. For example, Strike Marines know Smite and Hammerhand, while Purifiers know Smite and Purifying Flame. A more different flag bearer, and probably less useful their +1A aura only applies to Paladins, and though they get the ability to inspire a unit in your command phase for +1 to hit in melee, youre almost always going to be better off with the Brotherhood Ancient. Theyre also Honoured Knights rather than belonging to a Brotherhood, which does place some limitations on what you can do with them and basically requires you to bring Draigo if you want any hope of them having re-rolls to hit. Brotherhood Champions are duelists, designed for fighting enemy leaders one-on-one (which theyre fine at), but in terms of what they do for your lists their main function is being the cheapest HQ option available, coming in at a mere 70pts. Its not especially subtle, but youre going to hit, in the mid-game, especially with access to the Swordbearer abilities and. In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Craftworlds and Grey Knights army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them. You probably need to be ready to Strategic Reserve the plane if the opponent has big guns, then bring it on and immediately Sanctuary it on turn two but if you do that its kind of OK? Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Jack Hunter, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Jack Hunter, Colin Ward and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Garrett "John Condit" Severson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Liam "Corrode" Royle and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Will "Loxi" Angarella, Rocco Gest and Marcille "Marcy" Donato, B Phillip York, FromTheShire and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, The Goonhammer Review of Codex: Thousand Sons (9th Edition), incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. Third and finally, if youre playing against Daemons you can thoroughly ruin their day with Destroy the Daemon, an uncomplicated kill Daemons, get points secondary and itll sometimes be worth a look into Death Guard and CSM lists with lots of Daemon Engines too especially if either Magnus or Mortarion is present, since those bag you 5pts all on their own. is now your bread and butter option once battle is joined it gives your guns some extra reach, and makes every unit in your list even. The fact that they have much more flexible damage dealing capabilities and reach compared to Land Raiders means that if you can keep one alive and kicking, its much more challenging for the opponent to overcome. He also provides a RR1s to hit aura for all Grey Knight CORE units (rather than being Brotherhood locked like a regular GM), is a 2-cast Psyker, and has the new version of, in place of his old re-roll aura (presumably why the price went down). That rockets it to being a near-auto take, something thats also true of the heavy psycannon, which jumps to S8 AP-2. All of those need quite specific metagames to be great, but the anti-Daemon ones are particularly aggressively priced, which makes the barrier before you start considering these a bit lower. If youre still going to try to make Paladins work, you. Untainted and Unbowed on Purifiers is now where -1D lives, and Paladins instead have a stratagem to swap out one of their powers, leaning into their new role as Sanctic swiss-army knives. These are defined in the codex for claritys sake, though its pretty obvious which are which. Wreathed in silver fire, the Knights of Titan have finally burst forth from the warp, ready to channel all their might and mastery into obliterating warp spawned fiends (and anyone else who gets in their way). All of this on an objective where, on six marker maps, you never have to go past the halfway line to maximise. Kaldor Draigo 180 Essentially, 10pts extra on your Dreadknights is now going to substantially magnify how much of a headache they are to have on the table very much what you want. You want to avoid ever getting caught in a grinding engagement in any one place, as your forces are likely to be relatively few in number, and although tougher than they used to be, still not really meant for a meat grinder. Warlord: Unyielding Anvil, Exemplar of the Silvered Host First to the Fray Purifying Ritual lets any number of your Psyker units (mercifully not only Characters) perform a psychic action to purify an Objective Marker within 3. It is now locked to only targeting Psykers, so no more teleporting a Land Raider, but gains 6 of extra range for a massive 18 reach, making it extremely flexible. Pretty much everything else just keys off GREY KNIGHTS or GREY KNIGHTS CORE. Introduction bad till you discover that its not just them its units with the TELEPORTER keyword, which includes Dreadknights that you purchase the relevant upgrade for. This book contains the most up-to-date points values that should be used in your matched play games, covering all the factions in Warhammer 40,000. In practice, that isnt actually a good way to price these Terminators tend to be good in chapters whose Chapter Tactic and stratagems strongly support them, and as a vector for layered buffs from Chaplains. 103 Elite Grey Knights stand against the Daemon Primarch and some of his Khornate mates , only 13 survive. Thats basically the summary; the best here by some distance is Purifying Ritual, which has all the elements of a huge win for these faction-specific objectives its a good Secondary in a bad category that rewards you for doing stuff thats likely to feed into other Secondaries youre interested in taking like Stranglehold. psychic power and a free fight on death. Your options are: Now, before the howling about Convergence no longer boosting Psi damage starts, we should re-assure readers that you can still access a damage boost for these weapons via a psychic power, and while Escalations boost to Smites is gone, all your units get full Smite now anyway an understated but reasonably consequential change so its pretty bearable. Possessed of iron huh stand against the Daemon Primarch and some of his Khornate mates, only survive! It back a good Invulnerable save added to a Stratagem obvious which are.. At least some interest to them power that they know in addition to Smite, Marines. Is narrow Sons codexes released alongside a double-army battlebox, Hexfire: Supernatural in... Interceptors have their once-per-game shunt moved to a lot of their units 2021 edition of the stuff is... Of the stuff here is narrow slightly higher price of a home in Paris France!, in the Conclave Podmatic Universe: Voices in the battle ) in! 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