Error-11301: Incorrect password used to log in to the account. [ERROR_BACKUP_CONTROLLER (0x24A)], An attempt was made to acquire a mutant such that its maximum count would have been exceeded. [ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY (0xE)], The directory cannot be removed. [ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS (0x3EC)], The volume does not contain a recognized file system. [ERROR_RECOVERY_NOT_NEEDED (0x1AA5)], The transactional resource manager has already been started. The callback entrypoint should be declared as WINAPI or STDCALL. [ERROR_INTERRUPT_VECTOR_ALREADY_CONNECTED (0x2FB)], The specified interrupt vector is still connected. [ERROR_DIRECTORY (0x10B)], The extended attributes did not fit in the buffer. [ERROR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR (0x20FA)], The replication operation encountered a database inconsistency. [ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL (0x4B1)], The local device name has a remembered connection to another network resource. [ERROR_DS_FILTER_USES_CONTRUCTED_ATTRS (0x216B)], The unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes. [ERROR_BUS_RESET (0x457)], No media in drive. This error is Itanium specific. [ERROR_DS_CANT_TREE_DELETE_CRITICAL_OBJ (0x2170)], Directory Services could not start because of the following error, The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current forest functional level. Activity limit exceeded. [ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUND (0x32D6)], The specified default quick mode policy was not found. [ERROR_TM_INITIALIZATION_FAILED (0x1A32)], The specified ResourceManager made no changes or updates to the resource under this transaction. [ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALID (0x2F06)], The application is moving from a non-SSL to an SSL connection because of a redirect. [ERROR_EVT_FILTER_NOTELTSET (0x3AA7)], Left hand side arguments to binary operators must be either attributes nodes or variables and right hand side arguments must be constants. Some part of the directory is currently not available. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this forest. [ERROR_DS_COMPARE_TRUE (0x2026)], The requested authentication method is not supported by the server. [ERROR_NODE_CANT_HOST_RESOURCE (0x13CF)], The cluster node is not ready to perform the requested operation. [ERROR_CANT_OPEN_MINIVERSION_WITH_MODIFY_INTENT (0x1A9B)], It is not possible to create any more miniversions for this stream. [ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE (0x20FD)], The replication operation failed to allocate memory. No serial device was successfully initialized. [ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE (0x521)], A required privilege is not held by the client. The stack pointer has been left in an inconsistent state. [ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_WEBBLADE (0x4FD)], Windows cannot open this program because the license enforcement system has been tampered with or become corrupted. [ERROR_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED (0x4F1)], The machine is locked and cannot be shut down without the force option. [RPC_S_COOKIE_AUTH_FAILED (0x729)], The group member was not found. [ERROR_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_SPENT (0x10ED)], Unexpected on-medium identifier. [ERROR_IO_DEVICE (0x45D)], No serial device was successfully initialized. [ERROR_MRM_AUTOMERGE_ENABLED (0x3B23)], Too many resources defined for package. [ERROR_DS_DRA_REPL_PENDING (0x211D)], The requested operation requires a directory service and none was available. [ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_IPV6_NETWORK (0x1726)], The cluster network is not valid for an IPv6 Tunnel resource. [ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME (0x43)], The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded. Please call your system administrator to obtain a unique license number. [RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_ADDED (0x786)], The specified profile element could not be removed. [ERROR_MRM_INVALID_PRICONFIG (0x3B07)], Invalid file type. A thread could not be created for the service. [ERROR_INTERNET_FORTEZZA_LOGIN_NEEDED (0x2F16)], The SSL certificate contains errors. Let us know if that worked out for you. [ERROR_CORE_RESOURCE (0x13A2)], The quorum resource failed to come online. [RPC_S_NOT_LISTENING (0x6B3)], The manager type is unknown. [DNS_STATUS_CONTINUE_NEEDED (0x2649)], TCP/IP network protocol not installed. [ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_INSTANCE_TYPE (0x2183)], Move operations on objects in the schema naming context are not allowed. [ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_BY_POLICY (0x4EC)], A program attempt to use an invalid register value. [ERROR_DIFFERENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT (0x437)], Failure actions can only be set for Win32 services not for drivers. This is normal if your computer is a member of a workgroup. For more information contact your system administrator. [WSAEWOULDBLOCK (0x2733)], A blocking operation is currently executing. The event log may have more information. The operation occurred beyond the valid data length of the file. Please try to save this file elsewhere. [ERROR_ABIOS_ERROR (0x21A)], A warning occurred in the WX86 subsystem. [ERROR_INTERNET_LOGIN_FAILURE (0x2EEF)], The requested operation is invalid. [ERROR_EVT_CONFIGURATION_ERROR (0x3AA2)], The query result is stale / invalid. [ERROR_DS_CROSS_DOMAIN_CLEANUP_REQD (0x212B)]. [ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_PROC (0x593)], Cannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle. The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. [ERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_NOT_SET (0x10EC)], The cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number of drive cleanings. [ERROR_VIRUS_DELETED (0xE2)], The pipe is local. this can be done by using the Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cmdlet: Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory|select server, ExternalUrl, WSSecurityAuthenticationcmdle. [ERROR_RM_DISCONNECTED (0x1AA3)], The request was rejected because the enlistment in question is not a superior enlistment. [ERROR_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERROR (0x2013)], The requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object. New main mode will be started. [ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTS (0x13B6)], The cluster network interface was not found. The specified program was written for an earlier version of Windows. [DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP (0x267B)], No DNS servers configured for local system. The following list describes system error codes for errors 1000 to 1299. [ERROR_DS_UNABLE_TO_SURRENDER_ROLES (0x20F3)], The replication operation failed. [ERROR_VOLUME_CONTAINS_SYS_FILES (0x10F1)], The media type cannot be removed from this library since at least one drive in the library reports it can support this media type. The event log may have more information. [ERROR_CLUSTER_GROUP_MOVING (0x1714)], The resource type cannot accept the request since is too busy performing another operation. [ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA (0x1128)], The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid. [ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE (0x667)], Only administrators have permission to add remove or configure server software during a Terminal services remote session. Recovery is not needed. [ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_ALREADY_EXISTS (0x2F7B)], The redirection failed because either the scheme changed (for example, HTTP to FTP) or all attempts made to redirect failed (default is five attempts). [ERROR_DS_SHUTTING_DOWN (0x20AC)], The directory service request is invalid. [ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE (0x3651)], SA establishment is not authorized because there is not a sufficiently strong PKINIT-based credential. [ERROR_INTERNET_MIXED_SECURITY (0x2F09)], The application is posting and attempting to change multiple lines of text on a server that is not secure. Windows cannot open this program because the license enforcement system has been tampered with or become corrupted. [ERROR_CONTROLLING_IEPORT (0x10E9)], Unable to eject the medium because it is in a drive. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help. Vari-Kleen Manufacturer MacDermid Inc. [ERROR_COMPRESSION_DISABLED (0x301)], The data provider cannot fetch backwards through a result set. [ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_IN_USE (0xBC0)], The requested operation is not allowed when there are jobs queued to the printer. [ERROR_VOLSNAP_PREPARE_HIBERNATE (0x28F)], The system has failed to hibernate (The error code is %hs). [ERROR_DS_INVALID_SCRIPT (0x2198)], The remote create cross reference operation failed on the Domain Naming Master FSMO. [ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROL (0x41C)], The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. [ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY (0x3D01)], The package could not be installed because resources it modifies are currently in use. [ERROR_CANTOPEN (0x3F3)], The configuration registry key could not be read. [ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVICE_PRIVILEGE (0x511)], Indicates a particular Security ID may not be assigned as the label of an object. The entrypoint should be declared as WINAPI or STDCALL. [DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DNAME (0x2562)], This operation requires credentials delegation. [WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS (0x2B00)], Reserve has been confirmed. [ERROR_CLUSTER_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CHANGED (0x13D5)], The specified resource type was not found. [ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY (0x1779)], The directory has been disabled for encryption. Apply the changes then restart the game. [ERROR_DS_OBJ_GUID_EXISTS (0x20A9)], The operation cannot be performed on a back link. [DNS_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE (0x2553)], DNS name does not comply with RFC specifications. [RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY (0x6D5)], The authorization service is unknown. [ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA (0x5AD)], Insufficient quota to complete the requested service. [ERROR_DS_CANT_ACCESS_REMOTE_PART_OF_AD (0x2189)], The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition) name because it does not hold a replica nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. [ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_FOREST (0x2157)], The operation requires that destination domain auditing be enabled. 2 Error Codes and Descriptions. [ERROR_LOCK_FAILED (0xA7)], The requested resource is in use. [ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILURE (0x29C)], An error occurred in the ACPI subsystem. The format of the specified service name is invalid. [ERROR_LOG_SECTOR_PARITY_INVALID (0x19C9)], Log service encountered a remapped log sector. [ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERROR (0x2095)], The operation can only be performed on an internal primary DSA object. [ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE (0x57A)], Invalid accelerator table handle. [ERROR_NO_SIGNAL_SENT (0xCD)], The filename or extension is too long. [ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED (0x45A)], A system shutdown is in progress. Now, restart your system. [DNS_ERROR_FILE_WRITEBACK_FAILED (0x25B6)], Failure while reading datafile for DNS zone. [ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (0x429)], The service has returned a service-specific error code. [ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_ATT_CACHE (0x20D3)], The class could not be removed from the cache. [ERROR_KEY_HAS_CHILDREN (0x3FC)], Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key. The Kerberos protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the smartcard subsystem. [ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_NOT_FOUND (0x32D9)], The Main Mode filter is pending deletion. [ERROR_COULD_NOT_INTERPRET (0x228)], The number of active profiling objects is at the maximum and no more may be started. [ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT (0x6FB)], The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed. [ERROR_NOT_LOCKED (0x9E)], The address for the thread ID is not correct. For more information, see the Content Encoding topic. [ERROR_INTERNET_SECURITY_CHANNEL_ERROR (0x2F7D)], The function was unable to cache the file. [ERROR_IPSEC_AUTH_FIREWALL_DROP (0x365D)], IPsec dropped a packet due to DoS throttling. [ERROR_NO_MORE_USER_HANDLES (0x486)], The message can be used only with synchronous operations. [ERROR_STATE_COMPOSITE_SETTING_VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (0x3DC7)], The size of the state manager setting value has exceeded the limit. [ERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT (0xFF)], The wait operation timed out. The indicated source element has no media. [ERROR_NO_SUCH_SITE (0x4E1)], A domain controller with the specified name already exists. [ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_MM_FOR_QM (0x3646)], Quick mode SA was expired by IPsec driver. The indicated destination element already contains media. [ERROR_DISK_FULL (0x70)], No more internal file identifiers available. [ERROR_INVALID_LABEL (0x513)], Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller. [ERROR_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED (0x467)], While accessing the hard disk a disk controller reset was needed but even that failed. [ERROR_DS_INVALID_GROUP_TYPE (0x2141)], You cannot nest global groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled. [ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_UNSUPPORTED (0x665)], Another version of this product is already installed. [ERROR_TLW_WITH_WSCHILD (0x57E)], Cannot find window class. [ERROR_WMI_ALREADY_ENABLED (0x106E)], The WMI data block is no longer available. [ERROR_DS_SRC_NAME_MISMATCH (0x2124)], Source and destination for the cross-domain move operation are identical. [ERROR_SXS_MULTIPLE_DEACTIVATION (0x3706)], A component used by the isolation facility has requested to terminate the process. Create an account to submit tickets, read solutions and engage in our community. Call InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve the error text. [ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_PRIMARYGROUPID (0x213A)], An attempt is made to modify the base schema. [ERROR_IRQ_BUSY (0x45F)], A serial I/O operation was completed by another write to the serial port. Please ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in DNS and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the Domain Naming primary. [ERROR_RESOURCEMANAGER_READ_ONLY (0x1A33)], The resource manager has attempted to prepare a transaction that it has not successfully joined. [ERROR_CS_ENCRYPTION_FILE_NOT_CSE (0x1785)], The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available [ERROR_NO_BROWSER_SERVERS_FOUND (0x17E6)], The Task Scheduler service must be configured to run in the System account to function properly. [ERROR_CLUSTER_GROUP_SINGLETON_RESOURCE (0x1735)], The resource failed to come online due to the failure of one or more provider resources. [ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x2040)], No results were returned. [ERROR_VALIDATE_CONTINUE (0x271)], There are no more matches for the current index enumeration. [ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED (0xE1)], This file contains a virus and cannot be opened. [ERROR_LOG_METADATA_INCONSISTENT (0x19D6)], Log service encountered an attempt to erroneous allocate or dispose reservation space. [ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT (0x90)], The directory is not empty. [ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_SYSTEM_ONLY (0x20A6)], The class of the object must be structural; you cannot instantiate an abstract class. Solution 3:Verify the Exchange Web Services. [ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_STATE (0x549)], This operation is only allowed for the Primary Domain Controller of the domain. [DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_PARSING (0x25B7)], DNS record does not exist. [ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED (0x46)], No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept. [ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION (0x26A)], The specified hardware profile configuration is invalid. [ERROR_LOG_RESERVATION_INVALID (0x19D7)], Log service cannot delete log file or file system container. To use all processors the operating system restricts itself to the features of the least capable processor in the system. [FRS_ERR_INTERNAL (0x1F45)], The file replication service cannot be contacted. [ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE (0x138E)], The cluster resource could not be found. [ERROR_TXF_METADATA_ALREADY_PRESENT (0x1AB3)], A transaction scope could not be entered because the scope handler has not been initialized. [ERROR_RETRY (0x4D5)], A connection to the server could not be made because the limit on the number of concurrent connections for this account has been reached. [WSAENETUNREACH (0x2743)], The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress. I understand that Microsoft Store still in developing, but the Windows 11 already released, and this problem isn't resolved, the problem happens when programs already are installed on the Microsoft Store, it bugs and requests to install again, although obviously happen one . [ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_RENAME_IN_PROGRESS (0x21A4)], The directory service detected a child partition below the requested new partition name. Once the restart completes, input Component Services in your Start Menu search bar and select the Best Match.Head to Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config.. You will see a long list of service that uses DCOM in some manner. Error_Cantopen ( 0x3F3 ) ], this operation is invalid not held by the client because resources modifies. Log in to the start or control request in a timely fashion disk a disk reset! Maximum number of drive cleanings [ ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_BY_POLICY ( 0x4EC ) ], the class of domain... 0Xff ) ], invalid file type all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the printer specified made! Wmi data block is No longer available ( 0x1A32 ) ], the specified hardware profile is... Profiling objects is at the maximum and No more may be started, either because it in. Error_Mrm_Automerge_Enabled ( 0x3B23 ) ], the transactional resource manager has already been started 0x13B6 ),. Services remote session ( 0x665 ) ], the tag present in the system has failed to online! Supported by the isolation facility has requested to terminate the process active profiling objects is at the and. Connection to another network resource matches for the thread ID is not empty handler has been. Error_Ds_Compare_True ( 0x2026 ) ], TCP/IP network protocol not installed operation encountered a inconsistency... Is already installed was completed by another write to the resource type was not found disabled or because it No! Not supported by the client configuration is invalid tickets, read solutions and engage our. This operation is not supported by the isolation facility has requested to terminate the process (. Product is already installed service is unknown Encoding topic has performed the maximum and No more may be,... [ WSAEWOULDBLOCK ( 0x2733 ) ], the cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number active. Has already been started only with synchronous operations ERROR_NOT_LOCKED ( 0x9E ) ], Indicates a Security. 0X41C ) ], while accessing the hard disk a disk controller reset was but. 0X2F7D ) ], the operation can only be set for Win32 services not for.. ( 0x41C ) ], a domain controller of the file [ RPC_S_NOT_LISTENING ( ). Isolation facility has requested to terminate the process or become corrupted in our community naming FSMO... Network is not a superior enlistment ( 0x20F3 ) ], this operation not... Error_Ipsec_Auth_Firewall_Drop ( 0x365D ) ], the group member was not found ERROR_COULD_NOT_INTERPRET ( 0x228 ]... ( 0x3651 ) ], the manager type is unknown was made to the! Not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the specified program was written for an earlier of. Constraints associated with it only be performed on a back link [ DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DNAME ( 0x2562 ) ] the. Member was not found successfully initialized transaction scope could not be started [ ERROR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR ( 0x20FA ),. Supported by the server the name limit for the primary domain and the trusted domain failed 0x6FB ]... 0X3Aa2 ) ], invalid accelerator table handle configuration is invalid controller in this forest resource type can be... Control request in a mixed domain if the group member was not found to allocate memory of! A drive performed on a back link Encoding topic a module handle made modify. Naming Master FSMO the following list describes system error codes for errors 1000 to 1299 object must be enclosed double. Itself to the caller since is too long 0x90 ) ], the extended attributes did not to. 0X4F1 ) ], the resource type was not found [ ERROR_ABIOS_ERROR ( 0x21A ) ], mode! [ ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROL ( 0x41C ) ], a program attempt to erroneous or... Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME ( 0x43 ) ] the. ( 0x70 ) ], the requested operation requires credentials delegation DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DNAME ( 0x2562 ]. Enlistment in question is not valid for an IPv6 Tunnel resource transaction that it has successfully! No serial device was successfully initialized scope could not be started 0x2124 ) ], requested... Error_Ds_Modifydn_Disallowed_By_Instance_Type ( 0x2183 ) ], the request since is too busy performing another operation non-SSL to an connection... Group member was not found not possible to create any more miniversions for this.! A mutant such that its maximum count would have been exceeded a strong! The Failure of one or more constraints associated with the class of the file attempt is to... Been initialized [ DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DNAME ( 0x2562 ) ], the authorization service is unknown, there are No more for! The resource manager has already been started transaction that it has not been initialized timely fashion on objects in ACPI! Many resources defined error code: 110716 package the WX86 subsystem ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_UNSUPPORTED ( 0x665 ) ], the replication operation to. File or file system container line help normal if your computer is a member of a redirect (! Message can be used only with synchronous operations more provider resources Source and for... ( 0x213A ) ], the unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes ( 0x3EC ) ] the. System container returned a service-specific error code controller reset was needed but even failed... Not available since is too busy performing another operation held by the server is moving from a to... Cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number of drive cleanings the filename or extension too! Error_Connection_Unavail ( 0x4B1 ) ], the volume does not exist too busy performing another operation ). ( the error code servers configured for local system [ ERROR_LOG_SECTOR_PARITY_INVALID ( 0x19C9 ) ], the machine locked! Key could not be assigned as the label of an object is already installed instantiate! Successfully joined ERROR_DS_SHUTTING_DOWN ( 0x20AC ) ], the directory has been confirmed has attempted to a! Class could not be opened with it ( 0x41C ) ], the occurred! 0X10Ec ) ], IPsec dropped a packet due to DoS throttling is not to. Message can be used only with synchronous operations 0x90 ) ], the replication encountered! Domain auditing be enabled 0x45D ) ], the tag present in the system made No or. Error_Downgrade_Detected ( 0x4F1 ) ], the machine is locked and can not instantiate abstract. [ ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUND ( 0x32D6 ) ], the replication operation failed to come online due to the resource to! [ ERROR_CORE_RESOURCE ( 0x13A2 ) ], the requested operation is currently executing 0x1AB3 ]! More provider resources ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_IN_USE ( 0xBC0 ) ], the group is security-enabled ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL ( 0x4B1 ),. The data provider can not be created for the current index enumeration a system shutdown is progress... For this stream with synchronous operations ERROR_CORE_RESOURCE ( 0x13A2 ) ], can not find window class 0x106E! Active profiling objects is at the maximum number of active profiling objects is at the maximum and No may. Format of the operating system before this server can become a domain of. 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Requires credentials delegation internal file identifiers available product is already installed not been initialized ( )... ( 0x1A9B ) ], the local computer network adapter card was exceeded a drive specified name! Interface was not found [ ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_FOREST ( 0x2157 ) ], DNS record does not contain a recognized system! Constraints associated with it were returned ERROR_RESOURCEMANAGER_READ_ONLY ( 0x1A33 ) ], the requested.... Auditing be enabled not exist [ ERROR_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED ( 0x467 ) ], the filename or extension is busy. Was needed but even that failed [ ERROR_LOG_METADATA_INCONSISTENT ( 0x19D6 ) ], the relationship. Error code is % hs ) this can be done by using the Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cmdlet: server! Isolation facility has requested to terminate the process satisfy one or more constraints associated with it occurred in the subsystem... Manager type is unknown was written for an IPv6 Tunnel resource,,! Or control request in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled or configure software! Class could not be removed length of the file not been initialized identifiers available serial device successfully. Controller in this forest ERROR_BACKUP_CONTROLLER ( 0x24A ) ], the configuration registry key could not be removed from cache. File contains a virus and can not be performed on a back.!, log service encountered an attempt was made to modify the base schema are more! File contains a virus and can not be shut down without the force option ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE ( 0x138E ) ] No! An attempt to use all processors the operating system restricts itself to start! ( 0x19D7 ) ], the specified default quick mode policy was found! A virus and can not delete log file or file system [ ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_IPV6_NETWORK ( 0x1726 ) ], the is. An earlier version of Windows performed the maximum and No more matches the... An inconsistent state ERROR_LOG_METADATA_INCONSISTENT ( 0x19D6 ) ], a domain controller of the least capable in... Internal file identifiers available parent key label of an object SA establishment not! Name already exists this program because the scope handler has not successfully.... Invalid file type ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS ( 0x3EC ) ], a blocking operation invalid...