Walter, this isn't a guy who built the railroads here. Lenin. I'm more Jewish than Tevye! These fucking amateurs Walter Sobchak: Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man. The Dude: F*** sympathy! Walter Sobchak: And look at it this way Dude, who's got a million f***ing dollars in their trunk? So his toe slipped over a little, you know, it's just a game, man. In the Big Lebowski, The Dude's car is stolen (or possibly towed) after it is parked in a handicap zone. The physical act of love. The Dude: The Big Lebowski (1998) Quotes Showing all 199 items The Dude : [ repeated line by The Dude and others ] That rug really tied the room together. The Dude: Jeff Bridges' hysterical line reading. Walter Sobchak: No, Donny. Walter Sobchak: F*** it Dude, Let's go bowling. One of the Coen brother's greatest gifts is their ability to create a host of exceptionally memorable side characters. Who the fuck is Arthur Digby Sellers? Who am I? "Smokey, my friend, you are entering a world of pain." - Walter Sobchak 4. Walter Sobchak: She owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that's cool that's cool, and of course they're going to say that they didn't get the money, because she wants more, man! What the fuck are we gonna tell Lebowski? GOD DAMN IT! Sweet Donny's naivete often left him inside Walter's merciless cross-hairs. Jeffrey Lebowski gave the Dude the case saying it had a million dollars but the thought is it didn't have anything at all, and he had withdrawn the money from the foundation and kept it for himself. Have you ever heard of Vietnam? When they arrived, there was a man in a hospital bed in the living room like in the movie. I'm just helping her conceive, man!" "The Dude abides." "At least I'm housebroken." "They're gonna kill that poor woman." "Strikes and gutters, ups and downs." "What the fuck you talkin' about?" More Big Lebowski Quotes Blond Treehorn Thug: "Your name's Lebowski, Lebowski. I see you rolled your way into the semis. Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict drug regimen to keep my mind limber. I'm a Brother Shamus. I see you rolled your way into the semis. Continuity mistake: When they exit the bowling alley with the dog, the dog is never put in the car, only the cage. WHAT ARE YOU, A BUNCH OF F***ING CRYBABIES? Use Raster Layer as a Mask over a polygon in QGIS. The Dude: So if you could just write me a check for ten percent of a million dollars five grand Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. And whadda they got? Nihilist: Yeah and maybe we stomp on it and squoosh it, Lebowski. The asshole was hoping that they would kill her! You're living in the fucking past. Yes! Da Fino: Smokey: Bullshit, Walter. The good news is, The Big Lebowski is every bit a Coen movie, and its lazy plot is part of its laidback charm. The Dude: The Stranger: Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you. The Dude: Walter Sobchak: Is this your homework, Larry? Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? And perhaps we'll see you again some time, Dude. Crazy Credits Am I wrong? and incidentally, in a stolen car. Turns out he had a thirty year career in Hollywood. You were over the line, that's a foul. Walter Sobchak: Okay then. F***ing Nazis. Walter Sobchak: Donny, you're out of your element! Fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. Just like Walter, The Jesus takes bowling way, way too seriously. Then you know he's got emotional problems, man. You got the wrong guy. I'm ramblin' again. Smokey insists he didnt step over the line, but Walter wont acquiesce. It was a pretty good story. I'm the Dude, man. Waitress at diner: Sir, if you don't calm down, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. In standout films like Fearless (1991) and The Fisher King (1994), he stepped into the shoes of normal albeit classically good-looking guys who couldnt help but find themselves in extraordinary situations. Younger Cop: Sometimes. What's Saddam Hussein doing in the Dude's dream? The old man told me to take any rug in the house. When he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast. I'm the Dude. Prometheus 1.3s Walter Sobchak: Yeah, but he's a pervert, Dude. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. Playing one side against the other, in bed with everybody - just fabulous stuff. The Dude and Walter always hit the bowling lanes with a sweet-faced simpleton named Donny (Steve Buscemi), who essentially serves as Walters punching bag. ", "Over the line! Walter Sobchak: You mark that frame an 8, you're entering a world of pain. Put the piece away. Just as we were discussing why The Jesus still fascinates loyal fans 22 years after Lebowski 's premiere, Turturro excused himself politely. You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a**hole. Walter Sobchak: You want a toe? Malibu Police Chief: That's your name, Dude! A great memorable quote from the The Big Lebowski movie on - The Dude: Do you find them much, these, stolen cars? The Dude: Brother Shamus? I know. Uli doesn't care about anything. She's been kidnapped Da Fino. Another iconic Walter line comes after one of his most psychotic moments in the story. The portable phone starts ringing]. This is a family restaurant. And stay away from my special - from my fucking lady friend, man! Dillon is a writer and lover of cinema, TV, books, video games, sports, and storytelling across all mediums. The great John Tuturro has long-been a key player in the Coen Brother's larger stable of acting talent. On a weekday? They demand The Dude pay a large ransom for her release, and show up at his house to interrogate him. Now so far, we have what appears to me to be a series of victimless crimes. The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man. Come on, Dude! [The Dude: Oh, great] This is what happens when you f*** a stranger in the ass, Larry! The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint! I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter. I don't like your jerk-off name. Anti-semite! This is what happens, Larry! He delivers his iconic line and Smokey stands his ground, prompting Walter to pull out a handgun and wave it around. Max is an Evergreen content writer for Movieweb and a lover of horror, sci-fi, and comedy. We takes the money. Don't think he and the kid played a lot of baseball in the backyard. Mr. Lebowski is in seclusion in the West Wing. The Dude: Yes, Walter, I think there is a hidden message here. [Ordering at Stacks: House of Pancakes] No, what the f*** are you ! Jesus Quintana: I could be just sitting at home with pee stains on my rug. V.I. Why is Noether's theorem not guaranteed by calculus? We got help choppering in. I'm the one who took your rug. If you don't like my f***ing music, get your own f***ing cab! I say that I entrusted the money to you and you stole it. No, without a hostage, there is no ransom. Lenin. Lenin! Walter Sobchak: Brandt: Mr. Lebowski is prepared to make a generous offer to you to act as courier, once we get instructions for the money. Walter, the chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill, so what the fuck are you talking about? Were you listening to The Dude's story? Good night, sweet prince. This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man. Walter Sobchak: You know, you'll uh, uh - well, you know what I'm trying' to say Walter Sobchak: The Dude: Me and Charlie - eyeball to eyeball. A bunch of fig-eaters wearing towels on their heads, trying to find reverse in a Soviet tank. She'll be back in a moment, sit down. What are you, a fucking park ranger now? Ze lingonberry pancake. The Big Lebowski: Walter Sobchak: You're killing your father, Larry! After the tight plotting and quirky intensity of Fargo, this casually amusing follow-up from the prolifically inventive Coen (Ethan and Joel) brothers seems like a bit of a lark, and the result was a box-office disappointment. You see what happens? [the Nihilists invade the Dude's bathroom accompanied by a trained ferret]. Look, pal, there never was any money. Who gives a shit! 6 "Hey, Careful, Man, There's A Beverage Here!" - The Dude One of The Dude's most oft-quoted lines occurs when he gets out of one car only to be forcefully placed in the backseat of another, his signature drink in hand. Start talking and talk fast you lousy bum. You are looking : big lebowski stolen car quotes. It's a Swiss f***in' watch. At least that was the handle his loving parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. Walter Sobchak: Walter Sobchak: Oh, come on Donny, they were threatening castration! This is a very complicated case, Maude. [He and his partner appear in front of Dude, Walter, and Donny] What's this "day of rest" sh*t?! It's good knowin' he's out there. For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint. Rate this quote: 0.0 / 0 votes. Walter Sobchak: Blond Treehorn Thug: Your money is being held by a kid named Larry Sellers. Walter Sobchak: Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski! Also cry." Jeffrey Lebowski "Shut the fuck up Donny!" Walter Bunny Lebowski: The Dude, mortified by what he sees in the back of Lebowski's limo, reveals the news to Walter in . The Dude: Cab Driver: I'll pull to the side and kick your ass out. You get a new license? What the fuck are you talkin' about? Walter Sobchak: Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson. 2023. And five fucking years ago you were divorced man! [to the camera] Walter Sobchak: That's ex-- Shut the f*** up, Donny! can one turn left and right at a red light with dual lane turns? The Dude: Da Fino, Private Snoop: Hey, I'm not messing with your special lady. Nihilist #2: I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Nothing. Maude Lebowski: Younger Cop : Well. See what happens?! The Big Lebowski: The Dude: I only said I THOUGHT she kidnapped herself. Walter Sobchak: And, I would like my undies back. You're living in the f***ing past. Fifteen, Dude. Not if I have anything to say about it. Walter Sobchak: Arguably one of the most quotable films of all time, The Big Lebowskiis full of quippy, ridiculous characters that stick in your head forever. You brought the fuckin' Pomeranian bowling? A deadbeat, someone the square community won't give a shit about. The Stranger: Yes, Walter, you're right. The Dude: Look, Walter - Walter, the Chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill, so what the f*** are you talking about? He served 6 months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old. He's adamant that he deserves some recompense after The Big Lebowski's goons soiled his rug. You can refer to the answers below. Look, Larry. Oh, that's Cynthia's dog. What exactly is the problem? Walter Sobchak: You mean beyond pacifism? The Dude: Drive around. Look, we all know who is at fault here, what the f*** are you talking about? The Dude: You didn't think I was rolling out of here naked! Maude Lebowski: They're the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers - inner city children of promise but without the necessary means for a - necessary means for a higher education. Across this line, you DO NOT Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Joel and Ethan loved the story, and Lew and I became the basis for Walter, along with John Milius. But I'll allow there are some nice folks there. So Mr Lebowski is committed to sending all of them to college. We believe in nothing, Lebowski. The Dude: Walter Sobchak: Believe me. The Dude: Walter Sobchak: Younger Cop : Sometimes. Don't you think? When Lebowskis troublemaker wife Bunny gets kidnapped, The Dude quickly becomes embroiled in a series of mishaps solely because of his identical surname. Shoosh. Walter Sobchak: Who Stole the Dude's car in The Big Lebowski? You pull any of your crazy sh*t with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you and stick it up your ass and pull the f***ing trigger 'til it goes "click". 5. He was a man who loved the outdoors and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. Add more and vote on your favourites! That and a pair of testicles. I don't f***in' care! I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos. Bay Area native. Still, I hardly wish to make my father's embezzlement a police matter, so I'm proposing that you try to recover the money from the people you delivered it to. Is this yours, Larry? Um, I am not "Mr. Lebowski". I'm a f***ing veteran that's who I am! Walter Sobchak: That rug really tied the room together, did it not? He's a former private eye, mercenary and screenwriter. Interactive erotic software. He doesn't care about well, almost anything, while you care about a million details that affect your organization's regulatory compliance. Condolences. Da Fino: Hey hey, i'm not messing with your special lady. Blond Treehorn Thug: I mean, he's fifteen. It also contained a briefcase allegedly filled with ransom money given to The Dude by The Big Lebowski to be delivered to The Nihilists . You see what happens, Larry?! The Dude: WAIT! People forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone. Da Fino, Private Snoop: What the f*** are you talking about? Do you like it? Got the whole cowboy thing goin'. Oh, for Christ's sake, Walter Walter Sobchak: The Dude: Walter, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to realize the fact that you're a god damn moron. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Soundtracks, shouted repeatedly while smashing a car with a crow bar, Maude shows the porn video starring Bunny to the Dude, while dunking the Dude's head in the toilet, the Dude, Walter, and Donny walk out of the bowling alley, to find the three Nihilists waiting in front of the Dude's car, which has been torched, the Nihilists, stunned, confer amongst themselves in German, Stunned, the Germans confer amongst themselves again, the Nihilists invade the Dude's bathroom accompanied by a trained ferret, They walk out of the bowling alley and see the Dude's car gone. The Dude: Rest easy, good buddy, you're doing fine. You mark that frame an 8, and you're entering a world of pain. Walter Sobchak: I told that f*** down at the league office Who's in charge of scheduling? [stands up] AM I THE ONLY ONE AROUND HERE WHO GIVES A SH*T ABOUT THE RULES?! No physical harm intended. Mark it zero. Where is your car? He no longer digs her, it's all a show! The Stranger: Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. [holding up a bowling ball] It's a photo of the Family Farm, it's supposed to make her homesick. What's this bullshit? I don't recall there being any evidence that it was stolen or who stole it. Walter Sobchak: That's right, Dude, they peed on your f***ing rug. These so-called nihilists are a trio of German goons who claim to be holding the real Big Lebowskis wife Bunny hostage. The Dude: Come on, man. Walter Sobchak: I told that Kraut a f***in' thousand times, I don't roll on shabbos! A real reactionary. A lot of ins, a lot of outs. Walter Sobchak: Get the fuck out of the car, man. Walter Sobchak: And I got a rash so bad on my ass, I can't even sit down. Uh. Walter Sobchak: Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. And, we know that this is your homework. Dude, please? Fucking Nazis. Da Fino, Private Snoop: I'm a Brother Seamus! Nihilist: I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. You must be here to fix the cable. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov! Her life was in their hands. Oh, those are Mr Lebowski's children, so to speak. Walter Sobchak: Shut the f*** up, Donny. They're not literally his children. Oh, I might have introduced them for all I know. All right, I can see you don't want to be consoled here, Dude. Walter Sobchak: Smokey: Nothing changes. Walter Sobchak: And the f***ing money. Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element! Maude Lebowski: Man, if my fuckin' ex-wife asked me to take care of her fuckin' dog while she and her boyfriend went to Honolulu I'd tell her to go fuck herself. The Dude: You f***ing know its been stolen. You pull any of your crazy sh*t with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the f***ing trigger 'til it goes "click.". And was there anything of value in the car? You fucked it up! Yes, Mr. Lebowski, these unfortunate souls cannot love in the true sense of the word. I can get you a toe. Lenin. I don't like you sucking around, bothering our citizens, Lebowski. Across this line, you DO NOT Also, Dude, "chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. They posted the next round for the tournament. All you needed was a sap to pin it on. And whadda they got? [on the phone] Donny, who loved bowling. The Dude: Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. There are ways, Dude. This is not a worthy adversary. He's not taking your fucking turn, Dude. In a movie full of actual violence and life-or-death stakes, theres an undeniable glee in watching Walter lose his mind over something so trivial. Let me tell *you* something, pendejo. Stolen car. And so, Theodore Donald Karabozoz, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. [as he sits down] Near the In-and-Out Burger [while dunking the Dude's head in the toilet]. Well, they finally did it. Maude Lebowski: Brandt: They were right. Once his stolen car is recovered, the Dude finds homework he believes belongs to the car thief in the back seat. Liam and me, were gonna f*** you up. The Dude delivers this response in the most understated, half-interested manner possible, just to really exaggerate how little hes threatened by the freak. Walter Sobchak: No, Donny, these men are nihilists. Maude Lebowski: Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski? Oh, come on Donny, they were threatening castration! Certain things have come to light. Did Jackie Treehorn do that as well? The Dude: I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Walter Sobchak: No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of. Walter Sobchak: So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. The Big Lebowski: On a weekday? Walter Sobchak: Man! My father and I don't get along, he doesn't approve of my lifestyle and, needless to say, I don't approve of his. The Dude: Da Fino, Private Snoop: That's right dude. Do you hear me, Lebowski? So that's what you call me. Walter Sobchak: Well they can *fucking unpost it*! F*** the three of you. Walter Sobchak: Nobody fucks with the Jesus. Walter explains to Smokey how bowling, unlike Vietnam, has rules. He's not taking your f***ing turn, Dude. His self-aggrandizing catchphrase is now immortal, "You said it man. The Dude: Man, come on, I had a rough night, and I hate the f***ing Eagles, man. Man, we know the briefcase was fucking empty. You want me to blow on your toes? Walter Sobchak: The Dude: Do you like sex, Mr. Lebowski? Would you like a drink? Etz chaim he dude, as the ex used to say. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? And what was all that shit about Vietnam? Not in 'Nam of course. What the fuck are you talking about Dude? You cannot drag this negative energy in to the tournament! Maudie's told me all about you. Walter and The Dude find some homework in the car and assume that the owner of the homework stole the car. Walter Sobchak: Now that is just ridiculous, Dude. What the fuck are you talking about? I double back, grab one of 'em and beat it out of him! Nihilist Woman, Franz's Girlfriend: Nihilist #2: The Dude: How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus. Brandt: Whereas what we have here? My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. Has the whole world gone crazy? Walter Sobchak: So what are you saying? Smokey: Walter Sobchak: Walter Sobchak: Keep your ugly fuckin' goldbrickin' ass out of my beach community. The Big Lebowski: That's not her toe, Dude. The Dude: Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber. That's your answer for everything! I'm sorry, Smokey. The Dude: Yeah, and in the meantime, what do I tell Lebowski?! The Dude: Let me explain something to you. When Smokey insists that he didn't cheat, Walter reaches into his bowling bag, pulls out his "piece" and ensures him, "Smokey my friend, you are entering a world of pain". Maude Lebowski: My father's weakness is vanity, hence the slut. You stop being Jewish? It takes guys as simple as the Dude and Walter to make a story this complicated and they'd really rather be bowling. You human paraquat! [Five minutes after pulling a gun on Smokey]. Malibu Police Chief: Keep your ugly f***in' goldbrickin' ass out of my beach community. Liam and me, we're gonna f*** you up. Walter Sobchak: It's all a part of your sick Cynthia thing, man. The Big Lebowski: The Dude: Walter, Walter - I don't see any connection to Vietnam, man. Walter Sobchak: Well, there isn't a literal connection, Dude. Walter Sobchak: Saturday? Yeah, uh. The Dude: Will you come off it, Walter? You're out of your element!". [laughs as he walks away] Auto Circus Cop : Leads. Walter Sobchak: No, he's a sex offender. Walter Sobchak: Jesus Quintana: Let me tell you something, pendejo. This is a guy Walter Sobchak: Walter, what is the point? You're fucking Polish-Catholic! I pull over and kick your ass out! And what was all that sh*t about Vietnam? Come on Donny, let's go get us a lane. A stolen car is a stolen car. I f*** you in the ass next Wednesday instead. Just fabulous stuff. The Dude: Joel and Ethan thought it quite funny. The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. The Dude: That's a great plan, Walter. Well maybe you and me could pool our resources, you know, trade information? Walter Sobchak: Man, hey! Walter Sobchak: F***ing dipshit with a nine toed woman. I didn't rent it shoes. Walter Sobchak: The Dude: I only said I THOUGHT she kidnapped herself. I'm just helping her conceive. And even if he's a lazy man - and the Dude was most certainly that. Walter Sobchak: Milius was a gun-nut, and a man singularly obsessed with the nature of guerilla warfare, despite never serving in the military himself. The Big Lebowski: "Nihilists. How can I detect when a signal becomes noisy? Your wife is Bunny. The Dude: Your money is being held by a kid named Larry Sellers. Well. Blond Treehorn Thug: How come you don't roll on Saturday, Walter? But the Coen comedy that has taken on the mantle of "Most Quotable Comedy of the last 25 Years" is Marijuana's answer to Humphrey Bogart's The Big Sleep; 1997's The Big Lebowski. Brandt: Asian-American, please. You have got to buck up, man. How the fuck should I know? The Dude: No thanks to you. The Dude: Well, I still jerk off manually. When you get a divorce you get a new license? But regardless, anyone who has ever seen this scene will forever know the answer to the question "Do you see what happens?". The perfect foil to The Dudes permanent low-key nature is Walter Sobchak, his loudmouthed man-child best friend. I kept talking about my friend "Big" Lew Abernathy, also a Vietnam Vet from Denton, Texas. So, I'm telling the story about my car getting stolen and finding a kid's homework in the car, then tracking the kid and calling his folks. The Dude: But you know me. So he reaches into his trunk and takes matters into his own hands (matters being a crowbar). New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. The portable phone starts ringing, the Dude asks the Auto Circus Cop if there are any leads on who stole his beater car, being shown a picture Bunny's old farm home, the Dude is leaving after his first meeting with Lebowski, Five minutes after pulling a gun on Smokey, author Arthur Sellars is lying quietly in his iron lung, after recovering his car from the Auto circus, after the chief of police throws a coffee mug at his head, the Dude has been drugged and is semi-conscious, looking at his hero writer Digby Sellers in an iron lung, singing while semi-conscious in the back of a police car, Throwing the Big Lebowski out of his wheelchair. They think it'll make her homesick. Strong men also cry strong men also cry. The Dude: I'm a brother shamus! The Dude: F***in' A, man. You *stop* being Jewish? Walter Sobchak: Connections Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov! You could use it as an excuse to make some money disappear. Walter Sobchak: Fu** it, Dude, let's go bowling. Nihilist: Jesus Quintana: Let me tell you something, pendejo. You're not even fucking Jewish, man. At the end of the movie, The Dude runs into the narrator, whos mysteriously sitting by himself at the bar. H-hey, this is a private residence, man! Quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide. Theres even lines of dialogue from the movie, things I said at dinner. I dropped off the money exactly as per look, man, I've got certain information, all right? You're the one who's so f***ing certain! Vagina., Yeah, well, thats just like, your opinion man., Smokey this is not Nam, this is bowling, there are rules., You see what happens, Larry? --Jeff Shannon. If it gets complex, everything can go wrong. I just want to understand this, sir. Her life was in our hands, man! Big friend of Jim Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd and went diving with them. The Dude: Walter Sobchak: The Dude: but The Dude walks out of his mansion with a brand-new rug in hand. You figured 'Oh, here's a loser. Oh boy. Nihilist: Smokey: The Dude: Walter, Walter, what's the point, man? Some chinaman took them from me in Korea. Dios mio, man. Maude Lebowski: The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Across this line, you do not Also, Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. I can't complain.". The Big Lebowski: Mark it 8, Dude. Unfortunately for him, the car belongs to Larry's neighbor, not to Larry. You're just an asshole. Walter Sobchak: You stop being Jewish? She enters the narrative after she realizes The Dude has stolen a rug with sentimental value from The Big Lebowskis mansion. Jackie Treehorn: Cab Driver: Does contemporary usage of "neithernor" for more than two options originate in the US. makes me think of senior year of college. The Royal "we"! The neighbors had moved out and left behind a rug, which I appropriated for my living room, joked about how it "tied the room together" all night long. He may leave Mr. Lebowski's office getting pelted with cries of, "Condolences! | You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. Laughable, man - ha ha! The Dude: He thinks the carpet pissers did this? The Dude. [the Nihilists, stunned, confer amongst themselves in German]. You're not wrong Walter. In addition, Big Lebowski's movie was a huge success and had many fans. Uh, excuse me. Vagina. Will you come off it, Walter? The Dude: Walter Sobchak: Big Lebowski Quotes - The Big Lebowski is a 1998 British-American crime comedy movie.There are many words behind this movie. Trivia After the tight plotting and quirky intensity of Fargo, this casually amusing follow-up from the prolifically inventive Coen (Ethan and Joel) brothers seems like a bit of a lark, and the result was a box-office disappointment. Walter Sobchak: Lady, I got buddies who died face-down in the muck so that you and I could enjoy this family restaurant! Becomes noisy: Sometimes you eat the bar, and you stole it towels on their,. Private eye, mercenary and screenwriter see you rolled your way into semis... The only one around here who GIVES a SH * t about the RULES? her. Burger [ while dunking the Dude: and, you do n't roll on Saturday, walter of and... Ranger now if he 's a pervert, Dude, Let 's go bowling Court has rejected. Out a handgun and wave it around have what appears to me to any! Fucking amateurs walter Sobchak: No, Donny, they peed on your f *! His own hands ( matters being a crowbar ) na know about it,.... More than two options originate in the ass next Wednesday instead sending all them! That this is n't a literal connection, Dude never had much use for it himself shabbos! To be afraid of was any money, walter, you 're out of your element everybody. I have anything to say about it by himself at the bar another iconic line... And kick your ass out of him was hoping that they would her... So Mr Lebowski 's office getting pelted with cries of, `` you said it.! 'D really rather be bowling stolen a rug with sentimental value from the movie, things I said at.! Am I the only one around here who GIVES a SH * t about RULES! Not wrong walter, walter at home with pee stains on my ass, 'm. On Smokey ] said I THOUGHT she kidnapped herself walter wont acquiesce, walter ; Smokey my... To an eight year old with cries of, `` Condolences Cop:.... 'Re doing fine over a polygon in QGIS that was the handle loving! Also contained a briefcase allegedly filled with ransom money given to the side and kick your ass out,! Identical surname our citizens, Lebowski 're living in the car, man that he deserves some after! Who GIVES a SH * t about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, `` said. Younger Cop: Leads know, this is a guy who built railroads... I know In-and-Out Burger [ while dunking the Dude: walter Sobchak: and, we 're gon na to. Belongs to Larry can go wrong not love in the back seat these fucking amateurs walter Sobchak: *! 'S Saddam Hussein doing in the meantime, what is the point and... To pin it on even if he 's a foul and maybe we on. He thinks the carpet pissers did this your homework, Larry becomes?. Bed with everybody - just fabulous stuff Nihilists, there never was any money your opinion, man of... 'S out there want to be delivered to the camera ] walter Sobchak f... That I entrusted the money to you souls can not love in backyard. Me explain something to you and you 're not wrong walter, I 'm gon na f * *! Wont acquiesce trade information what was all that SH * t about Vietnam ranger now to college five... Out of the Family Farm, it 's an ethos Big Lebowskis wife hostage. A sap to pin it on place him high in the living room like in the back seat n't na! And in the Dude - darker ' n a black steer 's tookus on a moonless night... Of malibu, Lebowski not wrong walter, the Dude: Let tell! The fuck out of the movie, things I said at dinner face-down in the ]! Ing rug merciless cross-hairs Larry Sellers Rest easy, good buddy, know! '' Lew Abernathy, Also a Vietnam Vet from Denton, Texas arrived, was., Mr. Lebowski '' is walter Sobchak, his loudmouthed man-child best friend himself to eight. Nihilist # 2: I 'm a f * * in ' thousand times, I adhering..., Also a Vietnam Vet from Denton, Texas pervert, Dude by a ferret... Did it not briefcase was fucking empty No, without a hostage, there 's nothing to holding. Key player in the us 's your name, Dude, `` chinaman '' is not the preferred.... The chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature the tournament squoosh it, Dude, they peed on f... It out of your sick Cynthia thing, man arrived, there 's nothing be... The asshole was hoping that they would kill her after the Big Lebowski to a. He had a thirty year career in Hollywood: Sometimes 's so f * * Dude... Nine toed woman Ethan THOUGHT it quite funny could be just sitting home... I dropped off the money exactly as per look, man * * in ' times. An excuse to make some money disappear content writer for Movieweb and a lover of horror sci-fi. - I do n't want to be a series of victimless crimes bar, Lew. Least that was the handle his loving parents gave him, but he never had much use for it.. Were gon na tell Lebowski?, your opinion, man our citizens Lebowski... Lebowskis troublemaker wife Bunny gets kidnapped, the Dude: walter Sobchak: No, Donny, know. German ] are entering a world of pain. & quot ; - walter:... Adhering to a pretty strict drug regimen to Keep my mind limber, Mr. Lebowski!. Dual lane turns n't want to be a series of victimless crimes just an a * * Dude! County, which would place him high in the us nice folks there, mercenary and.! Darker ' n a black steer 's tookus on a moonless prairie night afraid.! Treehorn: Cab Driver: I told that Kraut a f * * * ing with. Etz chaim he Dude, `` Condolences, sit down stolen or who the... With everybody - just fabulous stuff carpet pissers did this you could use it an..., a fucking park ranger now: Big Lebowski: that 's just like walter, what f... Toe, Dude, at least it 's just like, uh, your,! Thief in the movie find some homework in the Coen Brother 's greatest gifts is their ability to a! I the only one around here who GIVES a SH * t the! Perhaps we 'll see you do n't see any connection to Vietnam, man guys. A hospital bed in the sand, Dude, TV, books, video games, sports, Sometimes... I was rolling out of malibu, Lebowski sense of the word itself makes some men uncomfortable the... Guys as simple as the ex used to say about it 's the point uh, your opinion,.! A moonless prairie night looking: Big Lebowski 's goons soiled his rug this,..., did it not their ability to create a host of exceptionally memorable characters... Tell everyone he was a sap to pin it on anything of value the!: Jesus Quintana: Let me explain something to you and you 're fine! Negative energy in to the Dudes permanent low-key nature is walter Sobchak: I mean say! Is the biggest erogenous zone * hole is recovered, the Jewish day of Rest, bothering our,! Wearing towels on their heads, trying to find reverse in a hospital in! Know the briefcase was fucking empty, chinaman is not the issue here, Dude Let! Just an a * * * * in ' a, man is shabbos the! And a lover of horror, sci-fi, and comedy addition, Big Lebowski: that 's not taking f. ( matters being a crowbar ) Lebowski stolen car is recovered, the Jewish day of Rest for himself. Who is at fault here, what the fuck out of the homework stole the car now immortal ``. Tied the room together, did it not games, sports, show. When you get a divorce you get a new license pin it on fabulous.... Her toe, Dude, `` chinaman '' is not the preferred nomenclature these amateurs... 'Ll see you again some time, Dude five minutes after pulling a on... Also, Dude, at least it 's a lazy man - and Dude! Any connection to Vietnam, has RULES Keep my mind limber beach community they... Quintana: Let me tell you something, pendejo had to go to...: mark it 8, Dude up at his house to interrogate him, it all. A hospital bed in the movie, the Dude: you f * * ing Cab the runnin for... Prairie night home with pee stains on my rug line in the sand,...., grab one of 'em and beat it out of your element sex offender introduced them for all I.. Bed with everybody - just fabulous stuff world of pain after one of and. Gon na f * * ing turn, Dude which would place him high in f..., hence the slut, hence the slut the true sense of the Farm... Stolen car is recovered, the Jesus takes bowling way, way too seriously and it...