numenera destiny pdf

so single-minded that you put people off. You ask a lot of questions, and youre generous and kind to those who deserve it (in fact, youre often willing to give latitude to people who others would have given up on). You told one of the other PCs that nothing Skill: You are trained in initiative tasks. If the If you become trained Quick Armoring (4 Intellect points + io): device isnt broken, it gains one additional with a weapon that you You can siphon the residual energy in io use and then becomes depleted and have an inability in, the (the eponymous iotum) to integrate and broken. You enjoy being around 1. Its possible that your Skill: Youre trained in all tasks related toconfidence makes you seem levelheaded and knowledge of current events and in a tough situation, or your confidence Skill: Youre discerning, trained in all taskscould make you eager to prove your skills related to perception, detecting differences,when the going gets roughits up to you. 2. If the action is higher than its normal maximum. You gain the following benefits: Thinker: +2 to your Intellect Pool. There have been no substantive changes to the way the game plays mechanically, or the wayNPCs, creatures, cyphers, artifacts, and other items work. The people of the Ninth World suffer through a dark age, an era of isolation and struggle in the shadow of the ancient wonders crafted by civilizations millennia gone. Letdatasphere, an automaton was dispatched to someone else figure outyour location as a security measure. Action to choose to automatically succeed on a initiate, one minute to complete. 1. Crafting Numenera: Requires XP expenditure for non-common numenera items. Monte still needs to pick a descriptor and a focus. Improved Community double or down to one tenth. Machine Bond: From very long range, you FOURTH-TIER WRIGHT can activate and control a device (including an installation, automaton, or vehicle) that Fourth-tier Wrights have the following abilities: you have bonded with. TM and 2023 Monte Cook Games, LLC. An ithsyns gas Action to initiate, five minutes to complete. The champion appears for one parts of the community or horde. However, once you usurp a cyphers power, you cannot later switch to a different cypherthe ability works only once. defense task associated with the target before that you spend time Follower: You gain a level 2 follower. Numenera 2 works now in the Cypher System. When strange instructions are found from those abilities provided by the Arkus Leads, page 83 in the ruins of the prior worlds, Wrights can type. 2. Perhaps when the time comes, you will Aeon priest, page 264 compounds and drugs, or extradimensional consider taking on an intern of your own, not enhancementsthat makes you smarter and only to pay back whats been given to you but Qi, page 144 more able to see the implications of long-term because through teaching comes discovery. The Numenera Player's Guide offers a lot in a small package: An overview of the exciting Ninth World setting The basic rules to play Numenera Everything needed to create characters in a step-by-step process Anfollower when the follower takes actions, exceptional follower has the same qualities asthough usually a followers modifications a regular follower but is 1 level higher.provide an asset to a specific action taken bythe PC they follow.Modifications: A follower can help a PC in one Pet: Any PC can potentially gain a pet, though Helping, page 118or more tasks, granting the PC an asset to that a pet typically doesnt provide modifications.task. Once modified, the artifact cant be similarly boosted again. You are trained in creatures natural ability, or a trap triggered attacks using that type of weapon. Skill: Youre trained in tasks to sense when Quick Study: When you take a round to someone isnt telling the whatever is in front of you and gain the Inability: Youre sometimes accused of beingfacts, you feel more confident that youre about unpleasant. businessperson. Numenera Discovery. $119.99. own abilities againstMore secrets, more knowledge, and more MENTOR the challenges thatcomponents mean more power. You use this not available again until after you make a ability in lieu of making a roll to find the ten-hour recovery roll. The game took on a wholenew dimension as we did thisand it gave us a whole newreason to earn gold on other adventures. You figured out abilities related to building wondrous things. Enabler. you advance, as do practice and persistence. Destiny is a completely different set of rules regarding communities and crafting. how events might unfold. Action. You expect the mosteyesand sometimes not even that. to aid themselves, if they can find the plans to do so. The knife is both a weapon and an page 73 disperse or attack a community other than impressive implement of office, should she choose the one it is currently targeting, or you can to use it that way. Cypher Use: You can bear three cyphers at a of your character sheet. The main change it brings to Numenera is related to armour. Skills: You are trained in salvaging familiarized yourself with an area, all yournumenera. for anything that might hurt you. 17Arkai make new paths Inspiration (6 Intellect points): You speak An Arkus starts with two cyphers. Action to prepare; the community for it to gain this benefit; it action to initiate. Numenera: Destiny is mostly new material offering three new character types: Arkus, Delve, and Wright, new descriptors and new foci. crafting difficulty of +3, which means that or artifact without triggering a depletion Similarly, mundane if youre trying to craft a level 3 artifact, roll. This does not destroy the iotum. You can protect other creatures in addition to yourself, but each additional creature costs Danger Instinct (3 Speed points): If you are you the same number of io and Intellect attacked by surprise, whether by a creature, points as it costs to protect you. If you everywhere possible, peering behind reroll, you avoid a GM intrusionunless obstacles, and so onif youre running for you roll a second 1and might succeed your life, sleeping, or otherwise occupied, on your task. Youre Effort: Your Effort is 1. notice that everyone seems to avoid the well in the eastern courtyard for some reason. instance, maybe youre committed to tracking 4. Being adaptable means You gain the following benefits: that youre often cooperative, because you Versatile: +2 to any one Pool, which you can know that, by working together, a group can reassign after each ten-hour recovery roll. Skill: You are trained in perception tasks. Numenera - Destiny.pdf. Numenera Destiny - This is the full version of Numenera Destiny. You always seemed to know the right know their limits either. Youre at your best when youre aiding people, either by explaining how 41 Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From they can best overcome a challenge or bythe following list of options, choose how you demonstrating how to do so yourself.became involved in the first adventure. Alternatively, you can page 103 without making a sound, regardless of the choose to advance a level 2 follower you surface you move across. Action to initiate. 11 Your ex-best friend tried to have you arrested on trumped-up charges, so you left town. Or maybe youve like actual experience. They are not restricted on their modifications. Summon Sferic (8+ Intellect points): A This destroys the installation. contributing to their research, a device to overcome an infirmity, or even a new self-willed Wrights usually craft items that help a larger automaton to join them. character, the GM chooses an injector that will All allies within short range who can hear ease any tasks she makes to deceive for one hour where others lead. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can also choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the target by 1 for each level applied. Refine Iotum: When you discover iotum on Vigilant (5 Might points): When affected by an attack or effect that would daze or stunan initial salvage task, your follow-up attempts you, you are not dazed or stunned. If you leave the You can ask the GM one question and Follower, page 17 allies company for more than 28 hours, get a general answer. Back in around 1982, I rememberturning to my fellow D&D players having just cleared outa dungeon and saying Hey guys, we should make thisour base! We began designing the changes we wouldmake, thinking about the magical and mechanical trapswe wanted to install, and more. Of course, sometimes bad things numenera plan for an installation. Documents; Career & Growth; Leadership; Numenera - Destiny PDF. 1. Each time counter an action (like moving or making you select it, you must choose a different a conventional, mundane attack with a type of attack. as you. Serene, page 54 Darcy carries a long knife, a decorative light Sway Horde (12+ Intellect points): You can weapon that she decides was a gift given to herDescends From Nobility, attempt to sway a horde of up to rank 2 to by a relative. In addition, you can replace one your next turn. object you can recharge. These allies could be followers, Free level of Effort, back on whether they succeeded or failed. This is if you want to inflict 4 points of damage, for difficult or strange things beyond those thats a difficulty 4 task (the training that readily identified by using the numenera comes with this ability eases the task). 12 You have traveled extensively, and during that time, you accumulated quite a collection of strange souvenirs. machine, cypher, artifact, or other numenera merely gaining one. As a similar actions involving the same task (such as result, you tend to become especially invested making attacks against the same foe or operating in whatever community you live in or, perhaps the same device). TMDESTINYCREDITS Designers Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, Sean K. Reynolds Developer Sean K. Reynolds Creative Director Monte Cook Managing Editor Shanna Germain Editor Adam Heine Proofreader Ray Vallese Art Director Bear Weiter Additional Graphic Design Zoa Smalley Cover Artist Lie Setiawan Artists Bruce Brenneise, Christopher Burdett, Richard Burgess, chrom, Adam Danger Cook, Biagio DAlessandro,, Jason Engle, Felipe Escobar, Michele Giorgi, Josu Hernaiz, Inkognit, Guido Kuip, Kezrek Laczin, Brandon Leach, Eric Lofgren, Raph Lomotan, Anton Kagounkin Magdalina, Patrick McEvoy, Giorgio De Michele (Erebus), Federico Musetti, Irina Nordsol, Mirco Paganessi, Grzegorz Pedrycz, John Petersen, Michael Phillippi, Scott Purdy, Eric Quigley, Aaron Riley, Riccardo Rullo, Seth Rutledge, Sam Santala, Lie Setiawan, Joe Slucher, Lee Smith, Kim Sokol, Matt Stawicki, Cyril Terpent, Allison Theus, Cory Trego-Erdner, Ren Tu, Shane Tyree, Jordan K. Walker, Chris Waller, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, Kirsten Zirngibl Cartographers Jared Blando, Hugo Solis, Christopher West Monte Cook Games Editorial Board Scott C. Bourgeois, David Wilson Brown, Eric Coates, Gareth Hodges, Mila Irek, Jeremy Land, Laura Wilkinson, Marina Wold, George ZietsAs we agree with the growing consensus that they can and should be used as a gender-neutral, singular English language pronoun when one is needed, we have adopted that as the style in our products. Vortex Numenera $ 4.99 $ 4.99 Add to cart. being committed is a personality trait for you, and once you decide to do something, you CIVIC throw yourself into it with a vengeance. Enabler. or another crafting skill of your choice. . You dont know if Qi, page 144sword from the void and blast everyone and the motivations of your captors/doctors/ Convergence, page 216everything to drit. Open navigation menu. Learned: Being well read and well educated, you have a wide range of talents. happen to you too, and your basic nature is suppressed for a time. The GM can head start to get away from serious trouble. In your head, the only way the groupon how your heroic nature tends to attract would succeed is if you were with them to savedanger. He chooses the Risk-Taking descriptor, which adds +4 to his Speed Pool, gives him training at games of chance, and lets him push his luck to succeed at a difficult task (at the cost of a GM intrusion). For instance, if you Commonplace objectsGM may provide you with starting cyphers craft a defensive wall that would normally and structures, page 124and an oddity. not live long enough to see everything you want to see and do everything you want to do. need to create a small distraction, you When you advance toThese talents are called inspired techniques. Confounding Jargon (4 Intellect points): You Inspired Techniques: Choose one of the begin to discuss the intricacies of crafting numenera, which goes completely over the following inspired techniques (or an inspired heads of most creatures but is sufficient to technique from a lower tier) to add to your distract a target within immediate range until repertoire. This could be medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy a weapon or device held by someone, a bladed, or heavy ranged. You reduce the Speed Effort cost for Additional Training: You are trained in two wearing armor by 1. Youre not even sure a limited mind like yours can do so without Advanced Wrights: As Wrights gain experience hurting itself. Your only memory of him is a doll you yet keep. Once you use this ability, it is this ability does not help you. Numenera Plans.For instance, when you use Scan for Iotum, Scan for Iotum (2 Intellect points): Using aits probably from a device that youve either device or some kind of unique sense, you Character sheet, page 409made, found, or been given. FORWARD-THINKING 4. Otherwise, you might doing and followed them. Skill: You are trained in tasks related to 2. for any and all contingencies. 3 You owned a tavern for a while, but you sold it to a friend so you could seek greater challenges. Action. Hopefully this disabuses all of us of the idea of pre-ordering a pdf ever again (at least from MCG) - after all, it's not like . Action to initiate. With the design of Numenera and the Cypher System, improvisation is remarkably easy, and locations, just like NPCs and Creatures can be tailored to the needs of the campaign on the spot. ARKUS BACKGROUND As an Arkus, you have the capacity to influence other people and, on a larger scale, communities, hordes, and even society itself. Recently, MCG released the Character Portfolios which are a lot cooler IMO. up to a maximum of someone that makes things difficult for the six levels of Effort. Your palace itself, note all the entrances and which If you have both Inspire next interaction with that creature or object are used more often than others, and take Action and a focus ability gains one asset. 17 A great musician in a nearby large city claims they owe their success to an instrument you crafted. because youve taken the gifts you were born with and pushed them to the next level.CHARACTER TYPEWRIGHT CONNECTIONRoll a d20 or choose from the list below to determine a specific fact about your background that provides a connection tothe rest of the world. Write abilities like finish crafting the object or structure earlier Community Builder: While you are Community Builder and than was expected (maybe even halving the present within the community, and actively Always Tinkering in the total time). Add to Wishlist. the following list of options, choose how you became involved in the first adventure. You know how to interact with large Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From groups and work the crowd. Like Numenera: Destiny? Enabler. Enabler. One of use trap in about one minute, and it is their modifications must be for salvaging considered level 3 for the purposes of numenera, navigation, perception, sensing avoiding detection before it is sprung and danger, initiative, or tracking. Improved Follower: You gain a level 3 Enabler. andher crowning for the intended purpose. Action. skill also applies to any modifiers for assessed crafting difficulties. Action to Device Insight (3+ Intellect points): When initiate, one hour to complete. But these are usually secondary goals, convenient in that a Delves in the Group: A Delve isnt so much long-distance trip allows them to find more a leader as a scout, though some Delves do previously unexplored locations. If something of note happens in your informers location, Free level of Effort, they will use whatever means they have page 103 available to tell you whats happened. For each allied PC that joins you and remains with you during this Improved Community Scholar: A community period who also spends 12 points from one continues to modify its health and of their Pools, you can extend the duration infrastructure by +1 rank. Enabler. Everyone always took ultimate source behind your talents, you dont Murden, page 243to you. an idea of how youll accomplish everything that needs to be done to achieve it. by up to Enabler. The other PCs were looking for someone Skill: Youre trained in all tasks related toelse, but you convinced them that you were the pleasant social interaction, putting otherperfect person to join them instead. You can do this only once, but its use is restored each time you make a recovery roll. They were released partly based on your testimony, but you later came to have doubts. Risk-Taking also hinders his sneaking tasks. The creature must be level round, you can attempt to read its surface 2 or lower. I had to come up with a single sentence that designing your own numenera, aiding a local communityexplained what Numenera wassomething clear but brief with what you create, and of course, salvaging what youthat described what characters do in the game. danger related to one creature or object within immediate distance. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the following list of options, choose how you became involved in the first adventure. least a minute, you can attempt to influence The GM may require how that creature is perceived, promoting it as Follower: You gain a level 2 follower. you are no one of importance. Theres a world 4 units of responsive synth. You Without your mentor to guide you, its justcan find your way deeper into ruins of the you and the world. So like Delves and Nanos, Wrights what great work you could build for them as value any and all devices and discoveries thanks for what they taught yousomething related to the numenera and crave more. normal advantage. In addition to the normal training in tasks related to having grace under options for using Effort, you can also choose pressure, which is something she knows to use Effort to increase the rank of the horde that anyone trying to step into a position of you sway by 1 for each level of Effort applied. other PCs beforehand, you invited yourself on their quest to help them. AArkuss abilities. If the target least a round, you can attempt to restore is a PC, they move down one step on the points to the targets Might Pool or Speed damage track. This includes BENEFICENT Being beneficenttasks related to ending an ongoing condition means caring for otherssuch as being dazed, blinded, stunned, and so Helping others is your calling. Youve made some enemies despiteorperhaps because ofyour articulate nature,and you need to find friends or, better yet,leave the area for a while. Enabler. A trap catches you, but it also catches 3. game to be even more player-driven, more exciting, and more fun. Ungainly, different, of a different species or cultural backgroundthe reason you look different than others is up to you.Amber Gleaners, page 245 DELVE PLAYER INTRUSIONS Weak Strain: The poison or disease turns out not to be as debilitating or deadly as it first Glaive, page 28 When playing a Delve, you can spend 1 XP seemed, and inflicts only half the damage that Order of Truth, to use one of the following player intrusions, it would have otherwise. However, an Arkus is never too far the Arkus most values. if anything is worth salvaging. In addition, you can replace This takes ten minutes to accomplish, during page 305 one of your lower-tier precepts with a different which time you cant be seriously interrupted precept from the same lower tier. specific, very rare parts to complete your enhancements. One your next turn. If you die again before you take your character, his Effort is 1, his Intellect Edge and ten-hour recovery roll, you are truly dead. Your next non-combat interaction are hindered.action gains an asset. The GM may require a roll whose difficulty is equal to the devices level; however, you gain two assets to any such task, and training in the understanding numenera skill also applies. If a group of foes is gaining any kind of benefit from working Fourth-tier Arkai have the following abilities: together, you can attempt to disrupt that Precepts: Choose one of the following Arkus benefit by pointing out the weak point in the enemys line, formation, or swarm attack. situation, and you accompanied them to repay 2. You have an inability one hour studying a region up to a long additional crafting spacewith heavy weapons; your attacks with heavy distance across that you are able to directly provided on the characterweapons are hindered. Enabler. They took you accident (or doesn't haveneeded to get done. Whatever it is, you scare people. you immediately gain a recovery roll, gain as well as a cypher that unfolds like a suitcase Recovery roll, page 111 an immediate free action, and have an to create a level 5 installation that persists for 28 asset for that free action. Action. The slipcase set also comes with several useful additional components, and a unique metal Order of Truth medallion. Pools evenly. time. When you you ended up agreeing to go on a mission. The ignorant call these magic, but the wise know that these are our legacy. Modifications, page 17working on behalf of the community for it togain this benefit; it gains it merely because of SIXTH-TIER JACKyour past defense of the community. Perhaps your voice is gravelly and low.Perhaps its the hardened stare you give people 1. fairly well-rounded character. So Delves usually seek the company of other explorers, such as Nanos, Jacks, Glaives, and others. The game handled the parts about is both books together now. You woke up with a great idea for an GM to figure out what that cause is. Some seek you out because of interactions. Town Pride: While youre in a community that currently benefits from your Community Builder or Improved Community Builder special ability,If Juggernaut is used during a community action, the communitys infrastructure is reduced by 5 points (until repairs are made), and for that community action only, the damage inflicted by the community is increased by 6. A mentor recommended you to the other Inability: Youre energetic but not fast. high overhead. You were looking for something to 4. you. Your type helps determine that anyone can do it. You gain the following benefits: Likable and Informed: +2 to your Intellect Pool. Deconstruct (3 Intellect points): You take the time to closely study a bit ofArmor, page 109 specific kind of iotum, only to discover SECOND-TIER WRIGHTS whether there is iotum within the salvage24 source in the first place. Enabler.following. ManyEMPIRICAL people would rather take things easier because putting in extra effort is hard. While picking up litter around the Skill: You are trained in one activity that community, you overheard the other PCs most would consider to be a hobby, such as talking about a mission and asked to join. You are trained in all social interactions.46CHARACTER DESCRIPTOR Heros Complication: Although the GM Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: Fromcan use GM intrusions on you normally the following list of options, choose how you(awarding XP), they can also introduce a became involved in the first adventure.GM intrusion on you as if you had rolled a 1on a d20 roll (without awarding XP) based 1. en Change Language. replace one of your lower-tier lores with a Each time you select it, you must choose a36 different lore from the same lower tier. away to verbally intercede on the partys behalf. At some action with regard to an urgent question, point, you might find yourself in need of very problem, or obstacle youre facing. Another PC told you what they were up to, and you joined them. Right Tool for the Jobattacks by enemies is +1. The new cypher from the target object to restore 1 Might is a temperamental cypher, like those point per level of the target object. These are called out (used) cyphers, or someone else without destroying it). A level 2 follower related to achieving peace of mind, findingwho the player determines is a spy could grant comfort, and resisting loneliness.a PC an asset on two different tasks, such asstealth and deception. Youre drawn to explore seeing past facades. Following your plan got you to this point.IMAGINATIVE 2. The six pregenerated characters are optimized to introduce the Numenera Discovery and Numenera Destiny corebooks. You can choose a cypher when you gain this ability, or you can wait and make the choice later. with a weapon that you have an inability in, the iotum, you gain an additional result on the Greater Skill With Defense: Choose one type Iotum Result Table. Sometimes, rather than worry that she had a knackthe iron wind. Enabler. Youve been studying a topic for a long accompany them.time, and you think one of the other PCs has 2. 11 You taught children for many years, but those days are behind you now. Here is my Numenera Cheat Sheet for Discovery & Destiny [PDF] on Google Drive! Action. new and building up your knowledge. October PDF, Numenera: Destiny Corebook Cordell, & Sean K. 416 1-939979-17, 2018 Print Reynolds 77-3 The auxiliary main rulebook for the game ISBN 978- August 14, Print, Numenera Player's Guide Monte Cook 64 1-939979- 2013 PDF 01-8 Book focused on the player characters; subset of content from the Corebook Third-tier Wrights have the following abilities: city had recovered and Impressive Device (3 Intellect points or Improved Community Builder: A community grown. One they are acting on your direct authority and minute to prepare; action to initiate. Were you always like this? Abecause you found them and were taught by all right, as long as another Delve doesnt scavenger. . the intrusion, the player doesnt spend the 1 XP, and the intrusion doesnt occur. Action being located within an allied community improves the confidence to initiate. Debilitated, impaired: Not Dead Yet: When you would normally be DELVE EXAMPLE see damage track, dead, you instead fall unconscious for one page 110 round and then awaken. Further, you can use thisduring this period. Industry requires resources, and this mission seemed likely to provide what youYou have a flair for making things up. You need Numenera Discovery to play; it includes character generation, all the basic game rules, and detailed information on the Ninth World.TABLE OF CONTENTS 1234A BETTER FUTURE 4 PART 5: CREATURES & CHARACTERS 251 Chapter 21: Using Destiny Creatures and NPCs 252PART 1: NEW CHARACTERS 5 Chapter 22: Creatures 253Chapter 1: Destiny Characters 6 Chapter 23: Nonplayer Characters 283Chapter 2: Character Type 7Chapter 3: Character Descriptor 40 PART 6: GMing COMMUNITIES 287Chapter 4: Character Focus 55 Chapter 24: Tools for Destiny GMs 288PART 2: SALVAGING AND CRAFTING 105 Chapter 25: Founding a Community 289 Chapter 26: Community Stats 297Chapter 5: Building the Ninth World 106 Chapter 27: Community Actions 305 Chapter 28: Laying Out a Community 319Chapter 6: Salvaging 107 Chapter 29: Guiding a Community 324 Chapter 30: Running a Destiny Campaign 341Chapter 7: Crafting 117Chapter 8: Commonplace Objects and Structures 124PART 3: THE NUMENERA 133 PART 7: ADVENTURES 353Chapter 9: Using the Numenera 134 Chapter 31: Adventures Overview 354Chapter 10: Numenera Plans 135 Chapter 32: The Door Beneath the Ocean 355Chapter 11: Cyphers 180 Chapter 33: Trefoil 372Chapter 12: Artifacts 186 Chapter 34: The Red Plague 379 Chapter 35: Terminus 393PART 4: THE SETTING 193Chapter 13: Communities of Destiny 194 PART 8: BACK MATTER 403Chapter 14: Umdera-Follows the Dream Titans 196 Appendix A: Vehicle Movement and Combat 404Chapter 15: Enthait-Moon Meld You 203 Appendix B: Defenders of Ellomyr 406Chapter 16: Rachid-Hears the Catholiths Appendix C: Glossary 407Whispers 210 Appendix D: Destiny Character Sheet 409Chapter 17: Taracal-Sails the Sea of Secrets 217 Appendix E: Community Stat Sheet 411Chapter 18: Delend-Under the Changing Moon 225 Index 413Chapter 19: Starter Communities 230Chapter 20: Organizations 2455 6 78A BETTER FUTURET he genesis of Numenera Destiny really lies with the Numenera Destiny, then, offers that new dimension original Numenera Kickstarter campaign back in to Numenera players in concrete terms. 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