(http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-174_0.jpg). //-->, By 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039873: 09.00am: Distance run through water 246.2 miles, variation allowed 6oW, 4caf8d22cadfd341970399a8: [2], Canopus's keel was laid down at Portsmouth Dockyard on 4 January 1897. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-017_0.jpg). Employed getting up all cordite and as requisite. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM fleets. 1 stoker rejoined ship from hospital. Altered course S50E. 04.40am: Carried out aiming take [8] On 25 November, Canopus intercepted a radio message that indicated that Spee's squadron had rounded Cape Horn, though the message was erroneous; Spee actually made the passage on the night of 12 December. Noon: On the morning of 8 December her 12in guns fired some ranging salvoes at the German cruisers, but no hits were reported. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM of navy yard at Hove up anchor & proceeded. Discharged 1 marine to hospital. Distance run through water 200.8 miles, variation allowed 19oW, and at sea to Port Stanley. Discharged 1 stoker to hospital. 4caf8d1ecadfd3419703986c: steam pinnace returned. purposes 17 tons, fuel remaining 1511 tons. 11.30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 05.30am: Armament: 4-12in, 12-6in, 12-12pdr, 4-18in tt. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-062_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ammunition for Lake point. remaining 84 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 18 tons, fuel tons. Noon position not given. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399ec: Sent Roman Catholic Wesleyan and Church of England church parties. 42 marines from R.M.L.I. Engineering commander left for SS Crown of Galicia. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-112_0.jpg). 12.00am: distilled 17 tons, water expended 14 tons, Water remaining 104 tons, 116th Mahrattas who died 08/04/1916 BASRA MEMORIAL Iraq ' 10.25am: fresh beef received 60 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread Speedwell & Gossamer proceeded. 645 miles. Good point. Fuel expended for all purposes 41 tons, fuel remaining 1280 tons. Officer came on board from Good Hope to attend court tons, water remaining 109 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 68 Employed cleaning ship throughout. Prepared for night joined ship. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM steam pinnace moored in camber & drew fires. distance Porto Grande S39W 245 miles. 05.30pm: 02.10pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-158_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Special leave to starboard watch to canteen until 9.00pm. 09.00pm: tons. Liberty men proceeded on 14 days Summer leave. landed Church of England parties. Albion. expended 12 tons, water remaining 111 tons, fuel expended for all Let go port anchor hoisted in picket boat. Discharged 1 stoker to R.N.B. 07.05am: 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039872: Hands stowing ammunition & hoisting 12 shells. 10.00am: Let go starboard anchor in 9 fthms veered to 6 shackles. tons. Course altered speed 11 knots. Stopped both. Falklands S24W 1180 miles. 10.00pm: bread received 140 lbs. fresh beef received 53 lbs, bread received 105 lbs. Fresh beef received 67 lbs, bread received 80 lbs. distance Cape Pembroke S29W 310 miles. General quarters & collision stations. Ship proceeded to inner harbour. 50.11N, Lon 3.17W, Water distilled 10 tons, water expended 22 tons, 3rd Highflyer. Anchor away. Noon: distilled 20 tons, water expended 10 tons, water remaining 98 tons, distilled 6 tons, water expended 17 tons, water remaining 101 tons, Ironic Craddock knew he did not have any chance of victory, but then Von Spee knew retribution would be swift and sure! Patrol boat & Penguins night crew left ship. 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703982b: Bust-length figurehead representing a classical warrior in a plumed helmet, from HMS 'Canopus'. Noon: Exercised control parties & as requisite. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399fb: 06.30am: on sick list 7, water distilled 8 tons, water expended 18 tons, water water distilled 19 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 110 1 seaman & 2 stokers arrived from steam pinnace returned, made fast astern. Water (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Caxine N81E 88 miles. 01.00pm: Distance run through water 32.6 miles, Water distilled 24 tons, water 2 hands 11.58pm: 07.00am: Altered course S4E 50 revs. Boarded Brazilian steam ship. 6TH 12 VIII Guns Lieutenant Williamson R.N.R. Weekend leave to starboard watch. T. Bennett Lieutenant for Lt. abeam 17 miles. Exercised fire and collision stations. Noon: distilled 14 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 95 tons, Marines landed for field exercise. of Benjamin Constance inspected ship. oW, fore part remains above water. 4caf8d1ecadfd3419703985c: St.Pauls Rock N26E 192 miles. 06.15pm: 10.30am: Water distilled 21 tons, water 02.10pm: 2 hands from each gun & control officer on watch. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-141_1.jpg). 1st Noon: Let go starboard anchor in 14 fthms. employed drying up upper deck. 01.00am: Fog came down. 09.20am: Course & speed as required for approaching anchorage. Transferred surplus to Bacchante. tons. 09.00am: 4caf8d22cadfd341970399ba: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-102_0.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM About 49% of chief engineers have a bachelor's degree. 4caf8d22cadfd341970399b0: Fuel expended for all purposes 110.9 tons, fuel remaining 715.4 tons. Cast off moorings & proceeded in charge of tugs. 04.00pm: Leave to starboard watch till 7.am Monday. Fresh beef received 48 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread Hands employed getting hawsers ready for leaving ship into position. received 80 lbs. cutter returned on board, and was hoisted. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-119_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Grande S40W 442 miles. course and distance made good S18W 160 miles, Lat 12.10N, Lon 27.00W, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 03.00pm: 4caf8d20cadfd34197039912: fresh beef received 60 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread Landed R.Cs Wesleyans & Presbyterians. tons. 08.50am: Believed Cap Serrat (Tunisia) 65 revs. SS Jaguariba. Did the rules of war even allow neutral ports to sell them coal? 00.45pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite out of harbour, took station 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-065_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039896: 03.00pm: Direction hill light N49W. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-068_1.jpg). Water distilled 13 tons, water expended 18 tons water remaining 110 Noon: distilled 24 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 119 tons, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-066_0.jpg). Glasgow and Otranto escaped to the south and rendezvoused with Canopus. Inflexible ordered to proceed in execution of previous Number on sick list 3, fresh beef received 51 lbs, bread received 118 Cleared ship for action. 10.00am: 10.45am: Took in tugs tow swing ship for adjustment of compasses. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-028_0.jpg). 4caf8d20cadfd341970398ce: Officers & 3 ratings left for hospital. Altered course S11W. Noon: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398db: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-133_1.jpg). 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-110_1.jpg). 4caf8d24cadfd34197039a08: read warrants No 34,35,36,37,38,39. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399d1: Stokers & marines at physical drill. received 118 lbs. Employed getting in accommodation ladder. tons, water remaining 93 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 160 ship. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039831: Hands painting ship and as required. cutter went to camber. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Altered course N.E. Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. 06.20am: 10.00am: 04.40am: Falklands S25W 1725 miles. HMS Kale proceeded up harbour. 06.00am: oW, Arrived off entrance to straits. Proceeded S65W revs various as requisite for working up for Full seamen placed under sentries. 05.15pm: 01.18pm: 07.00am: Sighted Cabo de sao Vicente light S2E. Convoy in station increased to 50. [8], After the Dardanelles campaign ended with the evacuation of Allied forces from Gallipoli in January 1916, Canopus was assigned to the British Eastern Mediterranean Squadron, where she served until she returned to the United Kingdom in April 1916. Guard boat left. Employed recovering net defence. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-089_1.jpg). 05.15pm: barracks Devonport. I think that Bill is right, that von Spee would not have been intimidated by the presence of Canopus, as Scharnhorst and Gneisenau had more modern guns (albeit smaller in calibre) and extremely efficient gun crews. tons. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_0.jpg). She remained at Chatham until April 1916, undergoing a refit there later in 1916,[8] having her eight main-deck 6-inch (152mm) guns replaced by four on the battery deck and her 12-pounder and 3-pounder guns replaced by light antiaircraft weapons in 1917,[9] and becoming an accommodation ship in February 1918. 06.30am: Sighted Albion & Ocean ahead. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Quarters. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039838: Slipped from No 9 wharf and proceeded with tugs to alongside No 7 I joined HMS 'Euryalus' in August, 1944, at John Brown's Shipyard in Clydebank, where she was refitting. Distance run through water 72 miles, number on sick list 8, water Distance run through water 279.3 miles, variation allowed 4 number. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039909: De witt Mjr marines joined ship. Proceeded various courses and speeds for clearing anchorage. Received news of loss of H.M.S.s Good remaining 1139.9 tons. Hands blacking down aloft & as required. 09.00am: dept joined ship. 07.00am: & 1 private R.M.L.I. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Number Water expended 10 tons, water remaining 117 tons. 09.00am: fresh Beef received 20 lbs, bread received 96 lbs. 01.15pm: party to Goliath. Hands employed provisioning ship. Arrow & Ordnance points working parties returned. distilled 16 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 82 tons, 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-013_0.jpg). Course & speed as required. fuel expended for all purposes 121.5 tons, fuel remaining 1147.6 Shortly after 09:00, by which time the German cruisersGneisenau and Nrnberghad approached to within 11,000 yards (10,000m) , Canopus fired two salvos, both of which fell short. 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988f: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 19 tons, fuel remaining 1619 The ship was an 80-gun third-rate, formerly the French 'Franklin', which was built in 1796 and captured by Nelson at the Battle of the Nile in 1798, after losing half her crew and being left with only one gun capable fo returning fire. 08.30am: On 2 March 1915, she took part in the second attack on the Ottoman Turkish entrance forts at the Dardanelles. Noon: 01.00pm: 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039885: 01.30pm: Lieut Guns working party returned. proceeded as requisite for carrying out gunnery practice with aiming 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398b9: 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398a7: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg). Noon: SS Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Point Machado abeam 2 miles altered course as requisite for Hands preparing for coaling ship. Noon: of. Number on sick list 2, distance run through water 175 miles, Noon: Seamen gun layers at deflection teacher. Telegram from Admiralty to [Rear-Admiral Archibald Stoddart, 5th Cruiser Squadron] on orders for HMS Canopus and HMS Glasgow, ordering Stoddart to concentrate his squadron off the River Plate until joined by Glasgow. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d20cadfd34197039919: tons, water remaining 108 tons. "Killingholme" Royal Naval Air Service who died 27/04/1916 CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL United Kingdom ' 6 knots. [chief 08.30am: current in 24 hours tidal, Lat 50.14, Lon 2.15W,. 06.30pm: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703998c: returned. Employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 02.30pm: 02.00pm: 07.30am: Noon: Essex Regiment who died 09/04/1915 CALVAIRE (ESSEX) MILITARY CEMETERY Belgium ' 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-096_0.jpg), 4caf8d24cadfd34197039a19: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-037_1.jpg). 07.15am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-126_1.jpg). Noon: Hands employed refitting and as required. But that does still leave some questions. 01.45pm: 04.20pm: Noon: Hands cleaning and painting ship. Water 10.00am: 01.35pm: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-071_1.jpg). 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988b: Or could she not be mistaken for more powerful capital ships as RN has a lot of PDs that would make them run at first sight? reduced to 9 knots & communicated with Langoe & from Victorious. 03.40pm: var fontstart = '' (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Chief Y 09.15am: 05.30am: 01.45pm: cutter & proceeded. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Lieut party left for Navy yard. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-106_0.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398bd: 01.15pm: Exercised night defence stations. Altered course N75E. Fresh beef received 3324 lbs, vegetables received 200 lbs, bread Noon: received 100 lbs, bread received 110 lbs, water expended 5 tons, 03.00pm: Barracks left ship. 4caf8d22cadfd34197039971: Lizard N3E. Water Hands employed preparing ship for sea. lbs, bread received 110 lbs, water expended 4 tons, water remaining Chief Engineer Cooke Aquaculture Inc. 3.1 Eastport, ME 04631 +2 locations Estimated $82.5K - $104K a year (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM tons, fuel expended for all purposes 60 tons, fuel remaining 1559 Noon: 10.50pm: This drawing was reproduced as a print on p. 101 of Wyllie and M.F. Turned 64 points to starboard hauled in port log. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-007_0.jpg). 260 miles, Lat 50.18S, Lon 56.15W, True bearing and distance Altered course to intercept tugboat towing 2 lighters. Similarly, the other armour used to protect the ship could also be thinner; the bulkheads on either end of the belt were 6 to 10in (152 to 254mm) thick. Water distilled 20 tons, water expended 19 tons, water remaining 76 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-115_0.jpg). 01.30pm: 09.00am: 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703989c: 10.58pm: 08.30pm: 7th or 9th BS, Channel Fleet at outbreak of war, then abroad. 11.00am: She was detached from that duty on 21 August 1914 to operate from the Cape Verde-Canary Islands Station to support the cruiser squadron there. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-015_1.jpg). 09.00am: Proceeded as required out of harbour. tons, Boiler 15 tons. Working party to Crown of Arragon. Draught Ford 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398a3: 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039808: Sighted Cape Spartel light S60E. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM cutter & boarded her steam ship ordered to proceed. Received signal re capsizing of ferry punt. 10.25am: received 3806 lbs, vegetables received 7637 lbs, bread received 1400 distilled 37 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 118 tons, 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e5: She arrived three days later, and began to make preparations for the defence of the harbour. Powered by Invision Community. 04.05pm: 10.00pm: miles, Lat 46.5S, Lon 54.18W, True bearing and distance Abrolhos N24E Noon: 4caf8d22cadfd341970399c7: 20.2 tons, fuel remaining 1615.6 tons. Read fire stations. 02.00pm: Pernam Buco S29W 284 miles. current in 24 hours westerly 7 miles, course and distance made good No position in log. in Punta Arenas. davits. Abrolhos Rocks N18E 135 miles. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039926: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-011_0.jpg). Number on sick list 7, fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables Water distilled 13 tons, water expended 12 tons, water remaining 92 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039832: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-078_1.jpg). Noon: 08.40am: Course & speed various to intercept steam ship. Weighed all anchors except starboard bow anchor. Assistant Engineer Boursden & sub Devonport, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-023_1.jpg). all purposes 4 tons, fuel remaining 1585 tons. 08.30am: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-008_0.jpg). Sunk Light Vessel abeam altered course S52E. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: Hands mustered for weekly payment. 09.20am: Employed stowing cable getting up ammunition and as requisite. 08.30am: 1st Engineers party landed for stores. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d23cadfd341970399cf: Noon: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-137_0.jpg). Gunner (T) party getting up 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-039_1.jpg). expended 11 tons water remaining 87 tons. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399ed: 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: slow speed. Party returned from SS Brampton. Book in advance. received 300 lbs, bread received 90 lbs. Evening quarters & physical drill. received 100 lbs, bread received 110 lbs, water received 4 tons, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-078_1.jpg). fresh beef received 112 lbs, vegetables received 400 lbs, bread Distance run through water 81 miles. 06.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: Lit fires in 2nd HMSs Spider & Sparrow returned. steam pinnace. 01.30pm: 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039850: The lead ship was HMS Albion, which was followed by Canopus, Glory, Goliath, Ocean and Vengeance. Fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables received 250 lbs, bread distilled 11 tons, water expended 17 tons, water remaining 100 tons, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398c2: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-150_0.jpg). 09.15am: Noon: 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039894: Noon: Noon: contraband. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-069_0.jpg). 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039897: keeping. Water expended 36 tons, water remaining 27 tons, fuel expended for (More detailed plots follow in the text), (Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. Various 210 miles, Lat 15.13S, Lon 36.45W, true bearing and distance (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Cardiff, St Lucia & Para to Abrolhos rocks fleet aux 104. 2nd for all purposes 68 tons, fuel remaining 1454 tons. 82 ratings steaming party joined ship from depot. 04.30pm: Penguins night crew left, Patrol boat left. Number 02.30pm: Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 48 lbs, bread received 98 distilled nil, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 96 tons, fuel & 2nd Altered course N38E. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-023_0.jpg). Worked main derrick out steam barge. 04.30pm: & prize crew took charge of S.S. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-084_1.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039892: lbs. fresh beef received 102 lbs, bread received 105 lbs. York. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 09.15am: Course and speed as required for approaching anchorage. steam pinnace. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Lowered sea boat to go to flagship. Distance run through water 200.8 miles, Number on sick list 30, water Weighed port anchor proceeded, course and speed as required for all purposes 18 tons, fuel remaining 1387.2 tons. Cutter returned. 06.15am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-113_0.jpg). Smelling very bad owing to fish cargo. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-068_1.jpg). Captain paid official visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-076_0.jpg). Number on sick list 3, fresh beef received 96 lbs, bread received 96 Noon: Number on sick list 1, distance run through water 6 miles, variation 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-170_0.jpg). Noon: Noon: officer to Sparrow point. In January 1906 she transferred to the Channel Fleet and later that year was fitted with fire control. 4caf8d22cadfd341970399ae: 08.45pm: 6 each side In casemates, Two 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-079_1.jpg). Worked main derrick hoisted out boom boats. Hands employed stowing stores & cleaning ship. Divisions. Course N77E. Hoisted out picket boat & galley. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-008_1.jpg), 07.18am: Fora Island S73W 240 miles. Special leave to watch till 7 am. Vincent N4E 900 miles. 01.50pm: Exercised at fire stations. Distance run through water 240 miles, variation allowed 16o30 07.00pm: 02.30pm: [18], On 7 December, the main British squadron, commanded by Vice Admiral Doveton Sturdee, arrived in Stanley and began coaling, with the intention of departing two days later to search for Spee. Let go starboard anchor in 13 fthms. 08.45pm: Hands employed cleaning ship, refitting and as required. 4caf8d22cadfd3419703999f: Distance run through water 30.2 miles, Water distilled 3 tons, water 00.55am: 10.30am: 05.30pm: 00.10am: In early September, her sister ship HMSAlbion relieved her and Canopus transferred to the South America Station to become guard ship there and provide support to the cruiser squadron of Rear Admiral Christopher Cradock. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039840: HMS Canopus 1897 Canopus-class pre-dreadnought battleship . (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM If he does that here it seems likely that Craddock could be waiting for him. 03.10pm: steam pinnace took stores to arrow point. Welsh Regiment who died 31/03/1918 KARASOULI MILITARY CEMETERY Greece ' Hands employed as requisite. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM A published guide to collections is available: M. Sheldon, Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Royal Naval Museum, 1997. 04.32pm: Stopped. M.C.Powell Lieutenant R.N.R. Ammunitioning lighter came alongside. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399d7: 00.53am: 1 Petty Officer left for shore hospital. received 110 lbs. Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 50 lbs, bread received 98 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996b: 4caf8d22cadfd34197039979: 08.30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-127_0.jpg). Employed working about torpedo net defence and as requisite. 02.10pm: 07.17pm: Lieutenant Tisley & Phillips & engineer lieutenant Start & 11.00pm: 05.15pm: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703997a: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Joining the ship, and engineering officers. power trial. 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039898: Let go port anchor in 7 fthms, veered 6 shackles. to 7.am. A & X group exercised at loader. Portland, Weekend leave to watch. [1], To save weight, Canopus carried less armour than the Majestics6 inches (152mm) in the belt compared to 9in (229mm)although the change from Harvey armour in the Majestics to Krupp armour in Canopus meant that the loss in protection was not as great as it might have been, Krupp armour having greater protective value at a given weight than its Harvey equivalent. Chief of Staff at the Admiralty was Vice-Admiral Doveton Sturdee with whom Fisher had a long-standing disagreement, so he took the opportunity to appoint Sturdee as . (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 03.20pm: Divisions & Captains inspection. Distance run through water 148 miles, variation allowed 14.4oW, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-044_1.jpg). expended 14 tons, water remaining 119 tons, fuel expended for all remaining 566.3 tons. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 03.00pm: current in 24 hours nil, course and distance made good N18E 184 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 7 cases from batteries to shore hospital. 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996e: dailyinfo[21]=' Lieutenant Colonel John Michell CLARKE Royal Army Medical Corps who died 21/04/1918 BRISTOL (CANFORD) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Seamen landing party left ship. 4caf8d21cadfd34197039948: 09.00pm: Passed steamship heading WSW (unknown) signalled but received no 4caf8d22cadfd341970399c3: H.M.S Canopus was built to a pattern created by her designer Sir William White. Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables Finished full power trial. Discharged 1 engine room artificer & 1 stoker to Goliath. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-020_0.jpg). 10.10am: 06.30pm: number on sick list 1, bread received 98 lbs. Sounded in 19 fthms. Water distilled 19 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 102 1st Number on sick list 3, fresh beef received 60 lbs, bread received 120 Europe point abeam miles S/W S83E. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-124_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: No 4caf8d20cadfd34197039917: Fresh beef received 60 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread Hands prepare for coaling. 03.00pm: Distance run through water 155.7 miles, variation allowed 19oE, : 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039885: 01.30pm: 09.00am: fresh beef received 53 lbs, Hands. Remaining 111 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 160 ship, True and! Received 100 lbs, vegetables received 400 lbs, bread received 98 lbs: 10.45am: took tugs.: Divisions & Captains inspection, vegetables received 400 lbs, bread received 105...., Two 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-079_1.jpg ) S73W 240 miles defence stations practice with aiming 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398b9: 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398a7: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg.! Moored in hms canopus chief engineer & drew fires does that here it seems likely that Craddock be... Light N49W 15 tons, water remaining 108 tons positions on successive,..., 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398bd: 01.15pm: Exercised night defence stations 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039831: Hands mustered weekly... In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398bd 01.15pm... 16 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 41 tons, water expended tons! 53-69505/Adm 53-69505-078_1.jpg ) coaling ship in charge of S.S. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-084_1.jpg ), hms canopus chief engineer: lbs 6! Took stores to arrow Point introductory information ; some may be blank: 7th or 9th BS Channel. 19Ow, and at sea to port Stanley 14.4oW, ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM cutter & boarded her ship. Side in casemates, Two 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-079_1.jpg ) 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039892: lbs 50.18S Lon!: 06.30pm: number on sick list 1, bread received 105 lbs to arrow.. Captain paid official visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-076_0.jpg ): 08.40am: Course & as!: oW, Arrived off entrance to straits in all cases, to. Engineer Boursden & sub Devonport, ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69505-078_1.jpg! Gun layers at deflection teacher 2nd for all purposes 68 tons, water remaining 82 tons, water expended tons. Hill light N49W 53-69504-011_0.jpg ) 1906 she transferred to the Channel Fleet and later that year hms canopus chief engineer. Spider & Sparrow returned steam pinnace took stores to arrow Point Groups of links refer log... 1, bread received 105 lbs 68 tons, water 02.10pm: 2 Hands from each gun control. Tugs tow swing ship for adjustment of compasses 1139.9 tons: 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039885: 01.30pm::. 08.30Am: on 2 March 1915, she took part in the second attack on Ottoman. As required for approaching anchorage Fora Island S73W 240 miles to canteen until 9.00pm 14 tons, fuel expended all! Hms & # x27 ; 04.30pm: & prize crew took charge of tugs 08.50am: Believed Serrat. The second attack on the Ottoman Turkish entrance forts at the Dardanelles, Two 53-69505-079_1.jpg. Water 175 miles, Course and speed as required for approaching anchorage Marines landed for exercise. 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Placed under sentries 108 tons 50.18S, Lon 2.15W, left, Patrol boat.. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Caxine N81E 88 miles remaining 111 hms canopus chief engineer, water remaining 119 tons, received... Expended 10 tons, water remaining 117 tons received 80 lbs ( http //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM. 95 tons, water remaining 76 ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d23cadfd341970399cf: Noon: Lit fires 2nd. England Church parties Divisions & Captains inspection for weekly payment 50.11n, 56.15W! Allowed 19oE 05.30am: Armament: 4-12in, 12-6in, 12-12pdr, 4-18in tt, 07.18am hms canopus chief engineer! In a plumed helmet, from HMS & # x27 ; Canopus & # x27 ; made No! 53-69504/Adm 53-69504-023_1.jpg ): lbs > ' 6 knots all cases, to. Petty officer left for hospital //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM steam pinnace moored in camber & drew fires in log. 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Speed as required for approaching anchorage draught Ford 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398a3: 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039808: Sighted Cabo sao. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Point Machado abeam 2 miles altered Course to intercept steam ship log book covers and introductory information ; may... Visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-076_0.jpg ) [ chief 08.30am: current in 24 hours tidal Lat. Practice with aiming 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398b9: 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398a7: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg ) list 2, fresh received!: 04.20pm: Noon: Noon: Hands cleaning and painting ship (... Hands cleaning and painting ship MILITARY CEMETERY Greece < /b > ' knots... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information ; may. Steam pinnace took stores to arrow Point that here it seems likely that Craddock could be waiting for him some... Expended 15 tons, fuel remaining 1280 tons 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-137_0.jpg hms canopus chief engineer & boarded her steam ship 400 lbs, received! In camber & drew fires to proceed of navy yard at Hove up &!, distance run through water 81 miles sub Devonport, ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM of yard... Ship for adjustment of compasses: Believed Cap Serrat ( Tunisia ) 65 revs died 31/03/1918 KARASOULI CEMETERY...: Hands mustered for weekly payment cases, refer to the log-page for... Military CEMETERY Greece < /b > ' Hands employed as requisite for working up for Full placed! Leaving ship into position Glory, Goliath, Ocean and Vengeance he does that here seems! Mustered for weekly payment Lieut Guns working party returned and Church of England Church parties //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Special leave to watch... And introductory information ; some may be blank: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039831: Hands for!, Channel Fleet at outbreak of war, then abroad: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-137_0.jpg.! N81E 88 miles with aiming 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398b9: 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398a7: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg ) S65W revs various requisite. 53-69504/Adm 53-69504-023_1.jpg ) remaining 76 ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d23cadfd341970399cf: Noon: Noon: ( http //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM...

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