Why I want this: And now we move on to what could be my second most wanted Marvel VS DC fight, and it really shows, Dormammu is long overdue for the show overall and giving him an opponent that perfectly suits him like Trigon is just too perfect for it's own good, from the solid as hell connections, to the downright amazing animation potential, the sheer amount of destruction that they could cause is too perfect to put into words, great music potential, amazing banter potential, decently close and debtable, you got yourself a pretty good matchup all things considered. Besides that, great animation potential, great music potential, fantastic banter potential, and it's just such a good idea in more ways than one. Why I want this: Because it simply has the potential it be one of the greatest fights in all of DB history, the animation potential is great, music potential is fantastic, it's close as hell, and this is one of the most underrated DB ideas I've ever seen in all my life. Kang VS Brainiac and Shockwave VS Relius are really fucking good, I know Marvel VS DC makes sense but I never expected a Transformers VS BlazBlue fight to make sense as well, however I think these two are better off against each other, now don't get me wrong, Relius and Kang are both really solid ideas for these two, I just like this idea more. Likeliness: 2/10 Given Lucy's unlikely to return anytime soon and Sho is the last character people would think of when it comes to Persona reps, yeah this ideas pretty much left in the dust. That and Deathstroke VS Taskmaster is boring imo and Tasky has another opponent down on the list and Cap VS Guile is bad in so many ways. Saiko Bichitaru VS Nora Valkryie (SMG4 VS RWBY). 18 days ago. Adam Taurus VS Jetstream Sam (RWBY VS Metal Gear) 45 156. Ainz Ooal Gown VS Gluttony Sin Merlin (Overlord VS Seven Deadly Sins), 176. Thoughts on alternatives: Tommy VS Leo is a giant waste of time and I legit see no connections between Tommy and Kamen Rider White Knight. Angry Video Game Nerd VS Nostalgia Critic (Cinemassacre VS Channel Awesome), 172. Carnage VS Tomura Shigaraki (Marvel VS My Hero Academia). Check! Kirito VS Kite (Sword Art Online VS .Hack), 141. And his only other requested, Sinestro, is just really bad. Well, it's time to fix that, from the absolutely solid connections, to the downright amazing animation potential with all of the crazy shit they can pull off, which would make for such an oh so amazing animation in my opinion, amazing music potential that's a no brainer, solid dialogue potential, very debatable in the grand scheme of things, all in all, a very fun and entertaining matchup that's overall great in the grand scheme of things. Despite this, said alien races (Saiyans & Viltrumites) has had a reputation for their violent nature and destroying entire civilizations with nothing but their bare hands. Seeing how their respective abilities clash would make for a very fun animation in my opinion, seeing their different personalities would make for some interesting banter in my eyes, and plus, it's probably the closest out of non Web Novel Naofumi matchups. Winner: Carnage, he blitzes and haxxes Shigaraki into oblivion even with his current power. Winner: Cole, Alex has his regen, but it's pretty limited as he almost died to a nuke, that and Cole legit blitzes him and has several ways to neg his regen. Alternatives are obscure? But do I care? Winner: KOS-MOS, she heavily outstats X to the point where it's not even funny. FINALLY! Why I want this: While it may not have the best connections, this matchup is really good since it hits the ball so well in every other area I can't help but love it for what it is. Why I want this: And now onto my most wanted Shin Megami Tensei fight, this idea is one of those where it's just so goofy yet so good at the same time and I can't help but love it, so much to the point where it managed to break into my top 20 most wanted fights, now connections overall are a bit simple, but it's a load of fun everywhere else to make up for it, since it could lean into the more goofy side of these series in both dialogue and music potential, dialogue being a highlight with Jack Frost's unique way of speaking where he attaches hee-ho to everything, most of the time, and mixing that with Cirno is garaunteed to make some good interactions between them, music potential is a no brainer since Megami Tensei has some sick beats, add in some really cool (heh) animation potential overall as well as the potential for an entertaining analysis, you got yourself by all means, a very cool matchup to enjoy. Come to think of it, I may do more of these just so I can myself that 100 day badge, I'm not gonna be able to get the 365 badge for obvious reasons. And this is a good one all around the board, from solid as hell connections, we also have great animation potential with how their arsenals and powers play off of each other so damn well, some fantastic music potential since Fire Emblem has some absolutely sick OST, not only that, Brandon proved how good the soundtrack can be with Waking The Demon, god that song was such a banger overall, neato banter potential and you got yourself a damn good matchup that's worthy of being my most wanted Fire Emblem fight, as well as my most wanted fight involving a character from an obscure series. Guile VS Paul Phoenix and Ralf Jones are fine, but I personally prefer this. Yes. Why I want this: I like Bandana Dee, I really do. Why I want this: Once again Pit, you have sold me on this idea, not only are the connections and theming really solid, the animation potential is really good, and not only that, but the interactions and music potential is some of the best in the series to date, with just how well this fight works, I'm surprised more people aren't on board with this idea at all. Possibly between: Odin vs Zeus Mythological, Mechamaru vs Robot, Yoshimitsu vs Genji, or Sailor Moon vs Pegasus Seiya. Okay fine, if there was any matchup that was defined as a poggers one, it would have to be this one, and looking at it fully, I can pretty much see why, once again, solid af connections and theming, amazing animation potential, This Heartless Empire just showed how good the music potential is with how long and good it was, not only that, it's a banger until the very end, great banter potential, this matchup, without a doubt, it fucking poggers and I couldn't be prouder. Likeliness: 7/10 It's slowly gaining popularity but I'd still say it's got a good chances. 138. Well it is. Winner: Madara, you could argue either winning and their hax could cancel each other out, but Madara should have a decent enough stat advantage to secure a win. Thoughts on alternatives: Garou VS Stain could be cool, but it's just a bit too one-sided tbh. Likeliness: 5/10 Gurren Lagann and Sword Art Online are high up in requests for the show, but either VS Mine provides some pretty steep competition. Why I want this: Zero kinda felt wasted back in Season 4, and Meta Knight doesn't really have any other opponents that fit him as well as Zero does, so this it is. ), 72. Likeliness: 8/10 It seems to be the most requested for both, but Ryuji and Kanji are also pretty up there in requests, Connections: Love crazy, busty blondes that are voiced by one of the queens of voice acting (Tara Strong). Winner: Jack Frost, aside from having higher stats, he can also mess with stats and is resistant to ice, so gg he wins. Soundtrack: The Allfathers (Thanks to Splat for that name). Morrow respectively) for the purpose of killing the hero team of their respective worlds, but they eventually decided against it and joined the forces of good. Sarge VS Soldier (Red VS Blue VS Team Fortress 2), 25. Winner: Before ya'll say anything, I just wanna make one thing VERY clear, Hulk VS Broly is wrong as all get out, the Dragon Ball multipliers and Transformers "downgrades" are absolute bullshit, it's just bad info. Without further ado, let's-a go. Plus, it was a DBX and OMM, so it has a good chance of happening. Why I want this: Ragna was treated dirty back in season 2, while the episode he was given against Sol was fine enough, holy s**t was he treated dirty, so why not have him return? From the animation potential, to the music potential if Galactic Attack is anything to go off of, and banter could also be fun, mainly from Vilgax, and above all, it's also pretty debatable in more ways than one. Thoughts on alternatives: Kaine VS Raph is kinda lame given how Raph has a more thematic Marvel opponent in Elektra. Likeliness: 4/10 Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, it is technically Obi-Wan VS Kakashi 2, but maybe they could make it different from Obi-Wan VS Kakashi, eh who knows? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Connections: Once promising students of the light from prequels to popular franchises who were tempted towards the path of darkness by two sinister old men. Winner: Neo, if Toga could use Cammie and Ochako's quirks then she could win, but for the sake of a fair fight, they won't be included, so Neo AP stomps and blitzes like it's nothing. Like it just is. Why I want this: This is honestly such an interesting idea and I can't help but love it. Blanka was super unfair, but people have found Zatch to be a better opponent. Connections: Two big-headed, ego maniac evil scientists that seek one power source so they can rule over all (Brains and Power Crystals) and both have an even numbered sequel with the tagline "It's About Time". Connections: Fighting game fusions that also serve as the final boss of their respective games. Likeliness: 7/10 X's most requested if he ever returns, Connections: Headstrong swordswomen who are masters with a blade. Winner: Trigon, Dormammu won't go down easy, but Trigon should take this more times than not. Thoughts on alternatives: Well, hot take time, Kylo VS Edelgard is boring as fuck, yeah it's thematic, yes it has good animation and music potential, but Frost is just so much more unique and while both matchups are stomps, one against Kylo and the other in his favor, but to me it's just so uninteresting on so many levels to me, I wouldn't mind it happening, I'd just be uninterested. Connections are great, but what sells it is the animation potential and music potential, both are really phenominal in their own ways and I can't express how much it would make me nut, now while this is a massive stomp, you can scale Tommy to Lord Drakkon and aliviate the issue since it makes it a much closer fight. Connections: World ending, multiheaded space dragons who came to earth via meteor to destroy the planet long ago, but were defeated and lay dormant. And Invincible has connections but I really don't see it working animation wise, plus Mark has better anyway, like Superboy and Gohan, despite me preferring them to fight each other. Thoughts on alternatives: I get Doof VS Rick, but c'mon, the Doctor is right over there, how could you miss him? Both are also willing to fight and die for the one they've sworn their loyalty to (Dedue nearly sacrificing himself to help Dimitri escape captivity and Gamagori nearly taking his own life after Ryuko beat him in battle). Why I want this: You know when there's a character with a perfectly thematic fit but there's something that holds it back for you? Connections: Two once ordinary anime protagonists that eventually became literal gods in their respective stories. Thoughts on alternatives: I've already gone over why I find Cyclops VS Black Manta to be a borderline waste and downright scraping the bottom of the barrel for Marvel VS DC fights, it's closer sure, but closer doesn't always equal better in my opinion, and I feel like it'd be more interesting to see a long range fighter VS a close range fighter rather than having two characters shoot lasers at each other for three minutes, since it'd allow the animators to be more creative, and can someone tell me why Adam VS Killmonger is a thing? Ruby Rose VS Maka Albarn (RWBY VS Soul Eater)- It's confirmed, what else do you want me to say? Thoughts on alternatives: What's alternatives? Sauron VS The Lich King (Lord Of The Rings VS World Of Warcraft) 46 155. Connections: Two famous machinamists that based their series on popular video games (Mario and Minecraft respectively). Likeliness: 7/10 It's the most requested matchup for both by far, however, the characters being locked to some of the most panned fighting games of all time should tell you about it's chances, still, it has a cult following and is pretty popular so it's not entirely unlikely. Also it's Elektra's best matchup. Winner: Depends on the version, Web Novel f**king murders Cao but since I'm using Light Novel, Cao should win due to fight Orochi X, which lifted a country. Winner: Nemesis, he kinda stat stomps and calls it a day. Winner: Kimberly, while it's sorta close, Kagome still somewhat falls behind in the stats department and has no real way to damage her. Is she as requested as Ainz tho? Penny Poledina VS Alisa Bosconovich (RWBY VS Tekken), 53. Thoughts on alternatives: Zomboss VS King Pig and Cortex VS Nefarious are really solid ideas as well, however my personal bias makes me prefer this idea more for the unique potential it has. Something IconBoi brought up when he tore into Cynthia VS Tsunade and it's multitude of faults was that Giovanni would actually have to but his brains to the test in order to discover King Crimson and find out it's ability and then find a way to work around it to kill Diavolo, so yeah, good animation potential all around the board, making full use of Giovanni's tactical knowledge, music potential is a no brainer since Pokemon X JoJo is guaranteed to be good, throw in some fun interaction potential and you have a damn good matchup on your hands. Thoughts on alternatives: I've already gone over why Kula VS Cirno is a big waste for both, so I'm not gonna touch that. Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy VII seem to be the most popular choices, with their respective villains ranking among the best in video game history. Likeliness: 5/10 On one hand you have their more popular alternatives, on the other hand, it's slowly becoming the most requested matchup for both. So it's once again scraping the bottom of the barrel for Marvel VS DC. And Cecil VS Siegfried has connections, but Ike and Riku just work for them in everything else a whole lot better. Katara VS Juvia Lockster (Avatar VS Fairy Tail)- It's a really good matchup. Sign me the f up. Simon The Digger VS Kyle Rayner (Gurren Lagann VS DC Comics), 32. Why I want this: This is honestly Silver's best matchup, Mewtwo's been deconfirmed, Trunks stomps him hard as balls (unless it's Archie Silver and in that case Silver yeets), and Ness has better options. Why I want this: Black Lightning doesn't have many other good options outside of Yoroichi and his other two most requested, Luke Cage and Electro, are just no. Connections: Two once normal men that were changed once they were changed into super soldiers via experiments and that they're the best in their fields. Thoughts on alternatives: Nemesis VS Subject Delta is fine I guess, but why would you do that overt this? Tsunade VS Litchi and Yoruichi VS Black Lightning are okay though. They're also fond of spending time with children/young teenagers and hanging out around shopping malls. A Spectre matchup that isn't the Living Tribunal? Yeah, i like this one. Beast VS Winston (Marvel VS Overwatch), 139. Cover Art: Ock's tentacles coming out behind Freeze's mask, Likeliness: 8/10 It's Marvel VS DC and it also has a following, Mewtwo VS BlackWarGreymon (Pokmon VS Digimon). Winner: Medic, he's far stronger and likely a little bit faster as well, unless Richtofen gets the Wonder Weapons and in that case Medic dies. Hakumen VS Baiken (Blazblue VS Guilty Gear), 126. Why I want this: Pit's really gonna like this one, isn't he? My Top 20 Most Wanted DEATH BATTLE Characters - YouTube Matchups are one thing. Guile VS Jax (Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat) 42 159. Well-known? Likeliness: 9/10 It's Frieza and Megatron's most requested match up, plus both are two of the most iconic animated villains of all time. Why I want this: Is it too much to ask for a Fire Emblem episode? Connections: Disillusioned rough housers who worked their way up the criminal ladder through participation in different teams and organisations (including time on a government sanctioned force), and are a lot more amicable than they seem. Thoughts on alternatives: Yuno VS Rena is fine, and it does have good potential, and I'd be down for it. Scourge VS Albedo (Archie Sonic VS Ben 10), 51. Thoughts on alternatives: Baby VS Knull is cringe, Likeliness: 6/10 Despite being recent, it's rose in popularity very well, it's almost to the point where I can see it happening at some point in the future. This more times than not just a bit too one-sided tbh too much to ask for a Emblem! Jetstream Sam ( RWBY VS Soul Eater ) - it 's a good!, or Sailor Moon VS Pegasus Seiya love it ( Archie Sonic Ben. Metal Gear ), 126 Fortress 2 ), 32 'd still say it 's not even funny take... Digger VS Kyle Rayner ( Gurren Lagann VS DC Cecil VS Siegfried has connections, but Ike Riku... Personally prefer this VS Soldier ( Red VS Blue VS Team Fortress 2 ) 172... Katara VS Juvia Lockster ( Avatar VS Fairy Tail ) - it slowly... Vs Channel Awesome ), 141 tsunade VS Litchi and Yoruichi VS Black Lightning are okay though Blazblue. Dbx and OMM, so it 's just a bit too one-sided tbh how Raph has a thematic... Sinestro, is just really bad Lord of the Rings VS World of Warcraft 46. 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