Randal Morn is not an especially occasions, bandit groups have attempted to use the crypts as awealthy lord, and if the characters press him for too much hideout, but the depredations of Chahir and his minions (D2)more than that, he tells them that he cant afford their serv- quickly drove the interlopers away.ices and that hell have to call in some favors to get anothercompany of adventurers to look into the raids. More graves line the (see below) and immediately attack when the characters enter. A faint green phos- phorescence dances along the ceiling, which is easily 30 feet One slave overseer is resting in his home (C) when the overhead at the entrance and rises sharply from that point. This cleft is just barelylarge enough for a Small character to squeeze through with a The wraith spider is difficult to spot on the ceiling. These storesarea, making it fully possible for the characters to trigger the consist of dried meat and fungus, roth cheese laced with greentrap without realizing they have done so. In the context of that would be affected by the Underdarks magical conditions, you this adventure, faerzress has the following effects: should allow the caster a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 25) to de- Each Scry check made for scrying on a target termine whether the character happens to know about hazards of located within the Underdark (as opposed to checks which the player may not be aware. The only other thing you will have to deal with are NPCs. The letter is written in outside the door, they can surprise the drow here.Elven (Espruar script, the drow dialect) and reads as follows: D Szith Morcane Sentries (5): hp 46, 43, 41, 33, 32; see Indrizil: page 134. See Map 7b: The Deep Wastes onA swift, cold stream drains from the lake (E) and flows toward page 7 of the map booklet.the southwest in a rushing brook. They view a A short tunnel leads from the chasm inward, ending in anband of ignorant surface-dwellers as a walking feast wrapped up archway that opens into a larger room.in treasure, so they gather in a surly crowd and prepare to attackcharacters who force their way into the slave enclosure. KESTREL SCOTT FISCHER CARTOGRAPHERS REBECCA GUAY GRAPHIC PRODUCTIONMANAGING EDITOR PENNY WILLIAMS VINCE LOCKE RAVEN MIMURA ARTISTSCREATIVE DIRECTOR RICHARD BAKER PUDDNHEAD CHRISTOPHER SHYVICE-PRESIDENT OF RPG R&D BILL SLAVICSEK BEN TEMPLESMITH SAM WOODVICE-PRESIDENT OF PUBLISHING MARY KIRCHOFFRPG CATEGORY MANAGER ANTHONY VALTERRA DENNIS KAUTH ROB LAZZARETTIPROJECT MANAGER MARTIN DURHAM CARMEN CHEUNGPRODUCTION MANAGER CHAS DELONG SONYA PERCIVALART DIRECTOR ROBERT RAPER PLAYTESTERS: Christopher Adomaitis, Dave Anderson, Rich Baker, Jeffrey Ball, Robert Ball, Marty Bartoy, Derek Belanger, Paul Bender, James Black, John Black, Gwendolyn Black, Carl Bobo,William Braun, Craig Bucheli, Barbara Chandler, Scott Chandler, Steve Cook, Dan Cooper, Cameron Curtis, Donald Dodge, Jocelyn Eisenhour, Sarah Faigh, Matthew Farr, Kelmar Firesun, David Fulkerson, Carlos Garcia, Chris Garcia, Corey Garrett, Chris Garrison, Omar Ghannoum, Matt Glavich, Catherine Good, Andrew Gristina, August Hahn, Cynthia Hahn, Arthur Harris, Cory Herndon, Nick Hidalgo, Quentin Hidalgo, William Holder, Kurt Johnson, George Kalauokalani, Charles Keene, Brian Klement, Robert Krempa, Gary Labrecque, Rocky Lange, Toby Latin, Kevin Leistico, Eric Lopez, Anthony Ludlam, Jon Lundeen, Jeremy Lutz, Ralph Mack, Greg Marone, Thomas Martin, Frank Mathenia, Joseph Meeks, Kevin Meyer, Todd Meyer, Scott Morgan, NicholasMorgan, David Noonan, David Nowell, Kevin Odom, Brock Ormond, Damian Osisek, Jon Otaeuro, Scott Parks, Goon Pattanumotana, Gavin Pattanumotana, Tom Pearce, Brian Perry, Tim Rhoades, Russell Richardson, Dan Robbins, Andrew Rothstein, Richard Sakoda, Steve Schubert, Monica Shellman, Jeff Showiak, Ray Stakenas, Ed Stark, Maryrita Steinhour, Curtis Steinhour, Jeff Stolt, John Sussenberger, Lisa Sussenberger, Zachary Tom, Robert Trottier, Thomas Vail, Maggie Vining, Michael S. Webster, Jason White, Penny Williams, Matthew Woodard, Warren Wyman. point while the characters are in the crypt level, the maurezhi The west wall of the passage leading from this cave to D9 is attacks the lone character, hoping to add another identity to hewn stone. If the check is successful, the spell works properly. The characters long quest should offer enough experi- even remains alive.ence to bring them as high as 18th level by the conclusion ofthe adventure. While I'm not running it verbatim (I'm running a bit more of a spiritual brother than the actual encounters) I can give a bit of insight on 4e conversion. Books and scrolls spillcompletes the ensemble. BeyondIraes sentries and spellguards they kill, the more likely it is that it, the tunnel continues to the northeast, stretching intohe can find a way to advance Ghaunadars worship in the city. The third D Ogres (6): hp 26 each; see Monster Manual.hamatula uses teleport without error to get behind the charac- D Fire Giant: hp 142; see Monster Manual.ters and cut off their retreat. A fine black cloak (his cloak of charisma) The walls here are lined with shelves. If the drow character makes a plausible Before the arrival of the refugees from Maerimydra, thesereply and succeeds at a Bluff check, the roper lets the party pass. EMPTY FAMILY VAULT holds a +1 shocking shortspear and a wand of neutralize poison with 6 charges left. Since these devils entered the D Goblins (12): hp 4 each; see Monster Manual.Underdark, the one using orders wrath is far ahead). Creatures: The drow clerics of Kiaransalee actually spend Read this text if the characters look into S42a or S42b.most of their time in their own quarters (S42 and S44), leav-ing the shrine in the care of three vampiric creatures: a drow Inside the archway is a well-furnished bedroom with a com-noble guard and two drider vampires. Such a disguise does not, however, grant theof the altar is the only physical remnant of the former high wearer a warm reception in either Szith Morcane or Maerimydra.priestess, who was consumed by a destruction spell. Characters can make use of related Knowledge skills (geography or local, either Dale- Other groups, however, may need a nudge in that direction. A niche has been cut in with the vampires that plagued Daggerdale around 796 DR. the hillside just past the surface buildings. tactics to suit the techniques used by the PCs in this battle. Indeed, most of the corpses strewnbands (Search DC 30) provides her with a second means of about the floor and slumped against the twin rows ofegress should someone block the holes in the sculptures face. A scattering of ash in front Disguise checks. denied us so long ago.A second successful Search check (DC 18) in the same area re-veals one of the four trigger stones that must be depressed in While I prepare my Great Revenance, it falls to you toorder to open the door. a Energy Drain Trap: CR 10; 2d4 negative levels; Forti- Seventeen corpses lie about the room. lizards loaded down with packs and crates stand at the Crumbs and spills on the counter reveal recent use. A character using the entire library for refer-assistanceand a promise to halt the raids against the surface ence gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (arcana) orthat drew the characters here in the first placeif they help Knowledge (Underdark local) checks, since those are the clearput him into power. Other large and wealthy cities that would in Part 1, Dorina organizes a counterstrike. Beyond this first rampart, a long is long extinct. Once Irae Tsarran realizes that she is under attack by surface- c Hillsfar (Metropolis): Conventional; AL N; 100,000 gp dwelling adventurers, she doesnt ignore the approaching limit; Assets 199,880,000 gp; Population 39,976; Isolated threat. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. chamber curves in an octagonal shape. The Boccobs blessed book holds all his spells from 5th to contact by summoned or conjured creatures, except for evil 8th level (with room for eleven more spells). This is the lair of a trio of spirit nagas. lands or Underdark) to learn a bit about Maerimydra and howHow you deliver that nudge depends in large part on the hooks they might access it. Can Warcaster use a lvl 5+ Eldritch Blast using all rays against the provoking creature? 39Part 1This bedroom is obviously deserted, and its furnishings look S43. After the first assault is driven back, or at the first display of Trap: The archway leading from the entrance into the In-serious power on the part of the invaders, the goblins flee back totheir boltholes in the side caves, yammering in terror. When any creature passes through, a mental alarm more information.alerts Solom Nedrazak. Then I would go through each encounter and total up the XP and the adjusted XP levels. MAKESHIFT TEMPLE (EL 13) 200 gp, weighs 1 pound, and can hold eight candles. Cover of the City of the Spider Queen Assuming uses web to entangle troublesome foes. Creature (EL 13): The refugees from Maerimydra are not the only new residents of Szith Morcane. You may use an action to transform back at any time. (A sentrys AC without his or her D Duergar Merchants (3): hp 65, 55, 51; see page 135.buckler is 15.) While they could S27 into S28S33, and the doors from S34 into S35 andprobably escape if they wanted to, they simply dont know any- S36 are secured with arcane lock and covered by glamersthing other than their lives in the drow outpost. Dagger Falls and Hillsfar provide such services, or the characters Members of the drow band described in D3 of the can look elsewhere.D+30 Dordrien Crypts are killed as they try to escape toD+50 the surface from Szith Morcane. D Bebilith: hp 102; see Monster Manual. They stand or crouch on the ground while on duty, keeping complete silence. Tactics: If reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, the vampire guards assume gaseous form and flee toward S44 to warn Dorina Tsarran. He rests in the western sarcophagus, which bears his likeness on its lid. unless they threaten his life by releasing the nycaloth. dale was reclaimed by humans and by more recent eventsthe D Bugbear Slaves (10): hp 16 each; see Monster Manual. See Monster Manual for more details.in S2, since it is only about 50 feet north of this cave and alittle below it. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. 38Part 1 S40. (zombies animated from the fallen drow of the city), threerangers, and a cleric/ranger leading the patrol and controlling Naga Crawlsthe zombies. The five warehouses marked S13 are virtually identical. Anyone opening the door with- here too. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. But Ive never looked into it, he says. They were created with the Shadow Weave, so Daughter:they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel. The guards also used later in the adventure by a much more powerful on duty now, however, care little for physical comfort because cleric (see Castle Maerimydra, in Part 3), but the charac- they have been dead for several months and are now vampires. D Driders (2): hp 43, 33; see Monster Manual. Thus, this room is empty the second time the masterwork rapier.characters visit. It expands bytimeline to challenge your players in a suitable manner. A monthly program that serves as a "mini-convention" for D&D tabletop play. play but when converting an adventure I would hate it if the conversion made an early combat harder than the endgame. Lady Quallem: A human ghost in the Dordrien Crypts. The web three 100-gp amethysts, a 500-gp violet garnet, a 500-gp deep team then moves as quickly as possible to assist in the bazaar. GUARD POST (EL 13) of at least 11th level defeats the forbiddance with a dispel check result of 22 or better. The details are likelyto be more accurate if the informant is charmed. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020, 2002 Fun Fact: Heres the distribution of drow NPC stat blocks (named and generic) in City of the Spider Queen, by challenge rating. At any given time, half of the goblins and bugbears arescattered around the roth enclosure and the mushroom fields Inverted Tower Levelworking, and rest of the goblinoids are resting, malingering, orsquabbling in their noisome, warrenlike caves. The d20 System logo and d20 are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Kestrel[1] S34. Webs hang in dusty tatters from the ceiling and walls of D16. Larala is not entirely sane; in fact, she displays considerable paranoia. If even one copper band is burst througha fact that suggests this battle was fought longor parted (a necessary step toward removing the lid), the glyph ago.surrounds the coffin at a distance of 3 feet with a blade barriereffect that lasts for 110 minutes. Filzaur is an average-looking drowmale who favors greens and yellows in his clothing. If the characters use silence to keep the sounds of battle Unaware Creatures (EL 12): The two guard officers workfrom reaching beyond this room, one of the sentries runs or rest here most of the time, but at least one is always ready to respond to an alert called by the sentries in S5. D Susztam Mar-Shinn, Inverted Tower Head Student: hp 37; see page 137. using it for a nest. He wears a dark gray shirt and black trousers, and he wraps himself in a cloak of arachnida. Many wear the vestments of her clerics (black robes trimmed with Creature (EL 7): If the characters remove the body from dark red and purple, or purple or red robes trimmed with black the altar, the slain drow rises as a spectre and attacks. 48Part 2 D Szith Morcane Officer Revenants (2): hp 64, 57; see page Starting Out140. They are not The drow of the Tsarran family (including Dorina in aware of Irae Tsarrans specific actions or plans, though theyS44, Zedarr in S43, and Velasta and Velina in S42) know have heard their new leaders talk of a Great Day ofeverything in the Adventure Background. 71 Szith Morcane 135Bazaar Level 26 Castle Maerimydra 77 Part 2: The Deep Wastes 140Commoners Level 29 The Castle Design 78 Random Encounters 140Sidebar: A Common Castle Maerimydra Features 78 The Lake of Shadows 141Drow Household 29 Key to Castle Maerimydra 81 Sidebar: Kuo-Toa Traits 142Inverted Tower Level 32 Sidebar: Alert on Level One 83 The Wailing Cliff 143House Morcane Level 37 Sidebar: Alert on Level Two 87 Sidebar: Kir-Lanan Abilities 144Sidebar: The Trouble with Sidebar: Alert on Upper Levels 93 Vournoths Mire 145Forbiddance 38 Part 3: Maerimydra 146Sidebar: What the Part 4: The Undying Temple 102 The Burning City 146 Undying Temple Features 102Drow Know 39 Destroying the Undying Castle Maerimydra 149 Temple 103Sidebar: Dont Miss Encounters in the Undying Part 4: The Undying Temple 156 Temple 104This Clue 42 Key to the Undying Temple 104 Sidebar: Ethereal PlaneFane of Lolth 42 Features 110Part 2: The Deep Wastes 45 The Way to Maerimydra 45 From the Surface 45 2City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern.Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent.acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in their darkened chambersto exact a terrible vengeance upon the surface world. On the night followingwhich open out into a vast chasm that penetrates deep into the the partys first intrusion into the House Morcane levelearth (see S2). If the creature realizes that someone can see it,spells difficult to detect or dispel (see the Pernicious Magic or it seems that no one will break the circle, it addresses theand Tenacious Magic feats in the FORGOTTEN REALMS characters telepathically and makes whatever promises itCampaign Setting). He rarely uses this room for actual audiences, since couch represent the current thrust of his reading: an investi-few visitors come to the top levels of the Inverted Tower. Any character wearing these vestments in conjunction withmated the bodies immediately. Even the lowliest drow commoner isdoors divide these areas, but more often heavy curtains suf- always plotting some way to grab a little more wealth, a littlefice for privacy. Its treas- ure is 90 pp, 2,000 sp, six gems (three 10-gp azurites, two The doors to all six abandoned warehouses (the five marked 15-gp blue quartzes, and a 1,200-gp blue sapphire), a +1 S13 on the map as well as the one marked S15) are barred greataxe, a potion of alter self, a potion of sneaking, a scroll of from the outside. HumanA character willing to step on the grave ledges can climb these refuse is strewn around the room as if this place had servedwalls as easily as climbing a ladder (no Climb check required). Larala Dumian: An insane half-drow fang of Lolth, hiding Dessa sik-Morcane: A minor noble in Szith Morcane, now a near Szith Morcane.prisoner. dra, one of Iraes important lieutenants.Cast of Characters Kras: Divine seeker of Vhaeraun and member of the Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra.The following significant characters are found in this adven-ture. This is an enchant- ment (mind-affecting) effect subject to spell resistance. ARCANE GUARDPOST S29. Each of the sixty books weighs 3 pounds and fetches a price of 3d6 gp. She speaks Thorass, or Old Common, which is unin-their celestial home. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The statue represents the deity Jergal, guardian of tombs. The Inverted Tower has four levels, each one branching out The goblins, bugbear slaves, and roth provide no real chal- from the central column in a different direction. D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 42, 30; see page 134. Don't get into the trap of making them like PCs. When restored to life, the subjectgreat lengths to conceal problems from Irae Tsarran. nately, theres a way around this. There are three different Szith Morcane Sentry stat blocks (only one uses a +1 rapier) to add a little variety. blue. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks Nevertheless, his thirst for retributionsilver ring on each finger) prominently around their necks. ALCOVEof Szith Morcane proper (S1). Some of its doors hang open; others have been broken off. It This is an austere chamber, reminiscent of a monastic cell. The reflective surface of the lake gives the octopuses total The common drow and the roth provide no real challenge for concealment and one-half cover relative to creatures outsidethe characters. SEALED FAMILY VAULT (EL there is no sarcophagus. There are three different Szith Morcane Sentry stat blocks (only one uses a +1 rapier) to add a little variety. is completely unremarkable except for the door leading off A simple pallet serves as the only bed, and a small chest, to the left of the entrance. Once the heroes attract PLANAR ALLY (EL 16)her notice by defeating Dorina or otherwise interfering withher plans, she employs one or more of the tactics below. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. forms of cash. Eight tunnels leading down converge, s Coffin: Hardness 10, 90 hp, AC 4, break DC 28. four on a side, near the wall separating the two parts of the a Greater Glyph of Warding: CR 7; blade barrier (11d6); spiders body.Reflex DC 21 negates; Search DC 31; Disable Device DC 31. Zedarr Tsarran: Blackguard of Kiaransalee, Dorina Tsarrans chief lieutenant in Szith Morcane, and Iraes son. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. Treasure: The silver items on the altar are somewhat valuable. Taharak: A drow ghost champion of Kiaransalee. A few traders from othereach keeps a separate spellbook in his chest. Before you, the trail winds past a low, rounded hill dotted The crest is ancient and obscure, as well as hard to read. These drow are more interested in self- D Huge Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 56, 51; see Monsterpreservation than in glory. 13 As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. Irae Destroys Duneth 7Introduction The first time the heroes enter the complex, cause damage SENDINGor an alarm, and then leave, Dorina organizes a raiding bandthe next night and sends it up through the Dordrien Crypts; Once she knows one of the characters in the party, Irae uses asee the event description under Szith Morcane in Part 1. sending spell to deliver a threat. ISBN 13 A few dark figures move atically breaking into or destroying drow homes. If it is free, it simply mauls oneunder the clothing, a small devotional icon of Lolth (forbid- character within reach before teleporting off in search ofden under Szith Morcanes new regime). Several beasts re- cavern floor beyond. This product is a work of fiction. dark purple light.Like their warehouses, the residences of Szith Morcanes Creatures: The cult of Ghaunadar has some members whomerchant families are deserted. 1-800-324-6496 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Printing: September 2002 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, FORGOTTEN REALMS, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. D Common Drow Commoners (10): hp 2 each; see page 136. on the carved lid of the stone coffin. The final enemy has Batteltide which is a 3.0 spell that provides an additional standard action like Haste. There are cuts in the D Drider Vampires (2): hp 41, 37; see Appendix 1. countertops, and most of the shelves have been pulled out. These are flanked by a pair of columns carved to resem- ble skeletal warriors in full plate armor, their visored helmets open to reveal their leering skulls. dient to her, at least until she is destroyed. The summoning of the Undying Temple by their leader, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing local corruption in the Weave of magic. D3. 17Part 1which is in Tieraks possession. wear the livery of Irae Tsarran. I would just pick a NPC that's close and adjust their hit dice to match the adventure. Whenself childless except for her vampiric spawn, has turned this Zedarr Tsarran moved in here, he decided to keep the furnish-room over to her two nieces, both of whom are clerics of ings of its previous occupant.Kiaransalee. Mistledale, and several miles below it. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. Thus, they are not immune to the web traps. AUDIENCE HALL (EL 16 OR 0) In stark contrast to the austerity he forces upon his studentsIf the characters triggered the guards and wards trap, the gust (and unbeknownst to them, since they are not permitted inof wind effect blows from the throne to the door in this room. Several NPCs in this adventure have pres- Led by the fearsome half-fiend fire giant Kurgoth Hellspawn, thetige classes that are detailed in other books. It hangs areas where corpses apparently lay for a while, but have been re- crookedly on its hinges, open in the middle. Built partially in the Material Plane and partially inslaved, small bands of refugees escaped into the Underdark. The duergar, inturn, had tunnels connecting their domain to the sewers From Szith Morcane to the first fork: 17.5 miles.under the keep.) They are completelySzith Morcane about what has happened recently, both here under Dorinas control as long as she is alive, and they areand in Maerimydra. the lake. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. Treasure: A small hollow beneath the ropers base containsa handful of gems: a 300-gp blue spinel, two tourmalines worth When the followers of Irae Tsarran took over Szith Morcane,80 gp and 120 gp, and three rose quartz stones worth 20 gp they transformed most of the nobles and priestesses of House Mor-each. own accord earn normal experience. I have need of allies of my own blood, and if a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-foot radius (1d4+7 fire); Reflex DC Lolth still ignores your pleas, I suspect you do as well. It takes the drow and undead on the House Morcanethen (in the second round) returns to S4 to keep an eye and level 5 rounds to move into their Alerted positions.ear on the chasm. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. But add in the various NPCsespecially higher-level spellcasters in Volo's Guideand you can cover a LOT of the drow in CotSQ. Any captured drow provides a false description, The vampire noble guards in S39 and S41 know nothing causing teleport spells to fail or malfunction (see Reachingabout the events in Maerimydra, but they know all about Maerimydra Through Magic). I don't know if it's a play test thing or what, but custom monsters I've created have been MUCH more lethal than the stuff in the MM at higher levels. Inside this shrine, the adventurers confront Irae's fiendish and undead servitors and lastly even the priestess herself. Stalactites are common, just as stalagmites on the floors are. If he has time before another attempt, so it is stuck in the circle for 24 hours more.the intruders find their way through the wall, he casts If no one seems to see it, the nycaloth remains invisible,mirage arcana to make the room look dusty and vacant, hoping the characters will free it by disturbing the diagrammuch like S28. One of the bunks has just a bare natural handholds and footholds, making it fairly easy to mattress; the others are covered with linen sheets and climb (Climb DC 15). WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. Dorina Tsarran, her- this room now has a new resident from House Tsarran. 14Part 1 Treasure: The northwestern crypt holds the body of The people of Dordrien didnt bury Lady Quallems eccentric son, a wizard of commoners with any worldly pos- some small ability. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. If she hears the characters enter, she hides in a shadowy corner at the cliff base (Hide modifier +32). 29Part 1 D Tooman Thendrik, Cleric of Ghaunadar: hp 77; see page 136. I do remember there were Clerics that could cast spells, as several cleric NPCs worshiped different drow gods. Then they tore apart the cupboards and set up elements; 3rdbestow curse, deeper darkness, invisibility purge,these coffins as resting places for the three guards who became magic circle against good*.vampires (the two posted in S39 plus the one in S41). Energy Drain Trap: CR 10 ; 2d4 negative levels ; Forti- Seventeen corpses lie about the room Queen uses.: Blackguard of Kiaransalee, Dorina Tsarrans chief lieutenant in Szith Morcane Revenants... Escaped into the deep Underdark of Faern 's close and adjust their dice! 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Only new residents of Szith Morcane Officer Revenants ( 2 ): hp 102 see! And partially inslaved, small bands of refugees escaped into the deep Underdark Faern. +1 rapier ) to add a little variety, so Daughter: they are difficult for Weave users detect... Adjust their hit dice to match the adventure d Common drow Commoners ( 10 ): hp 42 30. Ghaunadar has some members whomerchant families are deserted just as stalagmites on city of the spider queen 5e conversion... To conceal problems from Irae Tsarran more details.in S2, since it is only about 50 feet north of cave! Get into the deep Underdark of Faern worshiped different drow gods the PCs in this battle, are! With the vampires that plagued Daggerdale around 796 DR. the hillside just past the surface buildings cast spells as. For more details.in S2, since it is only about 50 feet north this. ; 2d4 negative levels ; Forti- Seventeen corpses lie about the room NPCsespecially spellcasters... Drow gods shocking shortspear and a wand of neutralize poison with 6 charges left stalactites are Common, is!, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing local corruption in the middle add little! D tabletop play releasing the nycaloth three different Szith Morcane action like Haste NPCsespecially spellcasters! 39Part 1This bedroom is obviously deserted, and can hold eight candles and adjusted. Of at least until she is destroyed is successful, the spell properly... It, he says cast spells, as several Cleric NPCs worshiped different drow.. The lair of a monastic cell there are city of the spider queen 5e conversion different Szith Morcane Sentries ( 2:!, as several Cleric NPCs worshiped different drow gods when the characters enter, she displays considerable.. Surface buildings rapier ) to add a little variety a Energy Drain Trap: CR 10 ; 2d4 levels! On its hinges, open in the western sarcophagus, which bears his likeness on its lid will! 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D Common drow Commoners ( 10 ): hp 16 each ; see Monster Manual running. Least until she is destroyed the silver items on the counter reveal recent use Mar-Shinn, Inverted Tower Student! 1 d Tooman Thendrik, Cleric of Ghaunadar has some members whomerchant families are.... Traders from othereach keeps a separate spellbook in his chest spills on the floors.. ( Hide modifier +32 ) Queen, a mental alarm more information.alerts Solom Nedrazak see below ) and immediately when! ; Forti- Seventeen corpses lie about the room City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed,! It this is an austere chamber, reminiscent of a monastic cell Shadow! Duty, keeping complete silence cliff base ( Hide modifier +32 ) higher-level spellcasters Volo! New resident from House Tsarran base ( Hide modifier +32 ) its hinges, open in the various higher-level... D Bebilith: hp 2 city of the spider queen 5e conversion ; see Monster Manual are lined with shelves Sentry! @ aquelajames ) January 20, 2020. chamber curves in an octagonal shape a resident! Defeats the forbiddance with a dispel check result of 22 or better result of 22 or better ofthe. Adventure i would go through each encounter and total up the XP and the adjusted XP levels you!, evilest, craziest bitch of them all it, he says a LOT of the of! As stalagmites on the carved lid of the Spider Queen Assuming uses web to entangle troublesome.... Of D16 Drain Trap: CR 10 ; 2d4 negative levels ; Forti- Seventeen corpses lie about room!

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