sermon on galatians 6:9

The sixteenth chapter of the second book of that memorable review of his literary career, contains corrections of certain points on which he believed that he had not been sufficiently accurate in these discussions. Seek to understand the hidden laws of that outward and inward life. Remember the evil one never gets discouraged or weary.4. Then, secondly, this weariness often arises from a sense of our own insufficiency. The man who labours most for the good of others is most effectively employed in training his own soul.3. What the injunction "to grow in grace" does not mean. Zeal is sometimes without knowledge, and zeal is often without patience; we look for the oak, without giving the acorn time to germinate; we desire to gather the cool and delicious fruit, forgetful of the preliminary processes of vegetation. (1)Some think their work less important than at first. We all desire change, Monotony is irksome. Does not every effort to help on the one hand, depress and deprave on the other? vii. 14. 17. Again: unwearied continuance in "well-doing" has the distinct promise of success.(G. "In Due Season we Shall Reap if we Faint Not" (Gal. Weariness. Hope breeds patience, and patience breeds perseverance. The difficulty of the problem depresses and disheartens us.I. M. Punshon, D. D.I. )Christian enduranceW. SOME PLACES WHERE WE ARE LIABLE TO GROW WEARY.1. 'For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love.'--GAL. A Due Reaping. The traveller gets weary on his journey, whether by sea or land; the student bending over his studies through a long period, cannot escape that fatigue which attends a close and intense application of thought; the labourer, when his day's work is done, often turns to his home with a tired look and a faltering step; the sick man upon his couch feels the passing hours to be weary as they creep through the darkness of the night or the light of day, bringing no ease to his pains nor strength to his weakness; the watcher by the bedside grows faint with watching, and the overtasked eyes grapple with the slumber that steals upon them in vain. Watson.It is a strange sight, to see a busy devil, and an idle Christian.2. If, then, we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, that is sin, "we deceive ourselves," says the apostle. And if the least of us could only anticipate the eternal issues that will probably Rev. (1) And in the first place, we are bound to regard the bodies of our fellow-creatures. The man who is resolved to ruin himself has the evil propensities of his fallen nature to help him. 16 (R.V.). 'As we have therefore'--that points a finger backwards to what has gone before. The wants of the world and the wants of the Church demand action. He suc-ceeded, and the exertion of helping to save his friend, kindled a glow of warmth in himself. In the former chapter we have shown, from Scripture and from reason, that our Church teaches only the plain truth, when she confesses that: "After Adam's fall, all men, begotten after the common course of nature, are born with sin." Everything worth having requires a struggle.III. 5. Seek to understand the hidden laws of that outward and inward life. UNWEARINESS IN WELL-DOING.1. Then the assumption is, that we have begun "well-doing," because he who has not begun to do well, can never be said to be in any risk or danger of being weary in it.2. We learned from Numbers vi, GOD'S requirements of those who desire to take the privileged position of separation to Himself. If you say a man is doing well, you mean to say that a man is increasing in his wealth, his influence, or his connections. The absence of variety is painful, and transforms the period over which it extends into a desert a sandy plain; while, were there to be the entire negation of variety, life would be insupportable, and, like solitary confinement would soon become the harbinger of death. Place yourself amid its events. 'As we have therefore'--that points a finger backwards to what has gone before. So in His "own season" that is, the season which is peculiarly adapted for the purpose; the season which God knows to be the most appropriate; the season that shall best fit in to all the other declarations which God shall make of His majesty, His justice, and His power, as well as His love, His mercy, and His grace: at that time "we shall reap, if we faint not." vi. 4. Action is at once the destiny and the lot of man. Watson.The husbandman doth not desire to reap till the season; he will not reap his corn while it is green, but when it is ripe; so we shall reap the reward of glory in due season; when our work is done, when our sins are purged out, when our graces are come to their full growth; then is the season of reaping; therefore let us not be weary of well-doing, but hold on in prayer, reading, and all the exercises of religion; we shall "reap in due season, if we faint not."(T. and not weary of well-doing.12. Watson.The husbandman doth not desire to reap till the season; he will not reap his corn while it is green, but when it is ripe; so we shall reap the reward of glory in due season; when our work is done, when our sins are purged out, when our graces are come to their full growth; then is the season of reaping; therefore let us not be weary of well-doing, but hold on in prayer, reading, and all the exercises of religion; we shall "reap in due season, if we faint not."(T. (4) Because there is an end which will fulfil all our hope for humanity in sight. In the former chapter we have shown, from Scripture and from reason, that our Church teaches only the plain truth, when she confesses that: "After Adam's fall, all men, begotten after the common course of nature, are born with sin." Not entirely of course, but too much. 6) in imprinting Himself on the soul, impresses the characters of His different states; and to bear all the states of Jesus Christ is far more sublime, than merely Madame GuyonA Short and Easy Method of PrayerGrowth in Grace. A. They toiled a good while and got nothing. A MOTIVE TO WELL-DOING. To give you an instance of the use which is always made of it, I may mention the place where we are told that the Jews found fault with Christ because He made Himself equal with God, saying that God was His Father: "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." vi. The powerful antidote to the threatening evil "for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." There is infinite goodness in this arrangement, inasmuch as it opens to us one of the richest sources of happiness; for what joy is comparable to that of bringing joy to others?II. L. Galton, M. )PeopleGalatians, PaulPlacesGalatiaTopicsAbate, Courage, Desponding, Due, Faint, Faint-hearted, Grain, Grow, Harvest, Heart, Lose, Proper, Reap, Reward, Season, Tired, Weariness, Weary, Well-doingOutline1. The harvest will amply repay the labour. The Hindrances to MourningWhat shall we do to get our heart into this mourning frame? Place yourself amid its events. About that there is no doubt. The months before the ingathering may often seem long and wearisome, and verily be heart-breaking things, but God's "seasons" are not always measurable by our forecastings, even though the harvest is pledged by His oath and His promise. and not weary of well-doing.12. "(Bright: Notes on the Canons, pp. When it comes it will abundantly repay us.The present reward is (1)The conversion of the children. 1 The love of sin. Keep Christ in full view. vi. Charles Jr. John 20:30-31 is the purpose statement of Johns Gospel: Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his. The original means "loosened." I encouraged her to "labour and to wait." The confession of time will be the ascription of all eternity: "By the grace of God I am what I am!" Spurgeon. The difficulty of the problem depresses and disheartens us.I. THE ADMONITION.1. R. Reynolds, B. But blessed are they that endure to the end singing patiently and sweetly, till all join in with loving acquiescence, and universal harmony prevails without forcing into submission the free discord of a single voice. ITS SPHERES.1. By well-doing here we are to understand, in general, the duties we owe to God, our neighbour, and ourselves. V)LinksGalatians 6:9 NIVGalatians 6:9 NLTGalatians 6:9 ESVGalatians 6:9 NASBGalatians 6:9 KJVGalatians 6:9 Bible AppsGalatians 6:9 ParallelGalatians 6:9 Biblia ParalelaGalatians 6:9 Chinese BibleGalatians 6:9 French BibleGalatians 6:9 German BibleGalatians 6:9 CommentariesBible Hub. R. Reynolds, B. We find Daniel, in the reign of Cyrus, saying "In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks; I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled." Jesus Christ, to whom it is abandoned, and whom it follows as the Way, whom it hears as the Truth, and who animates it as the Life, impressing Himself upon it, imparts to it His own condition. Watson. (2)The rearing of a generation of worship-loving people. AugustineOf the Work of Monks. It may be found upon the mountain's top, amid the sweep of winds and the wrapt curtain of clouds; where two or three are met together in the name of Christ to worship God, and to believe in the work of His redemption. My Father worketh hitherto, and I work."3. The text speaks of "fainting." Watson. I shall pursue the following method: I. A MOTIVE TO WELL-DOING. Sunday-school teachers may appropriate this.3. )Perseverance in well-doingJ. WELL-DOING IS POSSIBLE THROUGH AIDS OFFERED IN THE GOSPEL. Help others. The third persevering grace is love. The mighty name by which we are called.III. Was it not love, to fill the universe with animated beings, and to pour the riches of beauty and happiness over creation? SOME PLACES WHERE WE ARE LIABLE TO GROW WEARY.1. Weariness in well-doing is part of the universal weariness; the slow movement of the flesh under high compulsions; the deadness of the soul itself to truth, and Christ, and the eternal world. It transforms the mere doer into a well-doer. Simple fatigue.2. (2) But we must not exclude man as a responsible and immortal being. If a man should set himself to improve his mind and manners simply out of a desire to be something better than he had been, he would still, in the doing, be helping others, for he would become a more valuable member of society. In these cases there is distress, indeed, but no disgrace; pity, but not scorn: but let a work be begun, and left through vacillation of purpose a great work be undertaken, and be unfulfilled through childish waywardness, and no wonder if they that go by "begin to mock," while the artificer is ashamed and distressed. H. GerberdingThe Way of Salvation in the Lutheran ChurchAnd to Holy David Indeed it Might More Justly be Said22. We find Jacob wrestling with the wondrous angel of God's covenant through the entire night, and prevailing not till the morning began to break. In the first place, it refers individually to ourselves doing well, or doing good, with regard to ourselves. Do you ask me, then, what kind of reaping you shall have? What is proof of growth in grace. Our narrow views of life account for much of our weariness in well-doing. events were vitalized. Keep Christ in full view. We find Jacob wrestling with the wondrous angel of God's covenant through the entire night, and prevailing not till the morning began to break. "In due season we shall reap, if we faint not."--GAL. Whatever power can afford to rest, the power of evil never grows weary.3. Supposing that Sunday School teacher had built the pyramids, it would have been undeniably a great result of persistent labour, but it would have been such labour as would last at the longest for a limited time, and its use would be problematical, for we are not very sure why and for what the pyramids were built. The powerful antidote to the threatening evil "for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." This life is not merely for contemplation.2. Love may be compared to the rod of myrtle in the traveller's hand, which refresheth him, and keeps him from being weary in his journey. Those who cease well-doing cannot obtain the promised reward.(J. He has VariousThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 10On Mysteries --God Gives them Here in Reality. vi. (5)The difficulty of the work.III. The insidious character of our temptations to weariness.IV. R. Reynolds, B. A.Consider the victims of falsehood and idolatry. The reaping time will come.2. )Perseverance in well-doingJ. R. Reynolds, B. A.Let us not be weary in well-doing in consequence of I. Viney, D. D.It is the part of religion to teach man to do well. )Unwearied in errorH. events were vitalized. VI. The fulfilment of the Christian vocation is connected with certain reward in the future. While I was doing it it was not pleasant, but after I had got through it was permanent refreshment. (3)The training of real home missionaries. Faith keeps from fainting; faith gives a substance to things not seen, and makes them to be as it were present, As a perspective glass makes those things which are at a distance near to the eye, so doth faith: heaven and glory seem near. Working from wrong impulses.(1)Praise.(2)Pride. By its natural birth, from sinful parents, it is not in the kingdom of God, but in the realm and under the dominion of sin, death and the devil. A third thought suggested by the view given us in the text of the Christian's vocation is that the believer is endowed, by God, with the capacity for imparting blessing to his fellow-men. (5)The difficulty of the work.III. The Christian sometimes scarce can hear his own voice amid the multitude; and ever and anon comes the temptation to sing louder than they, and drown the voices that cannot be forced into perfect tune. As they skirt a perilous precipice he cannot pray, Lord, hold up my goings in a safe path, that my footsteps slip not, but as to my guide and companions, they must look out for themselves.' As a sinful being the new-born infant is not in the Way of Salvation. Let us not forget that "he that soweth to the flesh," etc. See Westcott's account of it, On the New Testament Canon, p. 498 ff. "He that watereth shall be watered also himself." M. Merry.I. How much is there to induce this spirit, and to render the exhortation against it appropriate. We know from experience, that perseverance, either with respect to earthly or heavenly things, is scarcely ever without success. You are but a channel; His is the power; and that power can be communicated through you.2. By bearing the Cross.IV. Christian slept in the arbour after ascending the hill Difficulty.II. 10. We are constantly hearing of the disappointments which come to all Christian workers; indeed of the discouragements which come to all benevolent helpers of all kinds. And surely there is disgrace. "We shall reap, if we faint not."2. M. Merry.I. I MUST conclude this Course of Lectures by giving converts instructions on the subject of growth in grace. And to holy David indeed it might more justly be said, that he ought not to have been angry; no, not with one however ungrateful and rendering evil for good; yet if, as man, anger did steal over him, he ought not to have let it so prevail, that he should swear to do a thing which either by giving way to his rage he should do, or by breaking his oath leave undone. THE MOTIVE. Weariness of mind and of body is common to most men. It is not so much a change in the energy as in the direction. (4)The want of appreciation. As introductory to the following dissertation, I shall explain and define certain terms that frequently occur in it, especially canon, apocryphal, ecclesiastical, and the like. Further incentives to perseverance may be found in the peculiar and insidious character of the temptations to which well-doing is exposed.1. The difficulty of the problem depresses and disheartens us.I. It is nothing for Him to speak to that child that you cannot affect, and the work is done. How much is there to induce this spirit, and to render the exhortation against it appropriate. She received us with that easy openness and affability which is almost peculiar to Christians John WesleyThe Journal of John Wesley"Hear the Word of the Lord, Ye Rulers of Sodom, Give Ear unto the Law of Our God, Ye People of Gomorrah,"Isaiah i. God acts not without a plan.3. A Christian will not be weary of service, that hath the crown in his eye. M. Punshon, D. D.)Be not wearyJames Sherman.I. vii. Lift up Rev. The language was written, as we find, under inspiration, by Paul to the Church at Galatia. God knows this tendency of man's mind, and has provided for it for what is there that does not change? B. The next day his comrade that remained found a nugget of gold that supported him until he made a fortune. Help others. Well-doing is an important feature of the Christian character. )The cause and cure of weariness in Sabbath School teacherC. (2) But we must not exclude man as a responsible and immortal being. Hope animates the spirits: it is to the soul as cork to the net, which keeps it from sinking. v. 6. I MUST conclude this Course of Lectures by giving converts instructions on the subject of growth in grace. The months before the ingathering may often seem long and wearisome, and verily be heart-breaking things, but God's "seasons" are not always measurable by our forecastings, even though the harvest is pledged by His oath and His promise. Believer! He does not always, alas, do right; but it is the object of religion of revelation to induce him to do so. In these cases there is distress, indeed, but no disgrace; pity, but not scorn: but let a work be begun, and left through vacillation of purpose a great work be undertaken, and be unfulfilled through childish waywardness, and no wonder if they that go by "begin to mock," while the artificer is ashamed and distressed. Love is the sovereign attribute of God in relation to man. The expression there is the same that is found here; His own Father; God was His own Father. The task set us is listlessly performed; interest flags; no great results are expected; mechanical routine gradually steals into the holiest service. At length his faith, his patience, and his submission received their rich reward: "behold, a certain man clothed in linen" appeared to him and said. A. The expression "due," is a word which is elsewhere translated "own." The full harvest hereafter. )The beauty of a Christian is to hold on in pietyT. From this post he was called to Central Congregational Church, Brooklyn, with but one exception the largest Congregational Church in the United States. Can be communicated through you.2 of the temptations to which well-doing is an end which will all. -- GAL an end which will fulfil all our hope for humanity in sight of beauty and happiness creation... 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