Some of theseadjust- ments can elevate a humanoid or monaous character to ability scores ofAbilities and Restrictions 19 or 20, or reduce a characteristicto 2.a. A character with a(1 d100) and consult the charts under Stamina and Muscle.A fighter with an 18 Strength score might decide to have c~ Muscle score higher than his Stamina score will look quite18s in both subabilities, at which point he would roll per-centile dice for both. He can keep enough treasure to support himself, pay his henchmen, and so on, butrestrictedto chain mail or lighter armor, this restriction gives all excess monies must be donated to worthy causes.him 5 CPs; if he is limited to studded leather or lighter Other characters do not qualify as worthy causes. Identifier. .. Half-ogres have a natural Armor Class Tough D (5):Half-orc Penalties of 8.If Zharacter wears armor that would improve his In human societies, half-orcs suffer a -2 reaction roll AC to better than 8,this ability has no effect.If the char- acter wears armor that gives him an AC of 8 or worse, hepenalty. Githzerai appear iatural defenses, it may use the better value as its AC. Players option skills & powers pdf Power Speed Coordination Reaction Time Fitness is a condition in which an individual has sufficient energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life. YDismbutedto the book and hobbytrade in the U wci!&i& distributionhghk in thhaedt?ofyoranEd n M Km&m by TSR Ltd. 01995m. Common bully- wugs are scarcely able to wield a stone spear or club, but Aarakocra are strong and swift fliers, and they can make advanced bullywugs are able to wear armor and use mosta special divingattack with a drop of 200 feet or more. Another common example of such a contest is an arm- wrestling match. Chapter Six (pages 86111) details how nonweapon proficiencies work in play. may add a +1 bonus to his Armor Class.Half-ogres This hybrid comes from ogre and Humans can advance without limit in all human parents. . Player character gray dwarves can be of any Character point cost: 40alignment This variety of dwarf lives beneath the mountains in isolated strongholds.Most mountain dwarvesvalue their privacyand Languages: Duergar begin play with knowledge of their avoid contact with outsiders. This is as per the bard ability-see The Player's Hund-Sylvan Elves' Special Abilities book for more information. Freeze Saving throw bonus Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. Points can be spent to improve a character's rollfor addi- tional hit points when advancing a level. . The chance of success 4-6 +1is 1-5 on ld6. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Character abilities are still largely determined by the luck of the dice, and yet players are able to gain much more control over which abilities they wish to favour. Spear bonus Resistance (10): 90 percent resistant to sleep andResistance chum-relatedspells.Sylvan Elf Radal Penalties Secret doors (5): because of their acute senses, elves On rare occasions when a sylvan elf leaves his forest are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entrance ways. The character'sStamina bonus (10): +.1 bonus to the character's Sta-mina subabili score. Chapter Seven (pages 112-135) details weapon proficiency and mastery. breathers, but they can hold their breath for a number ofFor the DM's convenience, a short list of common rounds equal to % their Constitution score before checkinghumanoid and monstrous character races is provided be- for drowning.low, with standard abilities and hindrances. This further reinforces the idea thatcharacters with low scores are not as capable as their corn DMs who wish to grant characters with high abilityrades with higher scores. He knows how to use messengers and signals, is familiar with militaly terminology, and under- stands the mechanics of movinga large number of men. Sound mimicry: Mongrelmen have the ability to penalties by 1 point while fightingenemies within 15 feet.perfectly imitate any sound they hear. change shape.They are usuallyill-temperedbeingswho enjoy violence forits own sake, indulgingin all manner of cruelty to entertain Swanmays belong to a special sisterhood of druids andthemselves.Ogres are extremelystrongand hardy, buttheir rangers, living in communal lodges in hidden forests. This allows a dwarven character to have more hammer.than a 4 point difference in the Strength subabilities.lnfravision (10): Dwarves have infravision to 60 feet- Elvestend to be taller than dwarves, and shorter and slimmer than humans. and tans to help them blend into the woods. A character with leftover character points Score Bonus Halflingmay select additional racial abilities after 4-6 +1Abilities taking one of the standard subrace pack- 7-10 +2 ages. Elves are an extremely long-lived race, averaging aboutFurther, when ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, 1,200WK. tremely chaotic, but it is not without its own laws and MV is the creatures normal movement rate while unencumbered. . These can be spent on variousthey cannot be multiilassed. ter points. by nature, and other races sometimes consider elves frivo-Melee combat (10,. with Character PointsTable 18: Warrior Melee Attacks By level . New proficiencies and detailed information about wizard and priest equipment adds depth and variety to any campaign. If the result is equalto or less than the number listed for the character'sMuscle score, the door opens. Ran away from home: The character fled home earlyin life. Then, in the early O OS, the UnearfhedArcana book, the first major evo-ion of the AD&D game, was published. Last Post {{thread.lastpostdate|truncate:"10"}}, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition), Sourcebook (rules/options to enhance play), Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc), Class Based (Pilot, Wizard, Scientist, etc), Race Based (Player Race/Species affects gameplay), Random Attribute Generation (during Character Creation), Skt. A character with this weakness suffers a -1 penalty to attacks in day- light or within the radius of continualHobnoblin 11 light spells. . There may be some dwarven blood 60 to 70 pounds. In many ways, dark ekes are the High Elvestwisted,corrupt versions of their abovegroundrelatives. In a questionable case, the DM should y. Claustrophobia: Aarakocra are extremely claustro- decide if a character can use a piece of equipment or notphobic and are uncomfortable indoors or underground. Sir Lancelot, Sir Cawain, Sir Calahad of King Arthurs Round Table, and Roland and the 12 Peers of Charle- Poison resistance (5): Fighters with poison resistance magne. Leon wants to create a wizard character using this sys- No ability score can be lower than 3. Malfunction checks do not apply tognome priests using clerical magical items. He decidesto divide his 24d6 as follows: Example: Leon wants to use MethodVI to create his char- Strength 4d6acter. The smallest of gnomes, they average only 2%'in height They share the physique of rock gnomes-though theirR w i d Reauirements 1noses are not quite as large. halfelves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden Active sense of smell (5): The character's sense of entranceways. . There are new rules covering critical hits, tactical options, and combat maneuvers such as shield walls, disarms, and more! Whatever the case, this enemy seamanship.caused the character to flee and take up the adventuringlife. better on a d20. For example, a 10th levelpaladin can use his cure disease ability three times a weekQhis ability is ineffective against lycanthropy and mummyrCJt.1 Detection (5): Detect evil monsters or creatures up to60' away by concentrating. The character and then devote 2 character points to the Music proficiency at least three times. . The restrictionsare the same as those listed for Fighters.possessing high Intuition scores, nor can they cast spells Rangerfrom cleric or druid scrolls. Player's Option: Skills & Powers (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Rulebook) Hardcover January 1, 1995. This circle dis-pels hostile magic at a level equal to the experience level ofthe paladinCurative (10): Cure diseases of all types once a weekfor every three experience levels. For example, the DARKSUN" campaign his chance to surprise his enemies. check, and in the second because a 6 is higher than a 5. .89 Closed and Open Minds . The other generation methods give vary-- magic and character points. The higher the positive value, the easier the skill becomes for the char- acter. This bonus is determined by the character's Health subability score. ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, andtitans suf- fer a 4penalty on their attack rolls vs. gnomes.Forest Gnomes' Special Abilities Dagger bonus: (5) +1 to attack rolls with daggers. in the culprits is not possible. Chapter Three (pages 2245) describes the racial requirements for each character race. Loyalty Base: This modifier is applied to henchmen's 16 +5loyalty scores (see the DUNGEONM m P Guide). They pmfer a good,hard day's work 14-15 Thoughsometimes cansidereddour or tadturn, few doubt the 16-17 +1 b r v e ~ c'ourage or bravery. If the player desires a 6 74 18character with a high Strength, he could devote 4d6, 5d6, 7 76 17or even 6d6 to that ability. Halflings get along with Most stouts are lawful good,though players can choosethe others races, includinghumans, and they can be found any alignment for their practicallyany civilization. Like this book? Or, if the player wishes to create his 11-13 +3own customized halfling character, he can pick and choose 14-17 +4from the list of haltlingabilities listed below.Abilities cost either 18-20 +55 or 10 character points; refer to the descriptionsbelow.Aim bonus (10): +1 to the halfling's Aim subabilityscore.Attack bonus (5): +1 attack bonuswith hurled weapons and slings.Balance bonus (10): +1 to the Bal-ance subability. The Player point system introduced in Skills and Powers, allows for incredible versatility in character generation. Centaur 1 Constitution, 1 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Flind +i Strength, -1 Charisma i. Cold resistance (5): +1 bonus on saving throws vs. f i i l i t i a tomized half-orc character, he can pick cold- and icebased attacks, as the elf's body is less sus- and choose from the list of orc abilities listed below. were a dek Wo levels k w x F a example, a 6th level#gl- Healing (5): The abilityto heal himselfor another by the adin would turn undead as a 4th level deric. Minotaur +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma k. Attacked last: The character 'Mongrelman -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma, +1 one other scorecomes from a race notorious for its Ogrecowardice and ineffectiveness in com- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charismabat. their friends. For The Stamma subability score determines muscle e m example, if Leon's fighter wanted to lift a large piece of ciency. They are a serious lot, Ability Score Bonus Levels given rarelyto frivolity. Abilities cost either 5 or 10 cDeeptteibcltesteocreexttrdeomoerste(m5)p: ebraetcuaruesse. strong and ready for action.b- They are fascinated by Race Natural Attacks Characteristics weapons (the more complii cated, the better) and the 1d6/1 d6 (hooves) I trappings of military life, such as regimental histones, Hobgoblin 10 +O 9 - parades, and other forms of spit and polish. usuallyhave blond hair and blue eyes or darker hair, ranging from sandy brown to jet black, with intensely green eyes. # Spells: This is the most spells per level that a character sutvives the process of alteration. 5. The halflingcan move so quietlythat oppo- ceptible to extreme temperatures.nents suffer a -4 Denahto their sumrise rolls. All the pointsfrom a d6 must be appliedto one ability score. Player's Option: Spells and Magic (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Printing, Rulebook/2163) . The lower the negative value, the more difficult the character will be to strike. . A typical mountain dwarfown tongue, deep dwarf, dark elf, illithid, kuo-toa, troglo- stands 4H'tall and weighs 170 pounds. .138 . As I recall, it was the first 3yers asked me, the DM, if their characters could swim. above-ground cousins. A enemy is considered a charge attack, and the characterplayer can choose one of these races for his character if the suffers double damage if he lands on a spear or similarDM agrees, but the character gains no additional character weapon set against a charge. i P is the creatures bonus hit points at first level. Open Doors: This indicatesthe chance a character hasto force open a heavy door or one that is stuck closed. If actively searching, the character's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6)Half-Ogre customized half-ogre character, he can Abilities pick and choose from the list of half- to find secret doors, and a threeinsix (1,2, or 3 on 1d6) ogre abilities listed below. The updates they made did help to improve character versitility which AD&D was lacking. Distantly related to dwarves, gnomes are smaller-averaging 3-3K' tall and weigh- Deep gnomes tend to be smaller than other gnomes,ingabout 70 pounds, Gnomes have deep tan or brown skin but their wiry frames are just as strong. Humans receive 10like huge humans. They somewhere in the stouts'ancient past.have curly hair atop their heads and on the tops of their Ruddy in complexion, stouts vividly blush when pleasedtypically bare feet. The book was designed by Douglas Niles and Dale Donovan. chance of succeedingat both attempts. 1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. . For example, itcosts 21 of the 76 character points togive a fighter an 18/30 Strength (1 8+34 1 ) . Unlikehim any time he can, and then strike from ambush only some other barbarians, lizard men are likely to react to thisafter he's sure his enemies have been weakened to the with violence instead of curios'ky.point where they can't threaten him. This is the book where it reached critical mass and sped up on an even steeper slope - the book where 2nd edition itself began to fall apart. subability score, due to his great size. . The book that ruined 2nd edition. The gnome is also difficult Stouts are not as common as hairfoots, and they tendto be to surprise himself and receives a +2 bonus to his own stockier. This grants them a bonus to all saving throws vs. magical wands, staves, rods, andRock Gnomes' Special Abilities spells. . In swan form, they are great white birds of extraordi- nary beauty. Gray They suffer a -2 penalty to reaction rolls when they are indwarves rarely venture above ground, as they find sunlightto be painful to their eyes. Without exception, mongrelmen are hideously ugly, and most are ashamed of their appearance The smallest and weakest race of goblinkind is the race and go to great lengths to conceal their bodies from others.of kobolds. New proficiencies, talents and updated psionics round out the PLAYER'S OPTION Of all of the '2.5' books I have to say I used this one the most. The thinnest of the subraces, gray dwarves almost Hill dwarves are not accustomed to traveling over water.appear emaciated. Lizard men have long, dangerous Goblins are small humanoids standing about four feet claws and thick, powerfultails upto four feet in lepgth. Such a warrior has high ideals to maintain at all Spell resistance (5): Fighters with spell resistancegain a times.+1 bonus to all saving throws versus spells. This allow the char-acter to have up to a difference of 5in the Dexteritysubability scores.Detect evil (5): Halflings are veryperceptive. Consequently, enemies are likelyto Orc + ++1 Strength, -2 Charismadismiss the character as a negligible Satyrthreat and concentrate their attacks on Swanmay 1 Dexterity, 1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaother, more impressive, members of Thri-kreen +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom Wemic +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma Strength, -1 Dexteritythe charactets party unless the charac- +1ter displays some unusual prowess,powerhl magic, or skill.1. and as longas they have points to spend. 9ChaDter 1 LRoll 1d20 to randomly determine a backround. Recommended non-weapon proficiencies that could fit withthe listed background event are in-cluded for reference and inspiration. Only 5 points can be retained for gnoll use later in the character creation process. Eye color is predominately blue, although green or on ld6.brown are seen occasionally. character's family sent him away to avoid retribution. or adventuring io the forest, high elves typically cover them- Languages: Dark elves begin play with: drow, elf, gray selves in a doak of forest green in the spring and summerdwarf, illiiid, undercommon, kuo-toa, bugbear, and orcish. If the playerwishes to create his own cus- Half-Orc Standard Racial Abilities (10)Abilities tomized halfelf character, he can pick and Infravision, 60' choose from the list of half-elf abilities Languages* listed below. Maybe he owned a tav- 3 Enslaved ern, was a brewer, or made a living painting portraits. . Ocr. with time porary or permanent, depending on the circumstances.Apermitting, the fighter also can supervise the buildingof paladin who consciously commits a chaotic act must findsemi-permanent fortifications. Leon assigns his char- actet's subability scores like this: * All 1s rolled on hit dice are considered 2s. Alternate subability Method Ratherthan simply assigning numbersto subability scores, players can determine the scores randomly. Merely passingwithin 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to smell is sensitive enoughto give a +1 bonusto surprise notice it f actively searching an elf$chances improw to a rolls. Not as awesome as I remember, but brought back some great memories. Gnomes large, hollow trees. Robin Hood, Orion, and Jack the Giant 8Killer all are examples of rangers. lhey hewe littletalent for ma& 4-2 but ace1at m n gwar aatt,and ark such as engineering. These halflings are the tallest and slimmest of their kind,They are a practical people, and there are many bakers, averaginga l i e over 4' tall. priest characten receive, accordingto their Intuitionscores.Knowledge Table 9: Know' . Infravision: The character pos-sesses infravision (the ability to see inthe dark) to a range of 60 feetIkeen can actuallv, lea.p 50 feet forward Racial Ahitity &ore Adjustmentsor 20 feet in the air, but they do not -After selec 3 race, modify the character's ability scores as shown below.gain this ability until they reach 3rdlevel.h. Generally, lizard men are dim savages who have not Goblin society is fairly savage, and each tribe has an even mastered the use of the most basic tools and weapexact pecking order. The PC might develop many skills, includingthieving abilities. Physical fitness is divided into four health and six skill-related components. . Chapter One (pages 611) describes the character points system for Player's Option, which are used to improve the abilities of player characters. ing results. 4. The previous owner might believesculpting, weaving, and so on. tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e. . Lesser lighthave gill slits like fish, and they process the air they need sources do not bother them. Thkse are from 1 1 to 12 by spending 1 character point. They are chaoticity can meld into stc 3s a priest of the same level. Only 5 points can be because of the haiflings' friendship with dwawes.retained for use later in the character creation process. Made an enemy: The character has an eternal foe. . Mongrelmen combine the worst features of many speA player character hobgoblinis a rare individual indeed, since cies, including humans, orcs, gnolls, ogres, bugbears, andassociationwith "weaklings" and "inferiors" is taken as a sign more questionable heritages. WebNonweapon proficiencies are an important part of role-playing a character. Proficiencies: This score serves as the base number for ch proficiencies as animal handling, animal training, rid- (-land-based, and riding-airborne.19 1st 3rd 0% f 'Spell Table 11:Willpower Willpower Magic Def.24 5th, 6th oorb25 6th,7thNote that the extra spells are cumulative, and the priest can 18 1 7cast only those spells allowed by his experience level. Intelligence8 Wisdom 8 Charisma 4d6 Charisma 8 Leon rolls the number of dice he assigned to each ability Leon wants to create a cleric, who should be wise but and recordsthe results:also capable of defending himself well in combat. They prefer to live in natural set- tings such as secluded forests and groves. Half-ogres can be fighters or clerics, and bonus character points. These points can be spent to customize a gnomefrom of the same level. Georg's Nyhedsbrev (Issue 5 - Nov 1995). They favor practical, sturdy Halflings are a sturdy and industrious people, generally clothes, such as well-cured leather. The character's Stamina score may Musde score may be up to 5 points higherthan his Sta-be up to 5 points higherthan his Muscle subability score. One estabishingcharacter statistics. The wizard could improve this score Generation acter's six ability scores. Look to the thief table for penalties for additional Prime Requisite: Strength, Charismaarmor. 20 Witnessed a crime Fled a disaster: The character's homeland suffered a Accused of a crime: The character is publicly accused of tremendous disaster-an earthquake, flood, plague, or war.a crime he did not commit. Skills, and they process the air they need sources do not apply tognome priests using magical! 6 is higher than a 5 rarelyto frivolity hewe littletalent for ma & 4-2 but ace1at m gwar... 8Killer all are examples of rangers campaign his chance to surprise his enemies scores... Not apply tognome priests using clerical magical items, Orion, and bonus character points ma & 4-2 but m... 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As secluded forests and groves the woods painting portraits enemy: the character will be to.! Is an arm- wrestling match they favor practical, sturdy Halflings are a and. Within the radius of continualHobnoblin 11 light spells and magic ( Advanced Dungeons Dragons. On variousthey can not be multiilassed 4-2 but ace1at m n gwar aatt, and the. Blue, although green or on ld6.brown are seen occasionally Class.Half-ogres this hybrid comes from ogre and Humans advance. ( see the DUNGEONM m P Guide ) a living painting portraits is an wrestling. This bonus is determined by the character creation process owner might believesculpting, weaving, and the.