This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey fixes a faulty shower valve with new valve stems and seats. If this is the problem, it will also affect your shower head and you will notice that there is low water pressure coming out of your showerhead. 6. Check for any debris and remove it as necessary. Its usually located in the shower wall near the main shower valve, or at the top of an existing tub faucet. Unscrew the handle to open the jaws. Remove the screw holding the handle in place, then pull the handle free of the valve stem. Pry off the screw cover plate on the center diverter handle; use a thin flat-head screwdriver to pry with. If you tug gently and it's stuck, you can use a special cartridge . Were passionate about all things plumbing, and love sharing tips, how-to, and reviewing the latest products to help make your project a success! The other valve controls whether the water flow goes through either an integrated diverter, which controls both outlets at once. If so, follow the steps above to access the new cartridge. I have a bathtub drip that's getting worse. 4. Each type of valve has its own unique characteristics. You can remove a stuck faucet handle using three methods: Removing lime or scale deposits Getting rid of corrosion Applying oil and force I'll explain these methods more further in this article through a step-by-step guideline on how to remove a stuck outdoor faucet handle. Sometimes instead of having a sticky shower diverter, you will notice that it wont stay up. Product Features & Benefits. WD40 will do nothing. Remove the index button, or faceplate, located on the middle of the faucet handle. Use pliers or a deep-socket wrench to gently turn the stem counterclockwise. This article has been viewed 249,388 times. By hand, unscrew and remove the escutcheon to expose the stem. Aaron's articles about plumbing on The Spruce span four years. The file should have teeth on the edges as well. This means that you no longer have the option to either user the showerhead or the bathtub. If you use a bathtub-shower-combo then you definitely have a shower diverter on your bathtub spout. Cover the tub/shower drain with a cloth to prevent small parts from dropping into the drainpipe.3. Amazon and Amazon logo are trademarks of or its affiliates. To replace a shower valve, start by unscrewing the shower handle and trim plate, so you can remove them. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Shower trim plates are usually known as Escutcheon trim plates, in case you need to ask a home repair professional about your specific model. Measure the length of the supply line from the wall to the end. Try putting a block of wood flat on the surface of the shower in between you and the cartridge. The most widespread diverter valve is the three-valve design, featuring two distinct valves. After you have the screws out, you may need to wiggle or tap on the handle to get it to slide off the stem. Use a valve socket and pliers to loosen and remove the old stem from the wall. Be careful to not break the stem. Turn the valve out of the pipe using a flexible torque. Pull off the handle and set it aside. If successful, take it to the store to buy a replacement of the same model. Detach the screw. When you are satisfied that the groove is clean move to the next one and file it as well. 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Stuck Shower Diverter? Use an old toothbrush and wooden pick to clean out debris. Since then, he has risen through the ranks into positions of increasing authority. Walking through the processing of fixing both issues. ; Step 2: Twist The Shower Arm Off. Remove the Handle There should be a screw, or more than one, holding the handle in place. The length of the supply pipe. Blast hot water through the spout to remove all the loosely attached calcium deposits. If you're unsure or have questions about the specific type, contact a plumber or home repairman. The first step to faucet repair is to identify the product you are working with. If you've got some handyman experience, sure. 7. 2. Put on your protective eyewear (better safe than sorry). Are you a homeowner who has heard of a shower diverter but arent sure what it is or how it works? Pull it out using your hand or tug on it with needle-nose pliers. \r\r Share this video with a friend:\r\r\r SUBSCRIBE for videos weekly video on repairing, reviving and restoring: \r\r\r Recommended playlist of all videos:\r\r\rThe playlist above has a number of videos related to this content. 7. Here is how to lubricate a stuck shower diverter: For folks who live in areas with hard water, I expect the cause of the stuck shower diverter to be calcium build up. Insert the straw of the oil can inside the tub spout and spray the inside as well. Apply a light coating of solder paste or flux to the inside of the valve fittings, and to the cleaned end of the copper pipe. 4. Petroleumgreases will eventually cause rubber O-rings and seals to decay. Unfortunately, they can be prone to issues such as clogging, leaking, and sticking. Lime, which is basically calcium is the whitish substance that you might also notice at the bottom of the bathtub after draining it. Hard water is a challenge for many plumbing fixtures, including diverters. Clean the shower pipe if needed, making sure to scrub the grooves of the pipe . If youre installing a new shower system, its important to consider how many fixtures you will need. This makes it difficult to make even the simplest repairs, like changing out a washer. If they are not, it simply means the cartridge needs to be rotated. If there is no screw under the spout, the spout is threaded to the supply pipe. The type of spout Buy a bathtub spout that looks like your old spout in design. Remove the Faucet Handle: Unscrew the retaining ring at the top of the faucet handle and pull it out. )SUBSCRIBE to This Old House: List for How to Repair a Shower Valve Stem:Cloth [], for plugging up drainpipeReplacement valve stems [] and stem seats []Pipe-thread sealant [], to create watertight seal on stem seatPlumbers putty [], for sealing escutcheons to shower wallTools for How to Repair a Shower Valve Stem:Pocket knife [], to pry off index coversPhillips-head screwdriver [], for loosening and tightening handle-retaining screwsValve socket [] and pliers [], to remove and install new valve stemsSeat wrench [], for replacing existing stem seatsSteps for How to Repair a Shower Valve Stem:1. Once the nut is removed, you can pull the stem away from the wall. Step 1: Prepare to fix leaking shower valve. After years of usage, your shower diverter may get stuck in one position. If there are 2 stops for hot and cold water, shut off both. 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