shrek 2 transcript wiki

Donkey throws it to Gingy as the Fairy Godmother still tries to grab it. Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey get in the carriage and set out for Far Far Away. I hope Im not interrupting anything. HAROLD: Oh, no! A sign reads "200 miles to Away". HAROLD: (screaming) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONKEY: I'm sorry, the position of annoying talking animal has already been taken. You were supposed to give her the potion! Fiona enters her room where she stayed as a child. Come on, join us. - FAR FAR AWAY PALACE. Hansel and Gretel! Were on the move! Mongo is trying to pull down the drawbridge again. GODMOTHER: You see we made a deal, Harold, and I assume you dont want me to go back on my part. Where are you going? / Your troubles will soon be gone! (hisses). Fiona looks back and gives Harold a confused look before Charming nudges her closer. They pass by a waterfall and over a bridge. DONKEY: Aww, come on. Shrek comes from out of the palace, angrily barging down the stairs. SHREK: Yeah, right. GODMOTHER: What? The wand bounces on the ground and activates. The carriage takes off. GODMOTHER: Jerome, coffee and a Monte Cristo. It fades. The water is rancid and the two fish are clearly dead. Donkey runs back to Shrek and the door shuts. Im just so darn bored! Pinocchio tangles himself up in his strings after flipping and posing on the way down. Lillian tries to appear happy to meet him, while Harold doesn't even try to hide his disgusted look. FIONA: Youre unbelievable! HAROLD: Fine! And again. How do we know there will even be a ball? GODMOTHER: Sleeping Beauty. He turns the page to the next entry in the diary. Puss throws off his cape, sticks his sword into the ground, and leaps towards Shrek. A frog comes crawling out from inside the chestplate. SHREK: Quit messing around! She gives him a reassuring smile, and he tries to return one back. Look at him! Donkey solemnly walks out the door and shuts it behind him. With his claws drawn he grabs onto Shrek's leg. His clothes are much too big for him now. Por favor! Harold tosses a small sack onto the table. Shrek smiles. Happy, happy, happy! Ho-ho-ho-oh, shoot! PRINCESS TOY: Dear knight, I pray that you take this favor as a token of my gratitude. ANNOUNCER: Well, the abs are fab and its gluteus to the maximus here at tonights Far, Far Away Royal Ball Blowout! SHREK: (offended) Whats that supposed to mean? His stomach starts rumbling, and Puss and Donkey take cover behind a fallen log. The film is released by DreamWorks Animation and is distributed by Paramount Pictures. SHREK: Wellit seems that Fionas not exactly happy. FIONA: No, no, no, Dad! SHREK: Midnight! Presenting Princess Fiona and her new husband, Prince Shrek! Thats something no amount of potion will ever change. Mamas working. DONKEY: Well, I guess there is one thing Donkey drops the act and Puss jumps out from behind him, pointing his sword at the nobleman. Far, far [softly] away! Harold and Lillian run over to Fiona and kneel over her. It would be an honor to lay my life on the line for you. Hansel and Gretel? The are now in snowy mountains. A.K.A. Oh, get it off! GODMOTHER: You remember my son, Prince Charming? Just the old crusade wound playing up a bit! But not the way I feel about you. Is that you? DONKEY: Hey come on Shrek! FIONA: Will you Stop it? Must be like some finishing school or something. DONKEY: Uno, dos, quatro, hit it! Harold and Lillian follow her. Explore. GODMOTHER: Its time you stop living in a fairy tale, Shrek. GODMOTHER: A drop of desire! Shrek groans as he hears sounds of glass breaking and music playing. Head em up! She chases after him. The wand's magic hits Pinocchio and he turns back into his puppet self. Move em on! You drink that, theres no going back. HAROLD: Id hoped youd never see me like this. I dont think so. 0 references. HAROLD: Darling, Im just thinking about whats best for you. And dont worry, they're gonna love you too. A dragon roars. Lets go, Shrek! Harold and Lillian look on with concern. DONKEY: Well I dont feel any different. GODMOTHER: Banish your blemishes, tooth decay / Cellulite thighs will fade away! Charming and Fiona walk down the hallway away from Harold and Lillian. Im sorry. FIONA: It was a mistake to bring Shrek here. Think about that. She sobs and Shrek takes her in his arms. Atlantis: The Lost Empire/Script (first draft) Atlantis: The Lost Empire/Transcript. She loves that pretty boy, Prince Charming. Pretend theres nothing wrong! DONKEY: Oh! DONKEY: Look at our little mutant babies! Harold walks up to a door in the back and sees Fairy Godmother's men from before standing guard. The two giggle and Shrek takes her in his arms. FIONA: well If you want to be a part of this family, yes! In the film, race car Lightning McQueen and tow truck Mater head to Japan and Europe to compete in the World Grand Prix, but Mater becomes sidetracked with international espionage. Whats in that stuff? Anastasia (1997)/Transcript. [chuckles] Ill just stretch it out here for a while! Fiona pushes open the front doors of the palace and looks out at the rain. Shrek swings Pinocchio by his strings and throws him at Godmother. Shrek puts the hazmat suit on which only manages to cover his head. - FAR FAR AWAY PALACE. A chicken wing flies up and lands inside the rancid fish bowl. Fairy Godmother's pink carriage descends. DONKEY: Lighten up? Shrek walks through the streets with his head bowed down. Neither Harold nor Lillian appear to be approving. Two guards stand by the stairs. Youre not her father! How--whenwhen, when, when did you get back? Various makeup appliances begin to pester Fiona. Not me. SHREK: We represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign. The wolf, busy reading a magazine, is annoyed by the interruption. Godmother steps out the balcony and flies away in the pink carriage with Kyle driving. DONKEY: Oh, no. DONKEY: Let me go!! How original. Make yourself useful and go keep watch. Thieves! HAROLD: Im sure he just went off to look for a nice mud hole to cool down in. Shrek swings down the chain to the drawbridge and knocks over the three guards that were pulling on it. SHREK: Now lets go before they light the torches. CHARMING: Oh, thank heavens. Lillian walks off, and Harold follows after lingering for a few moments. Now, we have to go. Lillian cringes. DONKEY: Shes into superstitions / Black cats and voodoo dollssing it, Puss! JOAN: What the heck are the crumbs for? It follows ogres Shrek and Fiona (Cameron Diaz), now a happily married couple, enjoying their honeymoon.Everything is just fine. SHREK: Its a cat, Donkey. Oh. Shrek sniffs the potion and sneezes mucus onto a mushroom. The fireball hits him in the chest and he steps back, nearly stomping on Donkey and the rest of the group. Shrek looks down at Donkey and pats his head. DONKEY: Look at me, Shrek! He has a face that looks like it was carved by angels. He walks through the factory floor pushing the cart. I can whinny! Welcome to Friars Fat Boy, may I take your order? Oh[laughs] No ogres! He knocks on the door and an eye peeks out. Except for one potion. DONKEY: What do you mean, "not on the list"? Here we are. HAROLD: Yes, but she was supposed to choose the prince we picked out for her! Transcript A light shines down on a storybook. Spell! Harold leaps in front of Shrek and gets hit by the wand's zap as a horrible sacrifice to the kingdom! He never lets me out after sunset. GODMOTHER: Dont you think youve already messed her life up enough? The furniture starts to animate and move around. Weve got a big order to fill! Shrek hears a muffled voice. HAROLD: Uh, nothing! Move em on! How 'bout a side of sugar for the steed? MIRROR: For a happy ever after, give Fiona a call! The crowd gasps, the fanfare dies off, and one of the doves smacks into a wall and falls dead to the ground. Fiona drags the mermaid by the tail, and throws her into the sea into a group of sharks. Honestly. SHREK: Midnight?! He opens the cart to reveal Puss and Donkey crammed inside. Shrek opens the gates and they head inside. GODMOTHER: I dont care whose fault it is. She gets up and walks to the balcony, only to notice the diary opened face down. Shrek runs inside the palace to find Fiona. Charming takes off his helmet, revealing himself to be the narrator's voice. She tosses the book to the ground and pulls out another. [clears throat] "Dearest Princess Fiona. Id like you to meet my husbandShrek. SHREK: What? The noble steed. Harold's ceremonial armor chestplate deflects the magical trail back to hit Godmother. DONKEY: He just went inside looking for you. Well arent you two a sight for sore eyes! FIONA: Ugh! And well, nowwere sexy! The whole tavern gasps and Hook stop playing. Shrek Forever After Act l Goodnight Junior Shrek Forever After Act ll Closing Countertop (Fade back to Bob and Larry on the countertop) Bob: I feel like I always say this, but wow, Larry, that was great! SHREK: Oh, will you look at the time! Charming puts his hand on Fiona's face, and then she holds his face with both hands. DONKEY: What?! The page gives a huff, and walks off with the rest of the men. Find Princess Fiona! He starts to feel his new body. Allister: Evil forces to come between them, but as the script here says, love conquers all. Meet their mamas! DONKEY: Hey wait a minute, dont you want to tell me all about your trip? (sighs) But I love Fiona more. I need to go, anyway. A hooded man on horseback arrives at The Poison Apple, a ramshackle tavern. Shrek grabs the bottle. PRICILLA: And this comes with the Medieval Meal. And then we're gonna go back to the swamp where we belong. GODMOTHER: Ugh, youd better have a good reason for dragging us down here, Harold. 0 references. Its going to be champagne wishes and caviar dreams from now on! Hey, hey, hey! It opens, and a voice turns the pages and reads it. Isnt we supposed to be having a fiesta? DONKEY: Hey, you were the one who said you didn't want to stop and get directions. FIONA: Shrek! Shrek 2 is a transcript. PUSS: You are told correct, but for this I charge a great deal of money. SHREK: Good! They get closer towards each other and glare into each other's eyes. The coaches are lined up as the cream of the crop pours out of them like Miss Muffets curds and whey! FIONA: Well do you think it might be nice if somebody asked me what I wanted? Produit par DreamWorks Animation , ce film pour enfant est une parodie de contes de fes adapte du livre illustr Shrek ! GODMOTHER: A sporty carriage to ride in style / Sexy man boy chauffeur, Kyle. CHARMING: Mmm, cherry flavored. I dont want to die. Aladdin and the King of Thieves/Transcript. Its all right. Let me go! DONKEY: It looks like you most certainly am are! The show freezes frame on Shrek's face as a knight sprays him with a pepper shaker again. The streets are paved and there are buildings everywhere. Well take care of everything. This is Fionas choice. PUSS: On my honor, I am obliged to accompany you until I have saved your life as you have spared me mine. GODMOTHER: Are you going so soon? His life is interrupted after the dwarfish Lord Farquaad of Duloc exiles a vast number of fairy-tale creatures, who inadvertently end up in the swamp. He rides through a forest, snowy mountains and barren desert. Doris walks up to Charming and tries to kiss him. DONKEY: Boom! Harold walks with Fiona in arm and gives her off to Prince Charming. Do you want me to pack for you? Shrek puts the toy back and then looks over at a small chest on a table in the corner of the room. A light shines down on a same storybook from the first movie. And theres some question as to why that is? SHREK: I guess it means itll affect Fiona, too. Charming shrugs at the Fairy Godmother, who is across the room and by the stage. Yeah, Imma keep watch. The chef and a host of servers enter the room with dinner, including a whole turkey , lobster, and a pig. Godmother addresses the crowd and conjures herself a flashy, red dress. Is there anything I can do for you? Tell the truth, will I ever play the violin again? Connected to it is a giant factory with colored gases rising out from its chimneys. Shrek lets out a loud fart and the two come out from cover. PAGE: uhPrince Charming. Godmother and Kyle begin to dance and the music gets faster and more frantic. Captain Hook plays the piano and sings. To both of you. Next to him, the Headless Horseman downs a drink and burps. Im blind! What? PUSS: Now, ye ogre, pray for mercy from Pussin Boots! I got to get a job. Dont tell me you dont know who I am. SHREK: "Happiness." And thats final! They love me. And he gave you a hard time! Donkey stands in the doorway. Huh? Potions are put onto conveyor belts. Later, Shrek has some dwarves forge Fiona's wedding ring. Help me, please! Donkey hurries down the stairs and Shrek jumps off his back. Mongo, Shrek, and Gingy approach the walls surrounding the palace. Shrek stares back at Fiona, still asleep, then sighs. SHREK: Then why dont we pop in there for a spell? The dance floor is empty, except for Shrek and Fiona still slow dancing. Charming spits out the rose, scoops Fiona in his arms, and leans in for a kiss. Id like to dedicate this song toPrincess Fiona and Prince Shrek. He forces his way in and to see Fairy Godmother floating next to Fiona, who has the puppy in her arms. SHREK: TGIF, eh, buddy? Rawhide! A figure jumps down onto the path in front of them. Could you not be yourselffor five minutes! But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. We see various scenes from Shrek and Fiona's honeymoon. He then stares at a poster of a handsome man named Sir Justin stuck to the bottom of the canopy above them. It opens, and a voice turns the pages and reads it. GODMOTHER: Dont be drab, youll be fab / Your prince will have rock-hard abs / Cheese souffl, Valentines Day / Have some chicken fricassee! Larry: Aw, I forgive . NOBLEMAN'S SON: Father? Shark Tale; Kung Fu Panda 2 (transcript) Rise of the Guardians (transcript) The Emoji Movie (transcript) The Star (transcript) Early Man (transcript) Ice Age . Lets just back away slowly. Cover behind a fallen log cool down in the magical trail back to hit godmother gon go. A frog comes crawling out from cover and shuts it behind him empty, for! Fairy godmother, who has shrek 2 transcript wiki puppy in her arms and to see Fairy godmother, who the... A Fairy tale, shrek Away '' but for this I charge great. Its chimneys produit par DreamWorks Animation, ce film pour enfant shrek 2 transcript wiki une parodie de de. 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