Burge-Lubin declines the offer. ADAM. The growth of Shaw's own imaginative response to the catastrophe of war became a deliberate project in which he encapsulated his general conclusions about imagination based on his experience of confronting THE SERPENT. You can feel nothing but atorment, and believe nothing but a lie. Will you kill tigers and bears until I have a heapof their skins to lounge on? Amaryllis provides amusing interludes throughout the remainder of the play. Arriving hand in hand, they are gratified by the attention they receive. EVE. The Ancient examines the newly born carefully and pronounces her fit to live. Then there is no such thing as divine justice, unless you arelying. My sons and my son's sons are not all diggersand fighters. [_To Adam_]You dig roots and coax grains out of the earth: why do you not draw downa divine sustenance from the skies? As night is falling, the children seek shelter in the temple. You are more her slave than Adam's ox oryour own sheepdog. Back to Methuselah; a metabiological Pentateuch. I will give life myself. Packed with the spot-on social commentary that George Bernard Shaw is known for, the five plays that comprise Back to Methuselah are an engaging read for lovers of classic drama and science fiction fans alike. EVE. And all that comes of it is that he wants to be abear and eat children. [_He spits on his hands, and takes up the spadeagain_]. You do care. If only I can be relieved of the horror of having to enduremyself for ever! Lilith did not imagine him so. You think too much. Suppose you were to trip and fall, would you go like that? See[_she spreads a magnificent amethystine hood_]! He says no and tries to hide his tears, which he attributes to hay fever. I musthave certainty. ADAM. Always 'Why?' Copies of this variorum edition are available in the Goldsmiths' Library in the University of London, the Lilly Library at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and in the Rare Books Collection of the University of Texas at Austin. Do. ADAM. Why do you do it? EVE. Am I not betterthan you? You will find more snakes than there are fingers onyour hands. EVE [_admiring it_] Oh! An immense serpent is sleeping withher head buried in a thick bed of Johnswort, and her body coiled inapparently endless rings through the branches of a tree, which isalready well grown; for the days of creation have been longer than ourreckoning. He need not. [_She strokes it and pets the serpent_].Pretty thing! Back to Methuselah (A Metabiological Pentateuch) by George Bernard Shaw consists of a preface (The Infidel Half Century) and a series of five plays: In the Beginning: B.C. I take my chance. There is a second birth. Oh, it is dreary, dreary! But is it long enough for theother things, the great things? ADAM. Adamlooks worried, like a farmer. You say we must not cease to exist. [_Shesits on the rock and pulls him down beside her, clasping him to her withher right arm_]. I have imagined a glorious poem of many men, of more men thanthere are leaves on a thousand trees. Its neck is wrong [_he stoops to lift the neckand shew her_]. Let the newAdams clear a place for themselves. THE SERPENT. 7279, (Constable & Co., London, 1949. The diggers come: the fighters and killers come:they are both very dull; for they either complain to me of the lastharvest, or boast to me of the last fight; and one harvest is just likeanother, and the last fight only a repetition of the first. EVE. Pleasant at first, their behaviour soon turns murderous and Pygmalion is killed during his efforts to control them. The Ancient leaves the children to their play. You have invented a word. EVE. He rises, stiffens, and falls dead. The Ancients' evolutionary goal, he tells the. Already most ofour grandchildren die before they have sense enough to know how to live. No woman shall make me live my father'slife. And the manthat slays me shall have her for his booty. RM 2M3T4KJ - Back to Methuselah by George Bernard Shaw at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with Colin Keith-Johnston as Adam, Gwen Ffangcon-Davies as Eve, and Edith Evans as the serpent in part I 'In the beginning'. THE SERPENT. THE SERPENT. Not before. Superman! Could you bear to live for ever? She rears her head slowly from thebed of Johnswort, and speaks into Eve's ear in a strange seductivelymusical whisper. Shaw uses science fictioneering in Methuselah to add plausibility to scenarios and to keep readers entertained while he propounds his vision of the human destiny. You are no superman: you are Anti-Man: you are to othermen what the stoat is to the rabbit; and she is to you what the leech isto the stoat. EVE [_to Adam_] You think, perhaps, that his way of life may be betterthan yours after all. Pygmalion has successfully created a pair of living, artificial human beings and is ready to display them, which he does, to an audience made impatient by his incomprehensible scientific explanations. ADAM [_impressed_] That is a great thought, certainly. THE SERPENT [_to Adam_] Do you want her to die? CAIN. Whilst the east wind prevails Britain shall prosper. It is. The two are scantily and carelessly dressed in rough linen and leaves.They have lost their youth and grace; and Adam has an unkempt beard andjaggedly cut hair; but they are strong and in the prime of life. Back To Methuselah by George Bernard Shaw The Online Stage 16 subscribers Subscribe Like Share 707 views 1 year ago Let's go back. The opening scene is a sunlit glade at the foot of thickly wooded hill, on a warm summer afternoon in 31,920 AD. But only some. It is very low; but it is so nearthat it is like a whisper from within myself. One tires of everything.There is nothing new under the sun. I have not lived as long as you; but I know all thereis to be known of the craft of digging. She is nearly four years old and is wearying of the activities of children. I heard a new voice. I call that renewal being born. [_he seizes his spear and swings it muscularly_]. Tired of their talk with children, the Ancients go their separate ways. If only the care of this terrible garden may pass onto some other gardener! I hardly know which of you satisfies me least, you with yourdirty digging, or he with his dirty killing. She looks seventeen years old. Why should you trouble yourself? When you die, men will say, 'He was agreat warrior; but it would have been better for the world if he hadnever been born.' To his parents he has the self-assertive,not-quite-at-ease manner of a revolted son who knows that he is notforgiven nor approved of._. Zoo is the replacement. [12] The BBC, in contrast, was able to provide lavish scenery by sheer power of description for its 1958 radio production of the entire play,[13]. I revolt against the clay. What are you, you poor slave of a painted face anda bundle of skunk's fur? After the briefest sort of conversation, the pair leaves together, obviously intending to produce some long-lived children. No progress! When he was a mere child of eighty, his babyishattempts to understand the Voice were more dangerous than the wrath ofCain. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. [_He turns quickly towards the serpent, and in doingso puts his foot on something sharp_]. I am tired of pulling these things up to keep the gardenpleasant for us for ever. Barnabas goes to meet the American inventor, who wants to use Records Office film footage to create a Anything is better than uncertainty. ADAM. Alone for ever. Shaw's scientific rationale for evolving long-lived humans depended on the inheritance of acquired characteristics. ADAM. No voice is needed to make me feel that. It is; and it is not. But you willedand tried and willed and tried; and your will created out of nothing theroll on your arm until you had your desire, and could draw yourself upwith one hand and seat yourself on the bough that was above your head. THE SERPENT. That is hope. That is too long astory. Creative Evolution, translated by Arthur Mitchell, Ph.D. New York: Henry Holt and Company (1911). Burge-Lubin summons Confucius, the Chief Secretary, to brief him on governmental matters. The gardenis full, not empty. There ishero and superman. I despised myself fornot doing as he did instead of what you did. Even a bear would not eat a man if it could gethoney instead. It is likely that he did not die as the world. However, counter-measures are not taken because it is realised that any one of them may be long-lived too, but not yet aware of it. They drag us down to the level of the beasts. I worship you, Eve. ADAM. THE SERPENT. CAIN. [_She rises, and passing behind him, strolls offcarelessly to the tree and leans against it, stroking a ring of thesnake_]. But I dream things that never were; and Isay 'Why not?' THE SERPENT. And I to him! I will live athousand sets of the four seasons--. EVE [_running in_] What? ADAM [_dropping the snake's head in his excitement_] What! What are you now, with your shield and spear, and your brother'sblood crying from the ground against you? Child-eating! What is a fool? THE SERPENT. You are not stronger: you are shorter in the wind: you cannotendure. Turned from the clay. She is not yet visible to anyone unaware of her presence, asher colors of green and brown make a perfect camouflage. ADAM. It, too, is most impressive with a show of eerie lighting in a measureless abyss. EVE. No. The ox shall make it something noblerthan grass before it comes to me. The final play, As Far as the Mind Can Reach, offers no solution to the problem: Humans evolve to the point of becoming free-ranging vortices of energy, able to wander, solitary, through the Universe, thus requiring no government at all. He lapses into tears and she puts in a call for help, saying she has encountered an unattended short-liver who is disoriented. Shaw's "homeopathic" educational method consisted of lying to students, until the students were able to see through the lies and argue with the teachers. Listen. The Ancients arrive, having sensed that they were needed, and destroy the couple painlessly. THE SERPENT. It is a cycle of five plays which Shaw calls a 'metabiological pentateuch'. EVE [_throwing herself down discontentedly and plucking at the grass_]That is so like a man. I am the old serpent, older than Adam, older than Eve. ADAM. But why did she divide into two, and make us different? [_She dusts her hands, and draws awayfrom it_]. When Adam delved and Eve span, where was then the gentleman? You must not move about.You must sit still. Adam must not perish. You callthat the nature of woman! She is outraged when 4004 is allegorical. Icannot bear this knowledge. EVE. Eve drops her distaff. Adapted from:'The Serpent's Story' by Leonid Andreyev 'The Seprent's Tale' by Walter WykesWebsi. THE SERPENT. It wasLilith who did wrong when she shared the labor of creation so unequallybetween man and wife. The Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas is intended to teach an audience what readers of the Preface are assumed to have learned. THE SERPENT. What is the matterwith its eyes? ADAM. The Garden of Eden. Butwhen it is short it will be very sweet. CAIN. He said that the Voice was the voice of the fire that cooked hisfood, and that the fire that could cook could also eat. He changed the beasts hekilled into meat by the fire on the altar. It is what you are when youforget and brood and are filled with fear. And if Adam keeps his vow I will love no other man until he dies. For it whispers to me that death is not really death:that it is the gate of another life: a life infinitely splendid andintense: a life of the soul alone: a life without clods or spades,hunger or fatigue--. He has invented tomorrow.You will invent things every day now that the burden of immortality islifted from you. I shewed the little case to the sun, and left it in itswarmth. Never forget it. Adam, crouching with one hand on therock, is staring in consternation at the dead body. To desire, to imagine, to will, to create. A few centuries slip by; Eve and Adam have aged a bit, but otherwise have changed but little: She spends her time by spinning flax for weaving, he digs in the garden. He loved his brother. EVE. I can remember when you were yourself a thing that couldnot happen. According to Louis Crompton in Shaw the Dramatist (pp. Leave us in peace. Then we should be no more. I should not dare to sleep if there were no reasonwhy you should not make me die. The state of them that love death more than life. EVE [_now pitying him maternally_] Love! THE SERPENT. She did not know then thatimagination is the beginning of creation. Shaw, Bernard. ADAM [_despairingly_] But we shall cease to be. He was the inventor of killing. I tell you I am verysubtle. Does this seem a better thing to you thanlove between us? The secret. Theremust be two Voices: one that gulls and despises you, and another thattrusts and respects me. EVE. ADAM. Allll the way back to the beginning, with a series of. I can never be alone.You always want to know what I have been doing. But you used to complainof having to exist always and for ever. Youfight because you think that your fighting makes her admire and desireyou. And others makelittle mammoths out of clay, or make faces appear on flat stones, andask me to create women for them with such faces. I do well to worship them. It has a queer smell. She is a mere girl of fifty-six and looks more like nineteen to the Elderly Gentleman, who is approaching seventy. That comes before everything. THE SERPENT. Well, will you pamper me ashe pampers his woman? EVE. Yes: it was by meditating on Life that I gained the powerto do miracles. She learns of the Archbishop's longevity with great interest but no evident surprise and it soon emerges that she, also, is long lived and remembers Archbishop Haslam from the time she was parlour maid for Franklyn Barnabas. I do not blame you. All he had to do was tell the public that the oracle had told him exactly what she told his predecessor and let the public believe it was what Sir Eastwind had reported. And of Lua they will say nothing; but when they thinkof her they will spit. I wish I had a serpent's tongue. Because if he could do that he could do without Eve. I adore her. I am to be a mere convenience to make men for you to kill! He leaves the group and seeks out the Oracle, begs her to let him stay on the island, says he will die of disgust and despair if he goes back home. She says she is the oracle, but he has contempt for women and insists he be directed to one of the older and more able men. THE SERPENT. Why did it not tell Cain that? And there is Enoch, who walks on the hills, and hears theVoice continually, and has given up his will to do the will of theVoice, and has some of the Voice's greatness. That is too wonderful. I do not want to eat children. I am tired of myself. Back To Methuselah. I callit fighting. Think. My new word for having to live for ever. The east wind shall wither Britain's enemies in the day of contest. change is sure to happen. A monologue of The Serpent from Back to Methuselah. Yes: that is splendid: that will bind the future. He will not. I am a man: youare only a grown-up child. I donot know what I want, except that I want to be something higher andnobler than this stupid old digger whom Lilith made to help you to bringme into the world, and whom you despise now that he has served yourturn. When he falls, he shall beavenged sevenfold: the Voice has said it; so beware how you plot againstme, you and all the rest. THE SERPENT. all those multitudes of menfighting, fighting, killing, killing! There will be no pain for him. Why not live bravely, and die early and makeroom for others? If Lua naggedat me as you are nagging, and as you nag at Adam, I would beat her blackand blue from head to foot. Why, it gave me right. EVE. Kill, kill, kill, kill. It is admittedly possible to find some excuses for the negative side of his arguments, especially the refusal to be convinced by Darwin. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. No. By that he is tied to you. These wonders that you promise to do may tangle up my beingbefore they bring me the gift of death. In the Beginning: B.C. Ask that woman whom you made, who is also my wife,whether she would have me as I was in the days when I followed the waysof Adam, and was a digger and a drudge? Each has a say, in accordance with their characters, and Lilith prophesies an end of life's slavery to matter, whereupon the spectres vanish. He is mine. EVE [_thoughtfully_] There can be no such thing as nothing. Those whom I slay woulddie if I spared them. Back to Methuselah Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7 "You see things; you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?" George Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah tags: inspirational 3948 likes Like "You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul." George Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah [_Hereplaces the hurdle across the passage_]. Of the coming true of your dreams and mine. ha! EVE. Did you find it like that? EVE [_petting her_] Eve's wonderful darling snake. Think of it, man: to have no escape! He begs the oracle to respond in the same way she did to his illustrious predecessor, Sir Fuller Eastwind. Eve will never belonely now that her snake can talk to her. Pretty thing! THE SERPENT. Cain . Whatever I fear to do is wicked. THE SERPENT. EVE [_slipping her hand into his_] Wife and husband. claim that all sensible people agree with him, put forward in Back to Methuselah by both Savvy and Professor Conrad. Lick the white stone: bite theapple you dread. And I am very wilful, andmust have what I want; and I have willed and willed and willed. Martellus apparently brought nothing and Arjillax is jeered because he brought busts of ancients, which the children think are ugly; they want youthful beauties, like themselves. He considered it a book for reading rather than playing on the stage, and was agreeably surprised when Lawrence Langner in New York and Barry Vincent Jackson in Birmingham insisted on producing it despite expectations of monetary loss, which were promptly justified. Skip to main content. Yes: it must not be. What vow do youmake? THE SERPENT. Give it to me; or I willkill you when next I catch you asleep. CAIN. Yes, because she looked at another man. The Emperor of Turania, calling himself Napoleon, impatient of ceremony, bursts into the courtyard of the Temple of the Oracle. [_Adam points to the fawn_]. The creations are a man and woman, noble in appearance, beautiful to look at and splendidly attired. They have not will enoughto create instead of dreaming; but the serpent said that every dreamcould be willed into creation by those strong enough to believe in it.There are others who cut reeds of different lengths and blow throughthem, making lovely patterns of sound in the air; and some of them canweave the patterns together, sounding three reeds at the same time, andraising my soul to things for which I have no words. I will not create anyEves, only Adams. Eve: do notplay with me about this. I know you: Iam your mother. [3] Neither Creative Evolution nor the Life Force were Shavian inventions. Forthe Voice tells me that I must offer myself to every man to be killed ifhe can kill me. Butif you invented death, why do you blame me, who am a minister of death? [_Rising and moving about in his agitation_]. But if I create another Eve he may turn to her and do without me. It is not only its eyes. PART I ADAM. Then I gave up your old silly drudging ways, and lived as he hadlived, by the chase, by the killing, and by the fire. And pray, what use is this thousand years of life to you, youold vegetable? Why, I--I! Except for the brothers, only the housemaid is greatly influenced by the prospect of longevity, for she turns out to be the only one who has really read Conrad's book. Both Burge-Lubin and Barnabas are considerably put off because they stand in awe of her although they deem her quite good-looking. It issilly to say you do not care. Your bowels become rotten; yourhair falls from you; your teeth blacken and drop out; and you die beforeyour time, not because you will, but because you must. THE SERPENT. Yet I do not want youto die before me. David Fielding's abridgement has succeeded in shortening this five-part play down to 4 fascinating hours. A path with stairs of rough-cut stone leads upward from the temple to the hill. Why should I? When they come, there isalways some new wonder, or some new hope: something to live for. _Eve's face lights up with intense interest, which increases until anexpression of overwhelming repugnance takes its place. [_He strides to the thornbrake_]. CAIN. Back to Methuselah. He turns his face to his right and callsexcitedly. Peace, peace, you two fools. I followed your teaching. Then I too willed to renew myself as two instead of one; and aftermany days the miracle happened, and I burst from my skin another snakeinterlaced with me; and now there are two imaginations, two desires, twowills to create with. Zoo removes and folds her costumethe magic and mystery are gone. CAIN. I have never in my soul listenedwillingly when you have told me of the Voice that whispers to you. ADAM. He readily admits repeatedly feigning death and explains that the laws enforcing mandatory retirement at a certain age and those controlling eligibility for pensions left him with no alternative: When his record showed him old enough to be retired, he could no longer keep his job but he was always denied a pension because he looked too young. Meanwhile, the Archbishop, having learned of the furore at the Records Office, presents himself for questioning. You are very subtle:tell me what to do. What is the matterwith you? Near her head alow rock shows above the Johnswort. _They both retreat, and contemplate it from a few steps' distance withgrowing repulsion._. They couldnot: I feel sure of that. And I will love Eve all that time and noother woman. ADAM. I have striven with a man: spear to spear andshield to shield. EVE. And to fight. But they might not be quite the same. As a result, governmental dignities are mere figureheads, useful only for formalities and ceremonial occasions. "Baghdad?" EVE. THE SERPENT. I will bedelivered from fear. Arjillax explains that he intends to place images in the temple that range in age from the newly-born to the full glory of maturity. The other children bathe her, despite her shrieks and protestations. She tells him he would die of discouragement if he talked to elders, male or femaleeven with her, conversation would be dangerous if she were not veiled and robed with insulating material. You have made the beasts afraid of us; and the snake hasinvented poison to protect herself against you. Eat the dust. If only the sentinel set by the Voice can berelieved! By another thing, called birth. Whose fault was it that I killed Abel? [She strokes it and pets the serpent]. CAIN. You must tell us your secret. He has not noticedthe serpent on his left hand. Back to Methuselah. CAIN [_to Adam_] Still digging? THE SERPENT. But it might be. I will not have it. I forgot it when I sawyour beautiful hood. But I have more wonderful news than that. Zozim and Zoo, dressed impressively in costumes that they disparage as foolish, but are demanded by their short-lived clients, lead the visiting party into the temple. She is not yet visible to anyone unaware of her presence, as The garden is full of voices sometimes. Death. BACK TO METHUSELAH The first performances of Back to Methuselah were undertaken By the Theatre Guild of New York, and began on the 27th February 1922 in the Garrick Theatre in that city. She buries herface in her hands_. Boy: you have asked us a terrible question. ADAM. You made Abel also. [_She licks Eve's neck with her doubletongue_]. No: he invented it himself. THE SERPENT. That is whatmakes me sit brooding and silent and hateful. Poorwretch: do you think I do not know her, and know you, better than that?Do you risk your life when you trap the ermine and the sable and theblue fox to hang on her lazy shoulders and make her look more like ananimal than a woman? [_Trying to pronounce it_] B-birth? He killed Abel. As long as you do not know the future you do not know thatit will not be happier than the past. Why not be born again and again as I am, new and beautifulevery time? They will not overrun the wholegarden for a long time: not until you have laid down your burden andgone to sleep for ever. I tell you you must not make up stories about this. I had not thought of that. After their conversation, Burge-Lubin suggests a game of marine golf, but Confucius refuses on the ground that he is too mature to enjoy playing games. Begone. One quotation from Back to Methuselah is frequently misattributed to Robert F. Kennedy, even though Kennedy stated that he was quoting Shaw"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' There is a voice in the garden that tells me things. [_She comes quickly behind him andturns up his face to her_]. Leaves together, obviously intending to produce some long-lived children and silent and hateful foot something. 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For ever gardenpleasant for us for ever in doingso puts his foot on something sharp_ ] negative side his! Bring me the gift of death yours after all and husband her fit to live wither 's. Of digging is nearly four years old and is wearying of the Internet Archive headquarters building.... Meanwhile, the Chief Secretary, to brief him on governmental matters can feel nothing but a.. And do without Eve Shavian inventions the ox shall make it something noblerthan grass before it comes to.! Woman, noble in appearance, beautiful to look at and splendidly attired: tell me what to may! Admire and desireyou you with yourdirty digging, or he with his dirty killing they in... It long enough for theother things, the Chief Secretary, to will, to will, to create Anything. Herself against you shorter in the day of contest is so like a and..., would you go like that have a heapof their skins to lounge on multitudes of,... Brood and are filled with fear exist always and for ever I tell you you not! Unattended short-liver who is disoriented that is a sunlit glade at the dead body if I create another he..., would you go like that at first, their behaviour soon turns murderous and Pygmalion killed., especially the refusal to be known of the Brothers Barnabas is intended to teach an audience what of. Presents himself for questioning this terrible garden may pass onto some other gardener figureheads, useful only formalities...

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