The command authority established by a superior commander between subordinate commanders when one organization should aid, protect, complement or sustain another force is called______. The dichotomy of traditional warfare and irregular warfare helps focus the observer on their overarching differences. assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is called a _____. [17][18][19][20][21] The distinction between regular and irregular forces is unrelated to the term "irregular warfare". ", From this such perspective, thus, we can see that (a) a LOSS of "legitimacy" and/or "influence," this is considered to be (b) a NORMAL and EXPECTED "cost" of doing the development/the revolutionary change "business.". What role(s) is responible for providing maps, charts, digitized products and precise geodotic coordinates? Successful teamwork requires____commensurate with responsibilty. The single most easily identified failure of American statecraft and war (regular or otherwise) is in the vain attempts to prop up governments that had no legitimacy. 3) The _____ is the primary vehicle through which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, of Staff (CJCS) exercises responsibility to provide for the preparation of joint, operation plans. Irregular warfare describes the mobilization of some against others, so as to allow a militarily weaker actor to gain power at the expense of a stronger adversary. comprehend the principles of joint operations, joint military doctrine, and emerging concepts in peace, crisis, war, and post-conflict to include traditional and irregular warfare; comprehend how factors such as geopolitics, geostrategic, society, religion, region, and culture play in shaping planning and execution of joint force operations across the range of military operations, to suppor a predictive estimation of the situation; understand the adversary capabilities and intentions; visualize and understand all dimensions of the OE. It includes the, the program office has received a letter of request (LOR) through their military department with a tasking to provide additional information for a letter of offer and acceptance (LOA). "Irregular Warfare", Doctrine Document 2-3, Sookermany A. synergy) is known as______. . Re: the "nature of the political objective" argument that I make in my initial comment above, let's look at this suggestion from the perspective of the major section of our article above entitled "A Way Forward." The supported CCDR builds and validates force and movement requirements, whereas the supporting CCDR reports force movement requirements data. ______ is a violent struggle among the state and non state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s). Eachpersonspatternofloopsandswirlsareunique(2)\overset{(2)}{\text{\underline{{Each person's pattern of loops and swirls are unique}}}}Eachpersonspatternofloopsandswirlsareunique(2). Which three of the following when combined are some of the functions that compromise core capabilities of joint logistics? First, if the concern is state manipulation, subversion, or interference, why not just speak plainly of such behavior using precisely those terms? However, the following conflicts may be considered to have exemplified by irregular warfare:[1][4]. Yet because coerced forms of control are difficult to maintain over time, our adversaries are at their most dangerous when they combine coercion with strategies of co-option. The Office of SecDef has asked all of the DoD Components to expand their, _____ is written guidance from the Secretary of Defense to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the preparation and review of contingency plans for specific missions. It is puzzling, and unfortunate, that despite being formed through similar circumstances, the United States has so resolutely forgotten the lessons of its past. Then achieving legitimacy and influence, this obviously CANNOT be used as the basis for one's irregular, regular and/or political warfare campaigns and efforts. Accordingly, one might suggest that the starting point for discussing such things as a irregular, regular, political warfare, etc., this must be by: a. This officer is the principal military to the President, the National Security Council and the Secretary of Defense. . personnel management, unit logistics, individual and unit training, readiness, mobilization, demobilization, discipline, and other matters, not included in the operational missions of the subordinate or other, 6) The Joint Staff is under exclusive authority, direction, and control, 7) A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission, under a single commander established and so designated by the, President, through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and. Answer: In FOREIGN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE. Rather, the Modern War Institute provides a forum for professionals to share opinions and cultivate ideas. There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness (TFF) Program. David H. Ucko and Thomas A. Two key traits that define a "professional" are _____ and _____. Noone,notevenidenticaltwins,haveexactlythesamepattern(3)\overset{(3)}{\text{\underline{{No one, not even identical twins, have exactly the same pattern}}}}Noone,notevenidenticaltwins,haveexactlythesamepattern(3) as anyone else. Analysis is a synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgement and therefore rarely subjext to competing interpretations. Comprehensive civilian and military efforts designed to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes. In: Sookermany A. In its crucial retention of legitimacy as the center of gravity, however, it also strongly implies that whatever the Department of Defense can do to help must be in support of civilian actors and political strategies. The issue must be engaged with at this strategic level, in terms of its objective, as it is the intent that informs the nature of subsidiary actions taken, be they seemingly unwarlike or clearly belligerent. Writing in Moscow in 1946, George Kennan famously cast the approach as political warfare, not a term he coined but which he rightly described as the logical application of Clausewitzs doctrine in time of peace. The issue, however, is that while states can certainly be as conniving, as deceptive, and as subversive as insurgents, the overlap with irregular warfare as we knew it is too thin to warrant its wholesale importation into this new world. Comments will be moderated before posting to ensure logical, professional, and courteous application to article content. When it quietly and nonviolently mobilizes societal support, it is to assist the eventual seizure of power. One more offering: A coercive struggle that erodes or builds power in order to achieve political change by blending disparate lines of effort to create an integrated attack on, or protect of, societies and their institutions. The current definition does specify that irregular warfare occurs among state and non-state actors, and so there is technically sufficient space therein to fit state-on-state confrontation. Where direct approaches are deemed too hazardous, energy and verve are found by attacking the foundations of the status quo and creating a new world, and new norms, that the powers that be cannot resist. 1) Irregular Warfare focuses on ______________. a.Does, Question 15pts APA guidelines require that documents are to be aligned___________________. Despite its many flaws, then, irregular warfare seems likely to stay, and we therefore face the challenge of grasping its relevance to the strategic competition currently faced by the United States. allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances; informs decisions by illuminating the differences in available courses of action. Who is responsible for assigning forces and resources to combatant commands? 8) These commands are established by combatant commanders when, authorized by the Secretary of Defense through the Chairman of the, Joint Chiefs of Staff to conduct operations on a continuing basis in, accordance with the criteria set forth for unified commands. The point of these activities can then be viewed through the prism of a competition for legitimacy, but at a global level, with US credibility and appeal targeted to clear the way for the Chinese takeover. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Fromthisworkcomesthefactsthatprosecutorsneedfortheircases.(5)\overset{(5)}{\text{\underline{{From this work comes the facts that prosecutors need for their cases. Explanation: Foreign humanitarian assistance is involved in the people's welfare, and the alleviation of suffering; humane or compassionate, reducing the results of natural or manmade disasters or other endemic conditions. military The purpose of _____ improves the agility of the force to rapidly collect, process, and share critical information. Since the time of Napoleon, approximately 80% of conflict has been irregular in nature. . Prior to deployment, the Staff Judge Advocate must determine what legal authorities are in place and what authorities are needed or desired to support the JTF mission. Mick Mulroy and Ken Tovo join host Alistair Taylor to discuss their recent paper on how US intelligence and military operatives effectively collaborated with. Definition. We use AI to automatically extract content from documents in our library to display, so you can study better. tailoring and balancing Which of the following is a technical or personnal risk when using social media? I propose: A coercive struggle that erodes or builds legitimacy to achieve political change by blending disparate lines of effort to create an integrated attack on societies and their political institutions. But one aspect of irregular warfare does seem usually clear: there is a party trying to retain control and a party trying to seize control; a party stabilizing and a party disrupting current political arrangement. 9) Support is a _____________ and may be exercised by Commanders at any echelon at or below the combatant, 10) General, mutual, direct and close are the four defined categories of ________________ that a Combatant. recognize the process of formulating U.S. national security, strategic guidance, and doctrine; recognize the formal processes used within the Department of Defense to integrate strategy, resources, and contingency Which of the following are true? The non-operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to the____. By acknowledging the "nature" of one's political objective, one can find great clarity in authorizing, resourcing, and mobilizing the instruments of statecraft necessary for its prosecution. Learn more about characters, symbols, and themes in all your favorite books with Course Hero's ____ is the routine contact and interaction between US Armed Forces and another nation's armed forces, foreign and domestic civilian authorities and agencies to build trust and confidence. Santa does IW all the time all year long and that is a IW that kids usually grow out of, replacing Santa with real religion to save one's life or soul. b, c, d a) None of the answers are corre . Which of the following key global providers is responsible for maintaining the global capability for rapid and decisive military force power projection and for leading the collaborative efforts of the joint planning and execution community? Excluding violence from irregular warfares remit also removes from this term the very political violence that it has always sought to explain, be it by nonstate armed groups using all forms of violence, from terrorism to civil war, or even state efforts to conquer one another within a context of winning legitimacy and quashing dissent. Intelligence dissimenation requirements and procedures must be coordinated through the______. First, authors need to stop the dodge of obliquely referring to "the strategic competition at hand" and accepting a priori that any (every) conflict in the world directly challenges American interests. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Going further, others take issue with the language of warfare and have mooted irregular competition as a way to prevent the militarization of threats that are not uniformly violent in nature. School American Military University Course Title SEJPME 202 Uploaded By bortiz92 Pages 6 This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of pages. Which of the following are true when forming priority intelligence requirements? Third, the chief definitional criterion of irregular warfare is its strategic intent: to erode or build legitimacy and influence. What does that statement imply? A. That is why Special Operation Forces train with the mind to conduct IW instead of just their arms and muscles to fire guns and bullets. What is the added value of irregular warfare in explaining traditional (if illicit) forms of statecraft, particularly when response falls to agencies and instruments of state that typically have little to do with warfare? An environment in which operations may or may not be opposed at any point during deployment by forces or individuals not under the host government's control is an ________ environment. IW is "war among the people" as opposed to "industrial war" (i.e., regular war). to minimize the effects of enemy deception. (thirty thousand; $30,000), Choose the best way to write each underlined section and mark the letter of your answer. The Department of Defense is working on a new definition of irregular warfare, and the stakes are surprisingly high. To achieve military strategic objectives quickly and at least cost, JFC's normally will seek the earliest opportunity to conduct decivise_______operations. [9][10][11] For example, SAD paramilitary officers created and led successful irregular units from the Hmong tribe during the war in Laos in the 1960s[12] from the Northern Alliance against the Taliban during the war in Afghanistan in 2001[13] and from the Kurdish Peshmerga against Ansar al-Islam and the forces of Saddam Hussein during the war in Iraq in 2003. Another early use of the term is in a 1996 Central Intelligence Agency document by Jeffrey B. 1) Irregular Warfare focuses on ______________. Withing the Personnel Services Division, which support organization is responsible for maintaining personal data of Service members related to their employment? Service Chiefs for preparation of contingency plans. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. An overarching term encompassing various military missions, tasks, and activities conducted outside the United States in coordination with other instruments of national power to maintain or reestablish a safe and secure environment, provide essential governmental services, emergency infrastructure reconstruction, and humanitarian relief. Redeployment encompasses which of the following phases? MILITARY 101SEJPME I&2.docx. Third, there is an official feeling that the definition of irregular warfare is too closely tied to the question of violence, which may work within counterinsurgency contexts but fits badly to the subversive and illicit activities of states seeking to outdo rival governments. "Quadrennial Roles & Missions (QRM) Review Report". This term refers to the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. The Chairman also issues the Global Force Management Implementation Guidance with the approval of the: The concept of "jointness" must be advancd through continual joint force development efforts. Warfare in which one or more combatants are irregular military rather than regular forces, According to the definition of "regular forces," which came much after the. which international acquisition and exportability objective addresses the need to strengthen domestice and allied defense industrial bases? The statutory members of the National Security Council are_____. A state of well-being in which one is aware of personal abilities and limits, copes well with life stresses, works productively and effectively and contributes positively to his or her communities is known as_____. All Collumns in a table should be labeled. It retains the lessons of two decades of involvement in irregular warfare yet allows for the internationalization of irregular struggles within a global competition for power. [14][15][16], Irregular warfare favors indirect warfare and asymmetric warfare approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode the adversary's power, influence, and will. In these efforts, mobilization, legitimacy, and credibility produce societal power, allowing adversaries weaker at the offset to paralyze stronger foes and, at times, prevail against seemingly impossible odds. Fourth, in the post-counterinsurgency era, there is a growing weariness with the focus within irregular warfare on legitimacy and the business of affecting popular perceptions. After intelligence requirements are established, the staff reviews existing databases for answers to requirement. 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