sermon on rebuilding

Life can deal you things that you never thought was possible. A. Baptist. Priests built (3:1), apothecaries built (3:8), some women built (3:12), rulers built (3:14), Levites built (3:17), gate-keepers built (3:29), goldsmiths and merchants built (3:32). Christian Church. They worked in an environment that was overwhelmingly negative, with each days news reports explaining why they couldnt do exactly what they were doing. There might be famine, hardship, bankruptcy, national emergencies or personal crisis. Nehemiah 1:1-4 (NIV) read more. This is the 4th sermon in the series "Rebuilding". The wall had lain in the rubble for decades because no one had the spiritual insight and fortitude to rebuild it. It may be your personal Bible study. They learned as they worked. to build and to plant." ( Jeremiah 1:10) God sent Jeremiah to pluck up, break down, destroy, and overthrow. Your Bible study. But Ezra was shocked to see the ruins and the shocking lack of progress. The year is 445 BC, the 20th year of his reign. Nehemiah 1:1-4, Nehemiah 2:17-19. 2) Nehemiah and the people prayed (4:9). David understands this perfectly. Disobey Me and youll be carried off into captivity. Thats what happened. 1) They remembered the Lord (4:14). The northern kingdom became known as Israel, and it had almost all of the natural resources, and the very best cash flow. I can They willingly headed straight into tough times. read more, Scripture: We can learn about revival from Nehemiahs rebuilding the walls We don't know exactly how big the walls of the city were at that time. God had told them: Obey Me and youll live in the land for a long time. Christian/Church Of Christ. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Gods people had lived in Israel for centuries before. They returned from captivity in a trip that would take today, about four hours by air, even counting for a security check at the airport. This process allows you to re-build your character, acknowledging that you have worth in God's eyes. 4) God does not want everyone to be rich and prosperous like the false preachers today claim, but God does want you to grow in grace. It is important for us to realize that Nehemiah was, in the words of J. I. Packer, "a church builder." 1 Without the restoration of the walls of the city of Jerusalem, there could have been no normal or healthy city life. Just as God's children had to rebuild the temple sometime we have to rebuild ourselves. ", The merchant in the old store, the little store surrounded by the big bully, had a banner of his own. It happened at a time when the captivity of the Jews had already come to an end. read more, Scripture: When you are rebuilding, there will be struggles. read more, Denomination: And he that sounded the trumpet was by me. I. In this passage of Scripture we see the wisdom of Nehemiah as he prepares to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The people focused on the Lords goodness Every one of the new heroes Jerusalem came to know did their work in the hardest times they had ever known. I heard an old preacher say, The Bible tells us to love our neighbors and to love our enemies, probably because they are generally the same people. In the case of the Jews rebuilding the Is there a wall that is broken down and lying in decay? He was a great leader whom God used to pull off a phenomenal feat: he instilled a vision in God's remnant in Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city. Your community. Anglican. The setting is about 500 years before the time of Christ. Lean times, they would tell us, will demand either defeat, or a victory. Nehemiah 4:18, Todays message is about being like Jesus. And yet Atlanta would rise from the ashes, bigger and more fantastic than could have ever been imagined in just 14 decades ago. read more, Scripture: Since the heart of these lean times comes from not having as much money as we used to, what about the money? 1. The last year has been one of the most confusing, troubling, and heartbreaking for many Christians in America, especially for younger believers. Nehemiah 4:1-23 Rebuilding the Altar (Ezra 3:1-6) When Noah's family come out of the ark, the first thing he does is to build an altar to the Lord and make a sacrifice (Genesis 8:20). God becomes our wall. With that understanding, we need to start rebuilding. What about another point of application? God is going to make the call as to whether one goes to heaven, or one goes to hell. Focusing on renewal and cooperation. A. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. Once Nehemiah convinced the beleaguered residents of Jerusalem to join an all-in effort to rebuild the walls, they had to deal with any number of obstacles. Now walls represent two things among others. There will be a mess. There's no doubtwe've been frazzled. The inscription recalls the life of a man who made the laying of that church's enduring stones possible long ago, and it reads as follows: Today, more than 5 million people live in the metro-Atlanta area, fighting gridlock as they drive among the gleaming skyscrapers, past the great sports stadiums, college campuses, and the states gold-domed capital building. But not if individual Christians and individual families say: You know what, the first thing Im doing with my money is what Ive always done with it. It was a project that required Gods help. But there was also this: Ezra 3:12-13 But many of the older priests, Levites, and family leaders, who had seen the first temple, wept loudly when they saw the foundation of this house, but many [others] shouted joyfully. If there is one thing which should summarize the Christian church, it is mission. Nehemiah was aware of the PROBLEM. Abraham, too, when he comes to a new place, would build an altar (Genesis 12:7-8; 13:4, 18; 22:9), as did Isaac and Jacob after him (Genesis 26:25; 33:20; 35:1, 3, 7). Nehemiah 1:1-7:3. In the early days, it must have been impossible to think that within a century, Atlanta would be one of the largest cities in America, and on its way to becoming one of the best-known cities in the world. You will find that some of the challenges you face are like what Gods people face in building the second temple. The faith challenge is simple. He wants you to remain broken down. Nehemiah 3:1-32 Ill give the first portion to the Lord, and figure out how the rest of lifes expenses are sorted out after Ive done that.. The most obvious application point deals with our offerings at church. This sermon encourages believers that rebuilding our lives is not impossible when it is covered with believing prayer. Nehemiah shows us how to rebuild successfully. 3) You will never rebuild an area of your life until you clearly see the need as God sees it. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson so she said: If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, "Let my brother have the first pancake. The setting is about 500 years before the time of Christ. But amidst the challenges, it takes uncommon trust and surrender to tackle what God is asking. Series: Rebuilding [#5] Nehemiah 1:1-11. In an individual life, then, the rebuilding of the walls would be a picture of re-establishing the strength of that life. read more, Scripture: Introduction: The rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall was a physical project, but it was also a spiritual project. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again., Scripture: For those possessing a precious copy of the Scriptures, God's Word would remind them of God's promises to restore Israel. Introduction: read more, Scripture: As we look at this passage, I want us to focus on what God would have us do as we prepare to rebuild the walls of our spiritual lives. The same power with which God brought judgment against the brokenness of Israel is the power with which he promised to eventually rebuild what was broken. As we take a look at a man named Nehemiah, who returned to Israel after a 70-year captivity took place in Babylon, we learn what rebuilding after a horrific event looks like. read more, Scripture: There was much pain associated with the world leaders of those eras. Your participation is necessary. Many pastors have felt the pain in the weeks that followed an extended period of closure due to reduced Ezra knew it, Nehemiah knew it, Jesus knew it, and you either have known it, are knowing it now, or will know it. It motivated them to action. I will build them up, and not tear them down; I will plant them, and not pluck them up (Jeremiah 24:6). Pentecostal. Introduction: Ezra is the story of a great revival. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. The setting is about 500 years before the time of Christ. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Ezra is the story of a great revival. After seeing its best days ever under David, and then Solomon, Israel foolishly divided with a Civil War. They walked, they carried their supplies, they made very slow time. The Lord uses Nehemiah to show us some walls that need to be rebuilt for revival to take place. read more, Scripture: The only thing that doesnt go up in lean times is the income we have to spend on things that suddenly cost more. Through human history governments, militaries have constructed defensive walls to keep enemies at bay. 2001. As we close this sermon, I want to thank our Savior for the work He has taken to rebuild our broken lives. Nehemiah 4:6, Nehemiah 6:15-16. In my first sermon, I explained how the enemy had destroyed the walls and the gates of YIA. 2017 has probably raised more questions and fears than most, leaving many of us asking over and over again, God, what are you doing? Order Curriculum, Literature, and Church Supplies, by Andy Cook on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. You will find that some of the challenges you face are like what Gods people face in building the second temple. 1 The words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah: in the month of Kislev in the twentieth year, while I was in the citadel of Susa, Title: A Year of Rebuilding Nehemiah 1:1-11, Denomination: God takes a defeated and exiled people and moves dramatically to send them back to Jerusalem. We may not understand it, but you can count on it. Hearing about the instructions wont be sufficient. The room was full of workers and Jeremiah 29:10, Ezra 1:1-4, Isaiah 44:28, Nehemiah task is to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. The people agreed. The housing market has changed dramatically, dramatic stock market losses have taken huge bites out of once-healthy retirement accounts, and credit that was once easily obtained is suddenly in a lock-down mode. By and large, Americans arent starving, arent walking, arent living in garbage dumps and arent sending under-clothed children out scavenging for food. Every lesson of value seems to come in the midst of difficult circumstances. One was committed to preaching, one was committed to action. Nehemiah 3:1-32. read more, Scripture: Text: Nehemiah Chapter 1 The outline I borrowed but the sermon is mine. Nehemiah 1:1-4, Denomination: The Lord uses Nehemiah to show us some walls that need to be rebuilt for revival to take place. The Book of Ezra Weve learned this and lived this even moreso since Katrina. ENDURING THE STRUGGLES OF REBUILDING Perhaps the state of repair of the walls will not epitomise A series of sermon preached during the rebuilding of the churchs youth ministry. Doctor: Your other leg wont need to be He was not just aware that Admit your needs. This implies that we This is the 3rd sermon in the series "Rebuilding". Series: Rebuilding [#3] Nehemiah shows us how to rebuild successfully. Disobey Me and youll be carried off into captivity. Thats what happened. Do your children seem even further away from the Lord? They worked with a sword in one hand, and a brick trowel in the other. If your mother or father or brother or sister or friend gets sick and requires constant care, thats tough. Gather my people Which do you want first? read more, Scripture: Opening illustration: Rebuilding PCB On a tour of the facilities, the new CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall. REBUILDING FOR THE FUTURE The Lord fulfilled His promise through Jeremiah after 70 years (Jer 25:11-12). Your spiritual condition is not what you try to portray to others on the outside. Marshall Segal is a writer and managing editor at They ignored the opposition That time He told me two things. 1) The devil opposed the work on the wall. I know I'm not easy to work with, but I have this assurance which is found in Philippians 1:6 (ESV): 6 And I am sure of this, that he . There are times when we have to start over and when we do, we need to get started right. But the commission to Jeremiah doesn't end with destruction. Disobey Me and youll be carried off into captivity. Thats what happened. to build and to plant. (Jeremiah 1:10), God sent Jeremiah to pluck up, break down, destroy, and overthrow. That kind of judgment and destruction makes up most of the book of Jeremiah (and the rest of the Prophets for that matter). Politically they were looking for REBUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Ezra and Nehemiah would hand you a trowel and a sword, and point to the area of the city where you could go to work. Nehemiah 1:1-11 Are world leaders still under Gods control? I definitely thank Him for His patience and for His willingness to persevere in what He started to do. It is what God knows to be true deep down on the inside. God had told them: "Obey Me and you'll live in the land for a long time. Our churches have become complacent like the people of Nehemiahs day and we need Revival. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Note Gods promise to those who add to their faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly love, and charity: (2 Peter 1:8) For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the sound was heard far away. Rom. read more, Scripture: The Gospel and the church is about rebuilding or healing brokenness. They rebuild the destroyed temple of God. He wants to make you spiritually strong. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. It takes determination. The apostle mentions his fellow ministers, in part, to show how important relational dynamics are in the exercise of Christian authority. 3 OVERCOMING OBSTACLES AND OPPOSITION WITH GOD 4 WHEN YOU FACE OPPOSITION AS YOU TRY TO REBUILD Hell thrive in tough times. The temple's foundation became a concrete . A. Focusing on renewal and cooperation. Millions of Americans find themselves facing the greatest struggles of their lives today, squeezed financially by rising energy costs, rising unemployment rates, fears of a national recession or even a depression. read more, Scripture: They were trusting God to take care of them, they were accepting Gods challenge to do something great, and they were confident that they were in the heart of Gods will as they took action. Go back for read more. read more, Scripture: Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! And dont take our version of lean times to ancient Jerusalem, either. In addition, a new presidential administration means more change is on the way, and no one is certain where the change will lead. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Men like Zerubbabel came to be household names in Israel, because they followed in the courageous footsteps of Ezra and Nehemiah. Actually, our version of hard times wont sell very well in the rest of the world, or in the past pages of history. A year of The Plan 1) Nehemiah inspected the condition of the wall (2:12-15). 1) The work was far too great for just Nehemiah, but when the congregation banded together and each took a part, the work quickly progressed. Life tells us that our missionaries are under a real bind, too, living on American dollars in lands where the dollar is buying far less than it used to. NEHEMIAH 4-6 REBUILDING THE WALLS Outline adapted from a sermon By Adrian Rogers July 5, 2015 So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. Nehemiah 3:1-32. Nevertheless, weve got a lot of people hurting. Our ministries at the church deal as much with energy costs as any business in town. He also says, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms . 1. The drawing on the screen shows the various sections of the wall that were rebuilt. The year is 445 BC, the 20th year of his reign. One of the reasons America is in Lean Times, frankly, is that the news media keeps telling us how bad things are. And the Romans? Your flesh will oppose you. b. Instead of overthrowing our rebellion and tossing us into hell, he tossed his own Son to the wolves of evil where he was crucified (Acts 2:23). But amidst the challenges you face are like what Gods people face in building the second.... Ever been imagined in just 14 decades ago the 20th year of his own God. Take place of those eras because no one had the spiritual insight and fortitude rebuild. Is covered with believing prayer our ministries at the church is about 500 years before the time Christ. The enemy had destroyed the walls would be a picture of re-establishing the strength of life., by Andy Cook on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM rebuilding [ # 5 Nehemiah... 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