)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2021, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from November 2017, Articles containing Yiddish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the New International Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, To make known that all who hope in You will not be shamed (, Exchanging gifts of food and drink, known as, Public recitation of the Scroll of Esther (, Reciting additions to the daily prayers and the grace after meals, known as, Listening to the public reading, usually in. In, Sperling, S. David and Albert I Baumgarten. A Time For Joy and Giving". Another reason for masquerading is that it alludes to the hidden aspect of the miracle of Purim, which was "disguised" by natural events but was really the work of the Almighty. On a practical level the fact that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city ultimately determines that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed., 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved. [84], Among Polish Jews, koilitch, a raisin Purim challah that is baked in a long twisted ring and topped with small colorful candies, is meant to evoke the colorful nature of the holiday. [57] The food parcels are called mishloach manot ("sending of portions"), and in some circles the custom has evolved into a major gift-giving event. /Type /XObject The second is recited at night, but after the morning Megillah reading only this is recited: The rose of Jacob was cheerful and glad, when they jointly saw Mordechai robed in royal blue. Those who know Jewish tradition will recognize that this refers to certain religious practices. - In the 1500s, yeshiva students would wear costumes and masks and perform during the Purim meal in . 8\RSWMo>Z}Nxp 1 T0vszU@9:/?; U*|.q?j=x`--_3_?@.% ?9i' /N1's{Gjm]? It is therefore customary in certain towns including Hebron, Safed, Tiberias, Acre, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheva, Beit She'an, Beit Shemesh, Gaza, Gush Halav, Haifa, Jaffa, Lod, Ramlah and Shechem to celebrate Purim on the 14th and hold an additional megillah reading on the 15th with no blessings. [101], Other historic Purim celebrations in Jewish history have occurred in Yemen, Italy, Vilna and other locations. However, in Shushan, the capital city of the Persian Empire, the Jews were involved in defeating their enemies on Adar 1314 and rested on the 15th (Esther 9:2022). Book. , 14b). It too contains the additional contextual material found in the Josippon (a chronicle of Jewish history from Adam to the age of Titus believed to have been written by Josippon or Joseph ben Gorion). Mary Magdalene was the Feminine Christ Twin to Yahshua haMashiakh. 2023 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Rav Weinbach is also the author of Turnabout, which is the Purim Megillah written in novel format based on the commentary of the Malbim. The Megillah, a rolled scroll, has the connotation of its contents and message being hidden; yet as it is unrolled, read and HEARD, it is revealed! It too follows the original biblical account and includes additional traditions matching those found in the Greek version and Josephus (whom the author claims as a source) with the exception of the details of the letters found in the latter works. You have been their eternal salvation ( ), and their hope throughout generations.". [57], Today, there is debate as to whether outlying neighborhoods of Jerusalem are obliged to observe Purim on the 14th or 15th of Adar. In Hebrew, the Megillah is one of five books read on special Jewish feast days.The Book of Esther, read on Purim, is especially long and complicated. "scroll of esther". [62] A sweet pastry dough is rolled out, cut into circles, and traditionally filled with a raspberry, apricot, date, or poppy seed filling. Some of the rabbis protested against these uproarious excesses, considering them a disturbance of public worship, but the custom of using a ratchet in the synagogue on Purim is now almost universal, with the exception of Spanish and Portuguese Jews and other Sephardic Jews, who consider them an improper interruption of the reading. [93] The megilla reading and distribution of charity takes place on the Friday (Adar 14), which day is called Purim dePrazos. [citation needed], The Megillah is read with a cantillation (a traditional chant) which is different from that which is used in the customary reading of the Torah. [citation needed] Since today we are not sure where the walled cities from Joshua's time are, the only city that currently celebrates only Shushan Purim is Jerusalem; however, Rabbi Yoel Elizur has written that residents of Bet El and Mevo Horon should observe only the 15th, like Jerusalem. The Rema in his glosses does restrict that it is only that there is enough time to observe the two mitzvot and only then precede the mitzvah of reading the Megillah. Holy Megillah: The Nasarean Bible of the. This month were going to learn Hebrew phrases relating to Jewish faith and culture. . It transforms clergy from subjects to objects, taking . The Megillah [], a musical by Itzik Manger in the style of Purim spiel; See also. Esther does not reveal her origins or that she is Jewish as Mordecai told her not to. The Talmud added other provisions. Of course, the discussion of the Talmud is theoretical and may come to reject criticism of the holiday and the content of the Megillah. >> /Width 625 Ahasuerus then orders all young women to be presented to him, so that he can choose a new queen to replace Vashti. A number of children's songs (with non-liturgical sources) also exist: Once There Was a Wicked Wicked Man,[73][74] Ani Purim,[75] Chag Purim, Chag Purim, Chag Gadol Hu LaYehudim,[76][77] Mishenichnas Adar, Shoshanas Yaakov, Al HaNisim, VeNahafoch Hu, LaYehudim Hayesa Orah, U Mordechai Yatza, Kacha Yay'aseh, Chayav Inish, Utzu Eitzah. [87], Shushan Purim falls on Adar 15 and is the day on which Jews in Jerusalem celebrate Purim. "Al Mikrah Megillah" - Who sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us with the Reading of the Megillah "Sh'asah nissim laAvosainu," - Who made miracles for our fathers in those days. An additional custom that probably began in Medieval times is that the congregation recites aloud with the reader the verses Esther 2:5, Esther 8:1516, and Esther 10:3, which relate the origin of Mordecai and his triumph. Trans. The Megillah, also known as Megillat Esther or the Scroll of Esther, tells the story of Purim as told in the Bible in the Book of Esther. The 26-year-old All-Star is in the process of converting to Judaism, according to his Jewish wife, Shashana Sabonis (ne Rosen). Further, he obliged women to attend the reading of the Megillah, because women were also part of the miracle. He follows the Hebrew Book of Esther but shows awareness of some of the additional material found in the Greek version (the Septuagint) in that he too identifies Ahasuerus as Artaxerxes and provides the text of the king's letter. R. Hiyya bar Avin in the name of R. Yehoshua ben Korha: If, from [Egyptian] slavery to freedom . So much so that Sages define Purim as an eternal holiday that will not be canceled even if the rest of the holidays are canceled for the future to come. [citation needed], In the Mishnah, the recitation of a benediction on the reading of the Megillah is not yet a universally recognized obligation. [89] Further doubts have arisen as to whether other cities were sufficiently walled in Joshua's era. /CreationDate (D:20211208085559+02'00') No spoils are taken. The 2006 movie One Night with the King chronicles the life of the young Jewish girl, Hadassah, who goes on to become the Biblical Esther, the Queen of Persia, and saves the Jewish nation from annihilation at the hands of its arch enemy while winning the heart of the fiercely handsome King Xerxes. These are the result of the will of the people for its generations and its traditions. ). stream According to halakha (Jewish law), the Megillah may be read in any language intelligible to the audience. The work Esther Rabbah is a Midrashic text divided in two parts. According to the sages approach, there was a flaw in the acceptance of the Torah at Mount Sinai in that it forced on the people who did not choose it of their own free will. Ferdowsi in his Shahnameh (c.1000 CE) also tells of King Bahman marrying Khumay. [65], Other reasons given for the custom: It is a way of emulating God who "disguised" his presence behind the natural events which are described in the Purim story, and it has remained concealed (yet ever-present) in Jewish history since the destruction of the First Temple. It also provides other contextual information relating to Jewish and Persian history such as the identification of Darius the Mede as the uncle and father-in-law of Cyrus. The term megillah is also used in a joking way, in reference to any lengthy story. Horizons Club, for those 55+, Thursday, 12:30 pm, ($3 includes coffee and cake, attendees A collection of lost gospels from the Vatican archives and elsewhere, with the 4 gospels too. The talmudic debate between Esther and the sages continues and the Amoraim even raise the possibility that the Book of Esther not written in the Holy Spirit and therefore is not a Holy Scripture. Since in the days of the sages, and many generations before them, the people of Israel celebrated in all its communities in the world, the days of Purim by reading the Megillah, feasting and rejoicing. 2. You will never see the earth, its people, or the stars above your head in the same way ever again.#OAHSPE 1 2 . /Producer ( Q t 5 . McCullough, Muhammad Dandamayev and Shaul Shaked say that the Book of Esther is historical fiction. . Rav Aa bar Yaakov said: From here a substantial caveat to Torah. Megillah reading, oneg (reception) with gourmet hamantaschen, costumes encouraged. The original text of the Megillah (Book of Esther) with a running commentary culled from the Talmud and Midrash, the great Torah commentators and the chassidic masters. The Holy Megillah The OAHSPE March 8, 2022 Day 50 Year 4Year 4 day-counter 1,069 days of daily readingToday's video on YouTube:https://youtu . According to the Scroll of Esther,[7] "they should make them days of feasting and gladness, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor". When the Megillah reader jumps to the melody of the book of Lamentations for these phrases, it heightens the feeling of sadness in the listener. [98] Since Purim is preceded by a fast day, the rabbi also directed his descendants to have a (private) fast day, the 5th day of Tamuz, marking one of his imprisonments (1629), this one lasting for 40 days. 1 0 obj (BT, Shabbat 88a). Thinking that the King is referring to Haman himself, Haman says that the honoree should be dressed in the King's royal robes and led around on the King's royal horse. It is dated to the 4th century BCE[20] and according to the Talmud was a redaction by the Great Assembly of an original text by Mordechai.[21]. . endobj Mordecai warns her that she will not be any safer in the palace than any other Jew, says that if she keeps silent, salvation for the Jews will arrive from some other quarter but "you and your father's house (family line) will perish," and suggests that she was elevated to the position of queen to be of help in just such an emergency. [64] While most authorities are concerned about the possible infringement of biblical law if men don women's apparel, others permit all forms of masquerades, because they are viewed as forms of merry-making. [27] Basing his account on Jewish and Christian sources, al-Tabari provides additional details such as the original Persian form "Asturya" for "Esther". The Holy Megillah is an alternative - far more spiritual - version of the Bible. Purim is celebrated among Jews by: Other customs include wearing masks and costumes, public celebrations and parades (Adloyada), and eating hamantashen (transl. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. You may write the copyright owner and publisher at the two following addresses: Rev. It need not be bound, but is usually kept in a wooden binder. [111], In an apparent connection made by Hitler between his Nazi regime and the role of Haman, Hitler stated in a speech made on 30 January 1944, that if the Nazis were defeated, the Jews could celebrate "a second Purim". [55], The Book of Esther prescribes "the sending of portions one man to another, and gifts to the poor". endobj The weekly Torah portion (Tetzaveh or Ki Tissa in regular years, Tzav in leap years) is read as usual, while the Torah portion for Purim is read for maftir, and the haftarah is the same as read the previous Shabbat, Parshat Zachor. [56] According to halakha, each adult must give at least two different foods to one person, and at least two charitable donations to two poor people. The 14th of the first Adar is then called Purim Katan ("Little Purim" in Hebrew) and the 15th is Shushan Purim Katan, for which there are no set observances but it has a minor holiday aspect to it. The Holy Land TheRebbe.org. It will GREATLY DEEPEN your understanding and help you grow a little faster. k 0? ^Jn~\sI#]4~xt:y?^Q{dqt'>!}~}@ Pp>|K v7 U Alppxrvo,s wcO _R% Ut;zRt:Vo{~9{?h ?G\sq/ ] R3~4:z 09yO ?$ gc'q Hz\R:sT4Ee o. This approach is based on two Talmudic sources. However, the Holy One, Blessed be He, first puts in the water and then places the pot on the fire, to fulfill that which is stated: "At the sound of His giving a multitude of waters in the heavens" (Jeremiah 10:13), which he explains as follows: First God set the multitudes of water in place, and afterward He created the heavens to hold the . They sent to her: You will arouse the wrath of the nations upon us. As for the tav, shin and zayin, their numerical values add up to 707. These verses are particularly sad, or they refer to Jews being in exile. The Scroll of Esther, known as the Megillah, is chanted in the synagogue on the eve of Purim and again the next morning. According to the Humane Gospel, "The word Humane describes man at his very best, man who not only knows God's laws, but lives by the daily, for Humaneness is a virtue that results from the understanding of the spiritual fruits of the Holy Spirit. [91], Outside of Jerusalem, Hasidic Jews don their holiday clothing on Shushan Purim, and may attend a tish and even give mishloach manot; however, this is just a custom and not a religious obligation. The practice can be traced back to the Tosafists (the leading French and German rabbis of the 13th century). Purim Vinz commemorates the Fettmilch uprising (16161620), in which one Vincenz Fettmilch attempted to exterminate the Jewish community. There is only the vaguest hint: le-hiyot osim et shnei ha-yamin ha-elah to "do" the two days of Purim. The outsized vavwhich represents the number sixcorresponds to the sixth millennium of the world since creation, which, according to Jewish tradition, is the period between 1240 and 2240 CE. Blessed are You, God, Spirit of the Universe, Who has given us life, has sustained us in that life, and has brought us to this moment in time. Bless Jewish people with the essentials they need to survive. %PDF-1.4 At Auschwitz March of the Living, displays of Jewish unity in a sea of Israeli flags, IDF says troops carrying out a raid in Jenin; exchanges of fire reported, Halina Birenbaum survived the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. It was filmed in Italy by director Raoul Walsh. For example, the reader is to pronounce the names of the ten sons of Haman[45] in one breath, to indicate their simultaneous death. , Extensions of Jewish festivals which are similar to Shushan Purim and Purim Katan. On Sunday (Adar 16), called Purim Meshullash, mishloach manot are sent and the festive Purim meal is held. To Haman's horror, the king instructs Haman to render such honors to Mordecai. After reading the Megillah In a speech made on 10 November 1938 (the day after Kristallnacht), the Nazi politician and prominent anti-Semite Julius Streicher surmised that just as "the Jew butchered 75,000 Persians" in one night, the same fate would have befallen the German people had the Jews succeeded in inciting a war against Germany; the "Jews would have instituted a new Purim festival in Germany". One of these is Esther, who was orphaned at a young age and is being fostered by her first cousin Mordecai. . [101][102][103] The other was called The Purim of Ibrahim Pasha, in which the community was saved during a battle. Remembering the mystical . When Mordecai finds out about the plans, he puts on sackcloth and ashes, a sign of mourning, publicly weeping and lamenting, and many other Jews in Shushan and other parts of Ahasuerus' empire do likewise, with widespread penitence and fasting. This criterion allowed the city of Jerusalem to retain its importance for Jews, and although Shushan was not walled at the time of Joshua, it was made an exception since the miracle occurred there. I) Women are required to read the Megillah and may therefore do so in public and fulfill the obligation of the congregation including the men. According to these authorities if women, or men for that matter, cannot attend the services in the synagogue, the Megillah should be read for them in private by any male over the age of thirteen. "Happy Purim Traditional Purim Greetings", "Sephardic Purim Customs from the Old World to the Pacific Northwest", "The Fascinating Evolution of the Purim-Spiel", "Purim Songs for the AJ Family Megillah Reading", "Purim: The Poppy Seed Connection Jewish Holidays", "Golden walnut dumplings - Aranygaluska | Zserbo.com", "The "Mordechai Hatzaddik" Yeshiva Jewish World", " , / ", "A Concise Guide to the Laws of Purim Meshulash", "Review of: Rivka Ulmer: Turmoil, Trauma, and Triumph. When 15th Adar I is on Shabbat, "Av Harachamim" is omitted. Miracles really happen. #HolyMegillah #TheHolyGodSpell #TheNasareanBibleOfTheEsseneWay *OAHSPE* (The Big Blue Reference from this mornings video that I shared with you)Order A Copy From Amazon Oahspe https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988983435/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_TW85E8PB6F0ES41633YT?_encoding=UTF8\u0026psc=1The title of the book, Oahspe, means literally \"Sky, Earth and Spirit\" (\"O\" for sky, \"ah\" for earth and \"spe\" for spirit). fasting 15 Kislev, celebrating at night/16 Kislev: History of the Jews in the Byzantine Empire, Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, "Purim How-To Guide Your Purim 2019 guide contains the story of Purim, and all you need to know about the 4 mitzvahs of Purim and the other observances of the day", Can Women Read the Megillah? The first reason is that it was through a lady, Queen Esther, that the miraculous deliverance of the Jews was accomplished (Rashbam). /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB [83], Special breads are baked among various communities. All of the victims were shot and buried alive by the Nazis. In. It is certainly not explicit. [71] By the 18th century, in some parts of Eastern Europe, the Purim plays had evolved into broad-ranging satires with music and dance for which the story of Esther was little more than a pretext. But it is only a hint. [120], The 1960 20th Century-Fox film Esther and the King stars Joan Collins as Esther and Richard Egan as Ahasuerus. And there isnt anything that pushes aside megillah from before it, except for an unclaimed dead body that does not have anyone to bury it (Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 687:2 Sefaria trans.). [19], The primary source relating to the origin of Purim is the Book of Esther, which became the last of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible to be canonized by the Sages of the Great Assembly. Fasting is prohibited.[96]. 4 0 obj ' lots '; see Name below) is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from annihilation at the hands of an official of the Achaemenid Empire named Haman, as it is recounted in the Book of Esther (usually dated to the 5th century BCE . [citation needed], Seeds, nuts, legumes and green vegetables are customarily eaten on Purim, as the Talmud relates that Queen Esther ate only these foodstuffs in the palace of Ahasuerus, since she had no access to kosher food. /SM 0.02 C q" Iranian Jews also observe many of the traditional Purim practices found in other Jewish communities, such as the reading of the Megillah (the Book of Esther), the giving of gifts and charity, and the festive Purim meal (seudah). /Type /Catalog The Book of Esther is a court story. Due to Stalin's death, nationwide pogroms against Jews throughout the Soviet Union were averted, as Stalin's infamous doctors' plot was halted. << The Hebrew greeting loosely translates to 'Happy Purim Holiday' and the Yiddish and Ladino translate to 'Happy Purim'. . [10] Today, only Jerusalem and a few other cities celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar. Director Raoul Walsh phrases relating to Jewish faith and culture little faster converting to Judaism, according to (. With gourmet hamantaschen, costumes encouraged hamantaschen, costumes encouraged festivals which are similar Shushan..., mishloach manot are sent and the Yiddish and Ladino translate to 'Happy Purim Holiday ' and the stars! Ne Rosen ) is also used in a wooden binder ( the leading French and German rabbis the., the King stars Joan Collins as Esther and Richard Egan as Ahasuerus objects, taking of... 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