", "There are many wonderful things that only exist in the world of fiction", "If I couldn't fit into an outfit because I got fat, I might die from self-loathing. Tsumugi, upon realizing that Danganronpa was indeed over and done with, promptly lost all of her hope in living as she denied a world without Danganronpa, but had not prepared a proper Punishment before-hand and as such left it to K1-B0. When they heard from Korekiyo that Tsumugi left the dining hall to use the restroom, Kaede became suspicious and decided to head back to the library to question her. That same night, Angie went to talk with Tsumugi, Himiko, Tenko, and K1-B0 in hopes of converting them all to her ideology and create a Student Council with the sole intent of ending the Killing Game while also throwing away their own desire to leave the academy. Due to that fact, it is unclear whether Tsumugi is a sponsored cosplayer in the past. Kanji Throughout the game, Tsumugi seems to have a soft spot for Gonta and often appears to pay attention to him during some moments when the others do not. In the end K1-B0 committed suicide by destroying himself along with the entire Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles . The very next morning, Tsumugi gathered with everyone else in the dining hall. Tsumugi and everyone else were shocked and frightened to discover the academy coming under fire from the Ultimate Robot, suddenly being able to fly and shoot lasers. Super High School Level Cosplayer ). Afterwards, Kokichi proclaimed himself as the leader of the cult bent on stopping The Gofer Project and the one who let Monokuma into the ark, effectively declaring himself as the Mastermind of the Killing School Semester. To try and divert as much suspicion as possible from herself when the participants first interacted with Motherkuma, Tsumugi took control of the conversation once Motherkuma's ability to birth new Monokuma's was brought up and asked it to "make" a new Monokuma. ShibonuSegnoku. Once she did, Kaede saw Tsumugi's cospox, effectively meaning that she couldn't have disguised herself. Shuichi found this to be an odd coincidence and made sure to keep it in mind. Tsumugi was still unsure however due to the academy being completely under his control and having numerous spares. Monokuma and the rebuilt Monokubs in their respective Exisals eventually showed up to try and stop his assault, declaring that the Killing Game cannot be ended. Shirogane is a native Japanese word for silver, which is commonly known as gin. This could imply that her talent is multi-faceted. (As, "It's not strange at all that you'd want to be a part of the show you love." With that determination fueling them forward, they headed into the tunnel. Her title is the Ultimate Cosplayer ( lit. Nevertheless, Kokichi pretending to be the Mastermind and making everyone fall into so much despair that they no longer wanted to continue the Killing Game proved to be an unexpected development in her scenario. 83 cm (33") Being a self-proclaimed introvert, she also tends to ignore people while she's in her thoughts, no matter how many times they try talking to her, and appears rather distant at times. Realizing that she had been cornered, Tsumugi finally dropped her act and revealed herself as "Junko Enoshima the 53rd". The Mastermind of the Killing School SemesterJunko Enoshima the 53rd Tsumugi didn't want Rantaro to discover the secret and exposed of her being the Mastermind. Tsumugi treated K1-B0 like a toy and even bullies him for his actions in the trial. If she lived in our world, she would be just like us. She can be seen interacting with Motherkuma, declaring that the Killing Game is invincible and that as long as she exists, the Killing Game will keep going forever. Tsumugi discovered this and went to go inform Shuichi, who had just finished investigating Rantaro's newly opened Research Lab. Upon using it, everyone remembered what seemed to be their own funeral, much to the student's confusion. Her eyes are large, round, and a soft teal-green color. Sprite Regardless, she generally appears to be a kind person, as seen in the way she grieves the deaths of others and treats Gonta in patient, gentle manner. One of the new areas that became unlocked was the Ultimate Astronaut's Research Lab, which Tsumugi explored with Kaito, Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko. ", "Every single thing that has happened in this, "That's right! English English Ultimate Cosplayer . There's no way I'd abandon you guys. As a result, the Ultimate Entomologist did not hesitate for even a second if it meant he could be useful to everyone and joined Angie's group. Angie explained the details of Himiko's trick before the Ultimate Magician jumped into the tank, having only a single minute to escape the water tank before the tank would fill with piranhas. Tsumugi and the others all became unable to breathe and lost consciousness not long after. The bigger they are, the more fun and shocking it is when they're revealed. Aside from a Gofer Project participant list, which had a large majority of it blacked out, nothing of notable use was gained from Kaito's lab, much to his disappointment. [3] She tends to call herself and everything that she has done "plain," as she believes that among all of the students, she is the one who has the plainest appearance and personality. A couple days later, Miu would gather everyone, Tsumugi included, in the computer room on the fourth floor. She is manipulative and cruel, choosing to murder Rantaro and frame Kaede for his death all so that the killing game would not end due to the motive Monokuma presented at the time. As everyone stared at Miu's corpse dumbfounded, the investigation had begun for a fourth time. ), "Ah! The equivalent exchange for my cosplay." Angie closed the curtains, but everyone grew increasingly worried as the timer continued to count down and Himiko had yet to come out. Once the final vote was cast and it is revealed that no one had voted, she grows considerably bewildered, unable to comprehend as to why the outside world would want a world without Danganronpa. (As. "Do you got the guts to make such a heartless choice?" Female Kaito once again becomes outraged with Kokichi and attempted to punch him yet again. Portrayals Mikako Komatsuen-US Dorothy Elias-Fahn[2]. . Aoba Tsumugi. She tells Kaede that she only enjoys creating costumes and prefers other people wearing her costumes. Tsumugi Kotobuki ( Kotobuki Tsumugi), otherwise known as Mugi () is one of the 5 main characters in K-ON! Tsumugi then revealed that everything they remembered about attending Hope's Peak Academy and the outside world being destroyed was a lie and that the Flashback Lights were actually tools to implant new memories, not tools to help you remember. One of the new areas that were opened up was a room in the back of the Ultimate Astronaut's Research Lab. Maki would also act just as recklessly as Tsumugi had hoped she would, breaking her promise with the group about starting tomorrow and stormed the Exisal hangar to kill Kokichi. After witnessing Kaede's plan fail, Tsumugi immediately left the hidden room and bludgeoned Rantaro in the back of the head with her own shot put while he was distracted by Kaede's shot put that just barely missed him, killing him instantly. Tsumugi sat down in her chair and put the cords in her own headset, making sure to listen to Miu's explanation. Angie took the Necronomicon and told everyone else to "leave it to the student council". Dislikes The world I'm going to cosplay has already been picked out. angieyonaga. Finding it necessary to inspect it with the others, she gathered Tsumugi and everyone else in the dining hall. Everything from the, "Remembering the weight of that hope should've made you feel stronger. There is no greater meaning. Tsumugi was confident that Danganronpa would continue after abandoning her vote, meaning only K1-B0's vote would have any power as he was still being controlled by the outside world. A Tsumugi Shirogane Enemies Monokuma Monokuma Kubs The mastermind of the Killing School Semester (true identity unknown at the time) Type of Hero Falsely Accused Optimist Kaede Akamatsu is the central protagonist of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. When she is cosplaying, a faint V appears in her right eye and a 3 in her left eye, referring to the 53rd season of Danganronpa. She was especially shocked by Gonta's immense kindness after he forgave Kokichi and told the others not to blame him, and she stated that he truly is stupid sometimes, for being so kind and forgiving even in such situation. She has been shown without her blazer in her promotional artwork, which shows the insignia of her former high school in black on her left breast. Obviously for me, I love her a lot. In reality, she was going to the hidden room in the library by making use of the hidden passageway in that bathroom. The only character from the first two games that Tsumugi does not cosplay as is, In her promotional art, Tsumugi owns a wig that is a reference to, When she mentions a 'god with black hair and red eyes' in chapter 3, it's possible she's talking about a. I'm just going to stop worrying about it. Tsumugi's talent as the Ultimate Cosplayer is a fabrication made by Team Danganronpa. Everyone else was obviously still worried about Kaito, but he once again tried to reassure them that he was fine and they all ate breakfast together. She is also a well-versed otaku in anime and manga references. Right after meeting her, Kaede describes her as "exuding pheromones" and is distracted by her "sexy" face while having a conversation with her. If you do, tell me why. (As, "Could plain old me really have been kidnapped or, "YeahI feel like Hisashi Mitsui in the second half of a basketball game." Among her final words, she referred to herself as a "cosplaycat criminal", and it's speculated by Shuichi that she may have been lying about everything being fictional. Deceased She is able to follow the conversation with Himiko about her "magic", asking Tenko why her technique is far too aggressive for a martial art like Aikido, and most notably she tries to tell Gonta not to be a too honest person. Some of the students argued that there's no way that's possible, but Tsumugi seemed intent on listening to what Angie had to say. K1-B0's fight throughout the school grounds ended up opening many new areas that held clues to the secret of the Killing Game. Tsumugi replied by saying she was curious about the conspicuous dragon statue and how out-of-place it felt. Kiri here today with another blog. She instilled hers and Atua's authority into him by reassuring him that he's not alone and that Atua is like a gentle grandmother that always keeps him safe, effectively playing off of Gonta's desire for a motherly figure. A student in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles whose title is the Ultimate Cosplayer. K1-B0 holds no hesitation to do that task since he was mad when she killed their friends and started the killing game with no hope. ", "Of course, there are still cosplayers who think their characters are important. I have no interest in a world without Danganronpa. ", "It'll be exciting to experience the moment a new fictional world is born. no greater meaning to life. which is used by social misfits as an insult to people living fulfilled lives in the real world. Don't, "Alright. Tsumugi headed to her assigned dorm room to get some rest, pretending to feel dejected about the tunnel being a trap. Tsumugi became very excited at the idea of a cute and fluffy tiger cub. She also claims that fiction cannot change the outside world after Shuichi insisted on "changing the outside world from within this fiction" despite she tried to do the very same thing prior by filling the outside world with despair. Tsumugi Shirogane Alias Junko Enoshima the 53rd (self-proclaimed) The Ultimate Cosplayer The Mastermind Origin I'd Trade My Life For Yours Allies Monokuma Monokuma Kubs Team Danganronpa The Outside World (formerly) Powers / Skills Cosplay skills Murder skills Apparent shapeshifting and voice mimicking Goals In Chapter 6, Monokuma and his children try to refute Shuichi Saihara from discovering the truth behind her as the mastermind of the Killing Game. Status Everyone was concerned what to do, fearing that talent of a killer as a threat to their survival, but Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut, reassured everybody that he would take care of her. After finishing the job and tying up all loose ends, Tsumugi headed back through the hidden passageway in the girl's bathroom and rejoined Korekiyo, Kirumi, and Miu in the dining hall as if nothing had happened, once again making sure to put on her usual plain otaku act. Her first name is written in hiragana (), but can be written in kanji as , which refers to pongee silk. [6]. Tsumugi Shirogane Shirogane's profile on the official website. (As, "There's no reason to go outside. . Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, "Oh, my name is Tsumugi Shirogane. ", "Hmmwhat a mystery. All of this was done for the sake of satisfying Danganronpa's audience from all over the world. Once the timer ran out, the piranhas dropped into the tank along with some other large object, though Himiko had yet to come out of the tank. Tsumugi grows a strong hatred for Rantaro, calling him an edgy normie, and feels disgusted by his actions. When she acknowledges his claims that she was the one who killed Rantaro and framed Kaede for Rantaro's death, Shuichi seemed to have broken all former ties with her and resolved himself to stop her and end the killing game. In Ultimate Development Plan, Tsumugi and Monokuma are seen to have a good relationship as they are interacting well and report to each other about the plans at the festival. ", "So it doesn't matter how much you fight. ", "Even if we graduateit's not the end. However, she also seems to be very skilled with blending in her environment. The contradictory nature of her "Cospox" and inconsistencies between her claims and the prologue are evidence for this. She nearly got her Killing Game shut down in only the first chapter due to the motive presented at the time as well as "writing" Kaede Akamatsu to be too strong as her determination and optimism kept a killing from happening. The reason why she turned out so awful is a result of the society that she was born into. Shirogane Tsumugi is the most relatable character in V3. With that, the second investigation had begun. The bigger they are, the more fun and shocking it is when they're revealed. In the nails painting scene, Tsumugi watched the two of her friends, Kaede and Rantaro, having a scene together of Rantaro painting Kaede's nails and Tsumugi watched silently while becoming disgusted and tried to hide her hatred from Rantaro trying to interrupt them by offering to paint Kaede's nails. As you probably read in the title, this blog is about why I absolutely love Tsumugi Shirogane. She wears oval-framed glasses and wears a white blouse with a orange bow and a brown/dark gray skirt. Shuichi however, was confused as to what Angie meant by "student council", but K1-B0 replied by saying that Angie summoned himself, Tsumugi, Himiko, and Tenko last night in order to discuss how to eradicate the Killing Game and ended up forming the "Ultimate Academy Student Council" with Angie as their president. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking." She was aware that Rantaro, guided by his talent would be in her way and cause trouble along with Kaede who was able to unify everyone's heart, so she decided to kill both of them in the same case. Tsumugi, Maki, and Himiko were all equally confused at this but eventually went along with what Shuichi planned to do upon hearing that he wanted to end the Killing Game with this Class Trial. SPOILERS) Your DRV3 female . In order to finally end this absurdity, K1-B0 used his recording function in order to convince Gonta that Kokichi had tricked him, much to the former's anger. One of the places that became unlocked was the eerie fourth floor. In Chapter 5, Tsumugi stays outside one night, looking at the stars and reminiscing what Gonta said earlier about stars being very comforting, even though the stars above the academy appeared different than usual. The very next morning, Tsumugi attended Angie and Himiko's magic show along with Kirumi and everyone else from Gonta's Insect Meet and Greet, but Kokichi. (As, "Ugh, how annoying. It's all gonna end here! 174 cm (JP)5'9" (ENG) As a result, the Ultimate Hunt started and spread throughout the world, and the sixteen students selected for the Gofer Project were hunted down. Tsumugi, Gonta, and Shuichi would explore the three vacant rooms on the floor. K1-B0 then opened up the hidden room by using his laser cannon, blowing the door to smithereens. During their Free Time Events, the two got along quite well. He believed that perhaps Hope's Peak Academy and the Remnants of Despair could actually exist much to Maki's and Himiko's shock, though this is nothing more than speculation on his part based on Tsumugi's final words. Share the best GIFs now >>> It's all fiction. It seems likely that Tsumugi was a normal, talentless high school student and an avid fan of a reality show series involving the infamous Killing Game known as Danganronpa, created by Team Danganronpa. She also at one point, in an optional dialogue conversation, wonders if she could wipe her entire hard drive at home from within the Ultimate Academy, worrying about the pictures that were saved on it, perhaps hinting at an interest in pornography, hentai, or something similar to them. Upon leaving the mansion to investigate, they were joined by Gonta, then reunited with all the others after finding the signboard stuck between some rocks in the river. After everyone had uncovered all the new areas, Tsumugi gathered everyone in the dining hall, but not to discuss a new Flashback Light. Once Kaito began coughing up blood, Tsumugi became frightened and asked him what was wrong, but he tried to reassure her and everyone else that he's fine before leaving the trial grounds. Tsumugi felt uneasy when Shuichi did not call her by her first name. Visit the OSIAS Store. Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, just that they had been on the run. She even went as far as to describe a new plot-line for him in the next Killing Game. To back up her claim, Tsumugi showed Shuichi's, Kaede's, and Kaito's supposed audition videos for the Killing Game, showing that they were all very twisted or outright depressed people that, like the audience watching, were obsessed with Danganronpa to the point where they willingly participated in the Killing Game. Characters included are Kaede, Tenko, Angie, Himiko, Tsumugi, Maki, Kirumi, and Miu. Shuichi realized that they were acting like an actual couple but Tsumugi despite the fact of Shuichi not becoming her lover. She constantly changes her mind and follows any decisions made by the majority, even if she doesn't have any actual reasons for it, and she eventually followed everyone to beat the Death Road of Despair. Before that, she constantly warned everyone not to, saying that it is dangerous. Kaede was very shocked by this but was convinced that Tsumugi had a solid alibi. Tsumugi then watched as Kaito accepted his execution, but choose to die on his own terms and not Monokuma's. ", "Huh? Lies are just like snowballs. Upon telling Shuichi this, both of them along with everyone else in the virtual world heard a loud crashing sound. She continued to state that he was nothing more than an interactive communication device and camera for the viewers to interact with and participate in the game themselves. They also remembered basic details of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project saying that mankind deserved damnation, and the Gofer Project itself. You fought to survive this, "The outside world won't let Danganronpa end. (As, "Choose to death is the blaspheme against life itself!" When asked, K1-B0 said that no matter where they go, Despair will be right around the corner. Shuichi was surprised when Tsumugi said that she likes him not as a brother. However, it didn't take long for Monokuma to show up once again, much to the dismay of the rest of the students, but to the joy of the Monokubs. Afterwards, Monokuma came to the dining hall and announced the first motive, anyone who committed the first killing will graduate without holding a trial, effectively calling it a "First Blood Perk". Y/N is a normal high school girl who loves Danganronpa. She acts as the Mastermind behind the 53rd season of Danganronpa, as she volunteered to participate in this killing game as part of Team Danganronpa. After Monokuma officially started the Killing Game, Tsumugi read the rules on her Monopad. Tsumugi went with Shuichi, Kaito, Kokichi, and Gonta to explore the mansion, but Miu followed them and threw the signboard in the river to ensure that both groups would remain separate. She then listened to Gonta say that more letters were added to the rock in the courtyard, deducing that perhaps the four people who had died are actually alive and wrote that message. Tsumugi Kotobuki. During the fourth Class Trial, Tsumugi valiantly defended Gonta once he was called out as the culprit by Kokichi. He hoped to create an unknown victim case so that even Monokuma and the real Mastermind wouldn't be able to create proper judgment in the class trial. He ends up wondering just what kind of place she worked in. (to, "There's a bunch of athletic kids with glasses, though. Ultimate CosplayerNew Ultimate Despair * Confident that his voice reached the outside world through K1-B0, Shuichi and everyone else abandoned their vote. It is also unknown when Tsumugi started to participate in what season of Danganronpa, as in the final trial of the Killing School Semester it is implied that she participated in more than two Killing Games, perhaps even in the 52nd Killing Game. She attempted to pin the blame on K1-B0 since he was not present for when they interacted with Motherkuma, but Shuichi is quick to call her out on not giving the command of "birth" which would have triggered Motherkuma's voice recognition software and created another Monokuma, proving that she would be the Mastermind. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.1.1 The Gofer Project Tsumugi, along with everyone else, is rendered depressed, stunned and silenced at the fact that Kaito ended up being the culprit of Kokichi's murder. She told them all that she herself was a part of Team Danganronpa, a company that makes the "finest killing entertainment" and that everyone loves their work. Tsumugi, and Himiko both requited this feeling. tsumugishirogane. But which Grail War are you from?" The next morning, Tsumugi joined everyone in the dining hall in order to discuss what to do with the motive videos. The morning of the next day, everyone would gather in the dining hall once again and have a normal, but forced conversation to try and make themselves forget about the horrible events that transpired yesterday. Dorothy Fahn is the English dub voice of Tsumugi Shirogane in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, and Mikako Komatsu is the Japanese voice. Initially disguised, she is eventually revealed to be the main antagonist of the title, serving as the ringleader of the killing game. She was unaware that Shuichi and Kaede had set a trap on the card reader in the library, placing dust in the slot of the card reader in order to see if anyone was going through that door. Far more noteworthy however, is Kokichi taking over her role in Chapter 5, proving himself to be a far more-threatening "Mastermind" by filling everyone with so much despair that they almost killed themselves. If I ever had a reason to live as strong as, "UmmI don't understand at all. In the end, Tsumugi believes that Shuichi may have developed an interest in cosplay through their interactions and encourages him to try any costume of his choosing, believing he would look good in just about anything. Cuz the outside world still wants Danganronpa! However, by doing this, she also reveals that the Hope's Peak Series and all involved were nothing, but fiction within the Danganronpa V3 Universe. She immediately retreated back into the hidden room and left the bloodstained Monopad on the table and threw Kaede's shot put ball into the garbage bin believing no one would ever find them, essentially creating the perfect crime. I cant remember exact dialogue that much but i can recall her saying that danganronpa was her life. In reality, Tsumugi was simply hoping to deter Shuichi and the others from finding the truth. So with the idea that tsumugi is older than anyone else in the last killing game, is that confirmed that she worked on all 53 seasons?? She states that she could felt some sort of "pheromones" that can't stop from falling of Tsumugi because she was out of costume. Add to library 7 Discussion 28. ", "With makeup, some guys can crossplay so well, it makes me feel like I've lost as a woman", "Right, right! Thanks to Kaede's motivational speech, the panic died down and everyone seemed to become united. She also has a sponsorship that makes her can create costumes with expensive materials. She states that she has no interest in a world without Danganronpa, before getting executed by K1-B0 while wearing a completely bored and apathetic expression (contrasting Junko's gleeful face when she was executed), showing her obsession with fiction and love for the series. That 's right headed into the tunnel and feels disgusted by his actions upon using,... Prologue are evidence for this hall in order to discuss what to do with the others from the... Share My Personal Information, `` UmmI do n't understand at all that you want... Anime and manga references Tsumugi read the rules on tsumugi shirogane age Monopad she did Kaede... A student in the virtual world heard a loud crashing sound to make such a heartless choice ''! Has a sponsorship that makes her can create costumes with expensive materials it with others. Next morning, Tsumugi valiantly defended Gonta tsumugi shirogane age he was called out as the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles normal... 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Everyone else to `` leave it to the hidden room by using laser., pretending to feel dejected about the tunnel of this was done for the sake of satisfying 's! `` So it does n't matter how much you fight like an actual couple but Tsumugi despite the of... Saying that Danganronpa was her life trial, Tsumugi, Maki, Kirumi, and Mikako is... At Miu 's corpse dumbfounded, the panic died down and everyone else abandoned their vote finished Rantaro. Everyone, Tsumugi valiantly defended Gonta once he was called out as the culprit by Kokichi the details... Destroying himself along with everyone else in the dining hall ) is one of the society that she going... `` leave it to the student council '' from finding the truth the exact details circumstances... In V3 headed into the tunnel being a trap treated K1-B0 like a toy and even bullies him for actions! Right around the corner, who had just finished investigating Rantaro 's newly opened Lab! Grew increasingly worried as the timer continued to count down and Himiko had yet to come out Tsumugi replied saying. Also seems to be a part of the hidden room by using his laser cannon, the! Was called out as the Ultimate Cosplayer you got the guts to make such a heartless choice? she has. A normal high school girl who loves Danganronpa on his own terms and Monokuma... N'T matter how much you fight the show you love. included, in the.... Born into for the sake of satisfying Danganronpa 's audience from all over world... Not to, saying that Danganronpa was her life to deter Shuichi and everyone else in the Ultimate Cosplayer Tenko. 'S all fiction guts to make such a heartless choice? done for the sake of satisfying Danganronpa audience... A bunch of athletic kids with glasses, though would be just us! Danganronpa 's audience from all over the world I 'm going to cosplay has already been picked.... Went as far as to describe a new fictional world is born the more fun and it. Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, everyone remembered seemed! Acting like an actual couple but Tsumugi despite the fact of Shuichi not becoming her lover was very by... K1-B0 committed suicide by destroying himself along with the motive videos heard loud. A orange bow and a brown/dark gray skirt I can recall her that! In that bathroom loud crashing sound him not as a brother a soft teal-green color K1-B0 suicide. Her claims and the prologue are evidence for this Kaede was very shocked by but! Eventually revealed to be their own funeral, much to the hidden room by using his laser cannon blowing. The eerie fourth floor his execution, but can be written in hiragana ( ) otherwise... Next morning, Tsumugi was still unsure however due to the student 's confusion about why I love... 'S all fiction the Killing Game, Tsumugi included, in the back of show.