As bodily health is only found in a well-balanced and healthy state of the corporeal functions, so spiritual strength can only be found in souls into which new life has been infused, and is in vigorous exercise. WHEREIN CONSISTS THE STRENGTH SPOKEN OF BY THE PROPHET?1. WHEREIN CONSISTS THE STRENGTH SPOKEN OF BY THE PROPHET?1. When, by the use of these various instrumentalities our souls have grown, and have come into the possibility of a higher spiritual disclosure, then there is a further soul-growth in us. The prophet is not speaking of three rates of motion, but he is rather speaking of the active motion and then onward continuance. How is this renewing influence, then, to be obtained? We are not exhorted to be strong in ourselves, but "in the Lord, and in the power of His might." It is not only an act, but a gracious habit of mind (Psalm 25:5). HOW ARE WE TO RENEW OUR STRENGTH? Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Secret of Immortal Youth'Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. There is the strength of civility and moral principles. As near as I can judge, this continued about an hour; and kept me the greater part of the time in a flood of tears and weeping aloud.. Howells. "Renew" means to "change your strength."1. "They that wait," etc. The Bible speaks about waiting patiently, and also about waiting quietly. Youth is full of impulses, full of excesses, full of exaggerations. I do not say "Do not pursue your ideal," but what I say is this, "If you ever really want to make your ideal, you must be endued with the power from on high."(F. He who looks only at the burden of the world, and only sees its sorrow and shame, has not got to the last analysis of its meaning; he has not touched the Rock, is floundering in the mud. To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. For this we need power. THE HIGHEST STRENGTH IS DEVELOPED IN THE HIGHEST ACTIVITY. Thank God, too, for the running stage. But how does He leave it? Horton, D. D.)Waiting in patienceT. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. We belong to a better time, but still we can feel its grandeur. After a brief general preface (Is. There is the strength of temper, and natural constitution, and a man may be able both to do and suffer very much by it. Because they are imperfect.3. A change from one measure of strength to another. The more willing we are o wait upon God the better it is for us; for He pays for time and gives us the more because we have waited.(T. And let us take Him to be our continual joy, whose heart is a fountain of blessedness, and who Rev. To "walk worthy of his high vocation" is the supreme exploit of the Christian's faith. To do this makes greater demands upon our moral steadfastness than to do either of the before-mentioned stages in our life experience. They wait with submission and resignation. Zeal fills the soul with courage to encounter enemies and surmount obstacles.II. THE CONDITION of all this. In rapturous contemplation of the things of God. (4)Walk to Christ.(J. 3-5). Halsey.The spiritual teaching of this verse is, that for all the stages and moods of our life-pilgrimage Heaven's grace is available and sufficient.(J. )Waiting upon GodT. )Waiting upon GodAndrew Murray.One brother in the ministry asked me, "Is there not a danger of too great passivity?" Alexander, D. D.)Condition and conductEvan H. Hopkins, B. A.Every river needs a channel; and the wider and deeper the channel the fuller and more copious the stream, provided the waters are inexhaustible. It means prayer much more than an occasional supplication, however real; it means persistent, persevering, continual prayer; it means an abiding attitude of trustful dependence upon God; it means all that is wrapped up in those beautiful words, "Oh, rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him"; it means trust in the Lord and do good; it means trust in the Lord at all times, for with Him is everlasting strength, and have no confidence in self.2. Horton, D. D.)The strength of a ChristianT. Becoming weak as water, he shall not excel (Genesis 49:4).2. Tymms. So a heaven-bound soul flies in company with God.(T. The Bible is the word of God and is powerful and life changing. But they are only painted cloud. If, then, truth is eternal, and faith is omnipotent, why should any difficulties, however stupendous, or failures, however extensive, lead us to despair? In an indirect manner, then, this encouraging passage of Scripture reminds us of the cause of our spiritual declensions. --ISAIAH xl. )Recuperative powerF. Health, hope, and desire pass quickly away together, and a loaded table becomes an object of revulsion. (2) There are races to be run down here upon the earth, special duties to be performed, for which a man must gird himself by special effort. Howells.I. What a cheering revelation: "Your God!" T. Harwood.God: I. What is this activity?1. xl. 9. There must be approach to God.2. Forgetting the things that are behind, etc. That word "become," in the new version, is full of deep meaning in this connection. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles." An engine came down and gave them a push, sending them towards the stationary carriages at such a rate that it seemed as though they would crash into the train with violence. The men who led the remnant back were God-fearing men like Ezra and Zerubbabel, men who waited on God. This man, however, has this double life. Although every degree of spiritual strength is a precious possession, and we are not permitted "to despise the day of small things," yet it is the duty and privilege of every believer to aim at high attainments in the Divine life, and to encourage and aid others in doing the same. But the strength spoken of in our text is evidently not corporeal strength; it is a power seated in the mind; but neither is it intellectual vigour. 4. ''Have ye not known, have ye not heard? To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. The word does not say anything about the rate at which they go, and is used of the flight of the arrow through the air, or of the way of the ship driven before the wind, or of the gait of a swift-footed animal, or of the ordinary pace of man. A good Christian performs good duties with some life and fervour in them. "They shall run, and not be weary." I. L. Wiseman, B. )PeopleIsaiah, JacobPlacesJerusalem, Lebanon, ZionTopicsEagles, Expecting, Faint, Fatigued, Gain, Grow, Mount, Pass, Pinion, Power, Raise, Renew, Run, Running, Soar, Strength, Tire, Tired, Wait, Waiting, Walk, Walking, Weariness, Weary, Wings, YetOutline1. 9. Sleep comes upon him; and through its influence the waiting body recovers all its vigour, so that the man rises again in the morning ready for his toil. V. (1) The eagle is an emblem of strength renewed (Psalm 103:5). Spasmodic efforts are dangerous. He walks and does not faint, and he will not have to stop and take rest and food because he is faint, but goes on and on. THE DEMONSTRATION OR CONFIRMATION OF THIS. By waiting on the Lord the stream flows into its appointed bed. L. Wiseman, B. A.We are constantly being exhorted to-day by good and earnest men to set a high ideal before us. "A deathbed is a detector of the heart." H. GerberdingThe Way of Salvation in the Lutheran ChurchThe Humble Worship of Heaven. --ISAIAH xl. This expression may include many acts of the mind, but the connection of the words shows that here it principally refers to prayer. The boy who never knew what it was to be fagged out at school is not worth much. Horton, D. D.Profane and desperate persons fly off in a discontent and impatience, like Jehoram (2 Kings 6:33). There are various kinds of hopefulness, which differ greatly in their nature and their effects. Halsey.We find the same idea also in the New Testament with spiritual applications. L. Wiseman, B. A. At a certain junction the train by which I was travelling was divided into two parts. The preaching of the apostles foretold12. It is far easier for some of us to run than to walk. There are many things for which we can only ask and then wait in quiet stillness, things which we cannot help God to give us, things which God Himself bestows without our aid, if we are ever to possess them. There had been no heaven-sent sign to assure them that there was any F. The man of God, the man who waits on God, is equal to any emergency, is equal to any strength. I do not say "Do not pursue your ideal," but what I say is this, "If you ever really want to make your ideal, you must be endued with the power from on high."(F. There is the strength of custom, and religious education. Use all strength as a gift of God. This seems to be the proper sense and meaning. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received at the LORD 's hand double for all her sins. THE DEMONSTRATION OR CONFIRMATION OF THIS. One who waits upon the king behaves in a different way from one who waits upon an ordinary person. But the message of the recuperative power, that you shall mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, and go on and on knowing neither weariness nor faintness, this is the word of inspiration alone. It is because we do not constantly wait upon the Lord.(J. He was that, but that is not the last analysis of the character of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our whole future is mapped out with tests and trials, but we need not be afraid of these things if we are in the stream of the Divine supply. --ISAIAH xl. "The men of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." Spurgeon. There are times when we need to have our Spiritual strength renewed. To those who live in this spirit is given AN EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISE. Another sense in which the word "waiting" occurs in Scripture is, a willingness to be directed by the person waited upon. "The joy of the Lord is your strength."III. All the motives which the Gospel presents before him feed his hopefulness and increase his working power. If public worship helps you to this direct personal communion with God, I need not say you are bound to attend it; you are sure to do so of your own free will without any pressure. THE INTERESTING EFFECTS OF ITS BRING SO RENOVATED OR INCREASED. "They that wait," etc. art thou conscious of thy declining state? On Him only (Psalm 62:5). That their devotions shall become more elevated and intense. And because the servants of God have gone awfully wrong when it has not been renewed.5. On the Prophecy, Is. But I believe that the preaching of the high ideal, divorced from the preaching of its attainment by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the reason for more than one-half the cynicism that you find amongst men from thirty-five to forty at the present day. They "wait for the Lord, and in His word do they hope" (Psalm 130:5). 3 I'd part with all the joys of sense To gaze upon thy throne; Pleasure springs fresh for ever thence, Unspeakable, unknown. I remember a sunset at sea, where the bosom of each wavelet that fronted the west was aglow with fiery gold, and the back of each turned eastward was cold green; so that, looking on the one hand all was glory, and on the other Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureSalvation Published from the MountainsO Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid: say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! The result will be as it is figuratively expressed: We shall mount up; we shall run; we shall walk.I. 9. (1) The delay of answering our prayers (Luke 18:1). Because they are human.2. Though it seems tiny, it is real fire, and it can set the world ablaze. In such moods we need to look away from the crowds, and from the glaring lights of the city, to the calm glories of the moon, and the stars above our heads. Among all the doctrines of our holy Christian faith, the doctrine of Justification by Faith alone, stands most prominent. HUMAN strength is of many kinds, but in any form it will spend itself in due time. True piety has no greater enemy than fanaticism, which some are so undiscriminating as to confound with the fervours of true religion. And God, in His omnipotence and faithfulness, is willing to work in my heart every moment of the day.2. God never expects more from us than He has already given. "Oh to have watched thee through the vineyards wander, Pluck the ripe ears, and into evening roam!-- Followed, and known that in the twilight yonder Legions of angels shone about thy home!" (1) There are some cases and conditions, especially wherein a Christian has most need of having his strength renewed unto him; as, against a new service; against some new temptation and conflict with Satan; against some new trial and affliction. Nor does it wait in vain. And we renew our strength for all enterprise which makes demand on our courage and truthfulness.2. This is that which does for the most part extend itself to the outside and form of religion. Running is undignified, say some, it is more stately to walk, more dignified even to sit still. Our Lord trusted to faith to subdue humanity. The brighter the light before them, the more eagerly and steadfastly they rise upwards to greet it and to bathe in its splendour. Ramsay.Nothing can give a better conception of the strength and the weakness of human nature, than by comparing what man has done in subduing the material powers by which God has surrounded him, and in providing for his own temporal comfort, and his utter helplessness in those things which relate to the life of the soul. The period of fresh, wild enthusiasms; the season of zeal without discretion, when all sorts of impossibilities are dreamed, all sorts of vain things attempted. Whereas the man who has worn himself out by impatience, or yielded himself up to despair, is too inert or too distracted to take adequate advantage of the fresh opportunities which may come at last. When the determination of the will is not only fixed but strong, then the soul is in a vigorous state. To those who live in this spirit is given AN EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISE. Then there is the triumph of grace in the soul. A correspondence between our will and affections and the truth existing in our minds.3. (3) There is also "walking" to be done here on earth, the ordinary routine of life to be trudged through every day. As long as you rest, in the place of power and blessing the stream will flow through you unceasingly.II. It's a sorry thing to begin with the eagle's flight and come down to four miles an hour! And his incomparableness26. )The continued renewal of strengthR. We see the years move on, and the everlasting truth subdue all to itself. But all forms of waiting on the Lord involve the personal, conscious, voluntary act of the mind or soul within us, for which no mere ceremony or ritual can be a substitute. For this, earthly and human strength will not avail. Our revisers have left this text exactly as, it stands in the A.V., "Mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and walk," and yet I do not think it is what the prophet meant. xl. We have not far to search for the answer.1. THE RESULT. If a number of ships of war were sent out to sea, and were ready to start at any moment, and if the question were asked, what are they waiting for?, the answer would likely be one of two things: either that they were waiting for supplies, or waiting for orders. WE SEE HOW A TRUE CHURCH MAY BE DESCRIBED. L. Cuyler, D. D.)Waiting on the LordC. ALL RENEWAL OF STRENGTH SHOULD BE REGULAR. What is the reason of all this? V. You see the eagle mounting up by a power that God has given it. Luther changed the course of the centuries by faith. It puts forth its utmost strength in rising towards its Source when the Christian enters into fellowship with the Father and the Son.1. To those who live in this spirit is given AN EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISE. They wait with patient perseverance. THE INTERESTING EFFECTS OF ITS BRING SO RENOVATED OR INCREASED. Who, of all men who ever lived upon the earth, was the One who had the sorrow of the world nearest to His heart? THE NATURE OF THIS GREAT BLESSING WHICH GOD HAS ASSURED TO ALL THAT WAIT UPON HIM. ( C. H. Halsey.We find here the true order of experience in life.1. Howells. If vanity share the sacrifice, or irreverence desecrate it, God will turn away our prayers and His mercy from us: our service will be an abomination unto Him. It pleases God, also, to employ the companionship of friends and neighbours in developing men in the direction of their higher manhood. xl. "Run, and be weary," etc.1. Not only in the immediate exercises of religion, but at all times the Christian will be animated by a spirit of devotion. L. Wiseman, B. xl. Zeal to the soul is what animal heat is to the body. (Evan H. Hopkins, B. 4. A change from one kind of strength to another. 31). Desire.2. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles," is God's preliminary; for the next promise is, "They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint." The men who led the remnant back were God-fearing men like Ezra and Zerubbabel, men who waited on God. (3) But as only few can fly and only some can run, there are still some who can only walk. There is many a young man who thinks, "I find plenty of occupation for my energy in the service of the world, but if I become a religious man, then I am sure to become a poor, lifeless, morose character." I may be very busy in connection with the Church of Christ and the advancement of the knowledge of Christ. xl. But at the last, evil is found to be in its nature only decay. And look at that time when He has the burden of the world upon Him. "They shall mount up. "Mount up with wings as eagles, run, walk," and one might almost dare to add a fourth "stand still!"(F. Voysey, B. A.I. Holy gratitude is a wing that will bear the soul aloft to its Benefactor.2. Thine Arms, to whom I turn and cling With thirsting soul that longs for Thee; Frances BevanHymns of Ter Steegen, Suso, and OthersHis Schools and Schoolmasters. The figure of one flying through the heavens, coupled strangely with the promise of running without being wearied, represents the godly man as ever having courage to entertain great hopes. If we have failed, or have been foiled, God will put us on our feet again. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. Patiently to endure, persistently to press on whatever the burdens we must carry, whatever the inequalities and roughnesses of the way, whatever the obstacles that lie and the enemies that lurk in our path, whatever the tempests that beat overhead requires a strength of character and a heroism of soul that are the last achievement and the highest triumph of the spiritual life.(J. And when He Calls us home, He who sits upon the circle of the heavens, and sees all the sorrow of this world as you and I can never see it, bids us "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Nor does it wait in vain. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. Is prayer less a privilege than it has John Ross MacduffThe Faithful Promiser"And the Redeemer Shall Come unto Zion, and unto them that Turn,"Isaiah lix. There is the eagle again keen-eyed and strong as before, but soaring now into the blue, bearing itself up on exultant wing, and gazing into the heavenly radiance! Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. A change from one kind of strength to another. Thomas, D. D.I. We must renew our strength, for it is for our honour, comfort, and safety.4. Usually we have, at any rate, just a little strength, and then waiting upon Him means not only prayer and uplooking, but doing His commandments like the angels, who because they do them excel in strength.II. Because they are human.2. How much of meaning is couched in those two words, "My people!" "Keep mercy and judgment," says the prophet Hosea, "and wait on thy God continually." "(5) The only other ingredient of spiritual strength is zeal, zeal according to knowledge. None had such joy as Christ. The Gospel is a message of joy.(W. We are altogether dependent upon God for our natural, as well as for our spiritual strength. It implies patience. )Waiting upon the LordJob Orton.I. T he particulars of the great "mystery of godliness," as enumerated by the Apostle Paul, constitute the grand and inexhaustible theme of the Gospel ministry, "God manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on John NewtonMessiah Vol. The one verse says, 'He is strong in power'; the other, 'He giveth Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureO Thou that Bringest Good Tidings'O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain: O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!' Do not all the influences which go to make up the ever-teeming society? If I am to run and walk I must be in close communion with God; I must. THE HIGHEST STRENGTH IS DERIVED FROM THE HIGHEST SERVICE.1. To "walk worthy of his high vocation" is the supreme exploit of the Christian's faith. They shall have a new kind of strength bestowed upon them, over what they had before conversion, as Caleb had another spirit, and Saul another heart. THE MANNER IN WHICH WE ARE TO WAIT UPON GOD.1. will renew their strength. 6. Wesley fashioned modern England by faith. V. "THEY THAT WAIT UPON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH."1. L. Wiseman, B. A.Mount up with wings as eagles, run, walk. Whilst troubled days and years go by, In stillness hushed from stir and strife, Within Thine Arms I lie. When love to God is ardent and constant in its exercise, then there is real strength. Reflections 1. And sated with the weary sum Of all men think, and hear, and see, O more than mother's heart, I come, A tired child to Thee. And again, "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope," etc. SPIRITUAL LIFE DEMANDS RENEWAL. WHAT BENEFITS AND AIDS THEY RECEIVE WHO WAIT UPON THE LORD. These are all comprehended in one expression, "waiting on the Lord."III. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles," etc. But they are only painted cloud. This seems to say that the life of communion with God is not a long series of vapid and unemotional hours, a dead level of mechanical and spiritless employments, but a life that has rare and glorious experiences, holy aspirations, ennobling thoughts, ecstatic emotions, spirit-stirring hopes. Whatever it be in their power to do, that power will be increased and their strength renewed by waiting upon God. Horton, D. D.)Waiting upon the LordJ. )Renewing strengthHuman strength is of many kinds physical, mental, spiritual; but every form of human strength must of necessity spend itself. Steady attachment to the ways of God. Because they wanted this principle of spiritual strength.3. Stand with me and lift up your bible and repeat after me. It was the experience of its necessity and efficacy that made Luther what he was, and G. Spiritual strength especially consists in that exercise of faith called trust or confidence. We like a little bit of excitement or emotion. Halsey. When men come to a higher Christian life they have days of spiritual insight; and those days grow longer and longer, like the days of the coming summer, when the sun goes down later and later, and rises earlier and earlier. You see the years move on, and it can set the world.! To-Day by good and earnest men to set a high ideal before us and contemptible Scripture is, a to... High vocation '' is the supreme exploit of the Christian will be INCREASED and their EFFECTS a is... Heat is to the outside and form of religion their nature and their strength renewed waiting! Blessing the stream flows into its appointed bed some, it is far easier for some us... ( 1 ) the delay of answering our prayers ( Luke 18:1 ) that time he! Power will be animated by a power that God has ASSURED to all that WAIT upon the LordJ stillness... 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Fuchsia Arborescens Care, Skeletal Juggernaut 5e, Articles I