key causes of deforestation in pakistan

key causes of deforestation in pakistan

Arabian Sea Key: international boundary province-level boundary disputed boundary river JAMMU AND KASHMIR disputed territory N 0 100 200 deforestation and poverty that may cause the famines, migration, social and political unrest and drain of economic resources. 1 Deforestation: Causes, Effects and Control Strategies Sumit Chakravarty 1, S. K. Ghosh 2, C. P. Suresh 2, A. N. Dey 1 and Gopal Shukla 3 1Department of Forestry 2Pomology & Post Harvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari 3ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Center, Plandu Ranchi India 1. . Fires are a part of nature but degraded forests are particularly vulnerable. FORESTS are being cut at an alarming rate in Pakistan. 1.96 million hectare area (43% of the total forests) is coniferous hill forests; 1.72 million hectare area (37.2% of the total forests) is Cutting of trees at huge number has not only endangered lives of different species but is also considered as another major cause of global warming. At this rate the country's forest cover would be reduced to half of its 1995 extent by 2019-24, says Pakistan's Food and Agriculture . It also has diverse conditions providing the basis for a wide variety of drivers and causes of deforestation and forest degradation, as well as barriers to conservation and enhanced forest carbon stock. Causes of Deforestation: Direct Causes People have been deforesting the Earth for thousands of years, primarily to clear land for crops or livestock. This deforestation may prevent Pakistan from complying with one of the World Bank's Millennium Development Goals that requires an increase in forest area from 2.5% to 6% by 2015. Pakistan is a one of the most forest deficient country in the world and has only 4.6 m ha area. Following are some of the main causes of this large scale deforestation in Pakistan. After the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, the Pakistan government A. sided completely with the Taliban. causes of deforestation: The age of the respondents was cross checked with main causes of deforestation and statistical test of association Chi-Square was applied using SPSS software. Key Words: Forests; Forestry Extension; Deforestation; NWFP INTRODUCTION Forests occupy about 4.6 million hectares (Mha) of the total land area of Pakistan (Government of Pakistan, 2005). 1.1, an outline map of Pakistan. The adverse effects of this phenomenon is leading to . Various socioeconomic factors determine deforestation and degradation. The underlying causes of deforestation in Pakistan need possible attention of. in riparian, low-lying and coastal areas, deforestation causes catastrophic floods and sea water intrusion inflicting huge economic losses. Forest loss in Pakistan has been a concern for many decades due to deforestation rates that are among the highest in the South Asia at 2.2% per year ().As a consequence of damage to regional watersheds, forest loss has been linked to catastrophic flooding in 1992 and 2010. Our most significant influence on the protection of forests is through our sourcing of paper- and wood-based products and raw agricultural materials, particularly palm oil. Caused by industrial fumes, and other gases, air pollution is among the major environmental issues in Pakistan. Deforestation: Overall area of Pakistan under the cover of forests is around 5.2 percent which is pretty low for meeting the environmental and socio-economic needs of the country. 1.1, an outline map of Pakistan. The dynamics and causes of deforestation and forest degradation are multi-faceted, complex and vary from place to place. The threats manifest themselves in the form of deforestation and forest degradation. Int. Nevertheless, human activities are among the main causes of global deforestation. Abstract Prevention of forest loss is a high priority in Pakistan, where catastrophic flooding in 1992 and 2010 has been linked to deforestation. J. Biosci. 5 UCLES 2019 2059/02/O/N/19 [Turn over (d) Reducing the impacts of deforestation is more achievable in the northern regions than in other areas of Pakistan. Government subsidies, estimated at $200 billion annually, are often the key underlying drivers . This is due to the fact that, at its base, urban sprawl is driven by overpopulation. Get ideas for your own presentations. The survey questionnaire was discussed with the local A growing body of evidence indicates that the continuing destruction of tropical forests is disrupting the movement of water in the atmosphere, causing major shifts in precipitation that could lead to drought in key agricultural areas in China, India, and the U.S. Midwest. Deforestation has considerably stopped in places like Europe, Pacific, North America and some parts of Asia due to lack of agricultural land. The current work is design to highlight the facts, real causes and impacts of deforestation and forest degradation in "Dir Kohistan" of K.P.K Pakistan, by incorporating the view of local people through a questionnaire. Multiple Impacts of Illegal Logging: A key to Deforestation Over the Globe. B. used the confusion of the situation to launch an attack against India. Urban sprawl is one of the most difficult deforestation-related issues to solve. Wildfires were the biggest drivers for these losses in Canada, resulting in a loss of 932Kha of forest cover. Share yours for free! Key Words: Forests; Forestry Extension; Deforestation; NWFP INTRODUCTION Forests occupy about 4.6 million hectares (Mha) of the total land area of Pakistan (Government of Pakistan, 2005). Angelsen A, and Kaimowitz D . High velocity windstorms cause large scale movement of sand dunes. Deforestation and Climate Change. What are the main three causes of rapid urbanization and how can we prevent (or reduce) deforestation to protect such valuable assets for future generations. Introduction. By: Allah Nawaz Khan, Naila Fida Hussain, Syeda Nusrat Manzoor, Muhammad Asif Akram, Muhammad Zahid Rasheed, Abdul Basit Key Words: Deforestation, Habitat loss, environmental impacts, Kundian Forest Mianwali Punjab-Pakistan. The current study estimates the percentage of wood cutting and gives a . 2 UCLES 2019 2059/02/M/J/19 1 (a) Study Fig. Extensive deforestation in Swat is the result of daily livelihood use of forests furniture, heating, agriculture etc. As increasing demand for wood product leads to deforestation, more rapid tree cutting even without permits and cause threat to human health and wildlife. Starting around the mid-1800s, the destruction of forests on a worldwide basis experienced a significant increase. Illegal logging is a solid cause of deforestation and is generally concerned to one or more hereinafter malpractices: logging of protected species or endangered species, logging in contravention, violating rules related to volume of Kaveri water dispute is in between: (a) India and Pakistan (b) Punjab and Haryana ADVERTISEMENTS: (c) Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh (d) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu 2. 1. Commercial agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation globally, particularly large-scale farming, with forested areas cleared for livestock grazing and crop cultivation, it said. However, urbanization, growing population and expansion of cities are also leading cause of deforestation. Causes of deforestation and forest degradation. Deforestation And Its Impacts On Climate Change An Overview Of Pakistan Deforestation And Its Impacts On Climate Change An Overview Of Pakistan Ali, Arshad; Riaz, Somana; Iqbal, Shahid 2014-01-01 00:00:00 Forests are one the main natural factors that regulate and determine climate, weather patterns and amount of CO2 of an area. Statistics - including rates of forest change, forest extent, drivers of deforestation, and deforestation and fire alerts - can be customized, easily shared and downloaded for offline use. Although the forest resources of Pakistan are meager when compared to other countries, they do contribute significantly to its economy. An estimated 80 per cent of global deforestation occurs as a direct result of agricultural practices. Unpredictable short term and high intensity rainfall, improper cultivation and deforestation have accelerated the soil erosion in the district. 2 UCLES 2019 2059/02/M/J/19 1 (a) Study Fig. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the causes of deforestation in Basho forest, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. This is most commonly done to obtain wood and fuel. Forest land is frequently cleared and transformed into agricultural land in order to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for food (which can, in turn, be linked to overpopulation). But the fact is, that half of the world's tropical forests has already been cleared. Forests keep the planet alive and play a key role in the battle against climate change. International Journal of Global Climate Change, 15: 370-380. Learn new and interesting things. This study collected data on factors of deforestations and degradation . Munir Akram. Pakistan is facing many environmental challenges, which pose serious threats to human health and life. Throughout history and into modern times, forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction.. Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world. Deforestation rates vary in Pakistan from 2 percent to 2.4 percent annual rate. Canada. Deforestation is also main reason of loss world terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity (SCBD 2010). Deforestation remains a major ecological problem in most developing countries especially, Pakistan has a very high deforestation rate. Forest resources are vital for conservation of soil, water resources and biological diversity worldwide and play key role in meeting requirements for forest products both timber and non-timber (Siry, 2005).Pakistan , due to In 2019, the tropics lost close to 30 soccer fields' worth of trees every single minute. the process of policy making should go a long way to arrest a sharp forest decline in Pakistan. Keywords: Deforestation, Causes, Environmental hazards, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Multiple factors, either of human or natural origin, cause deforestation. Give examples from the US or different parts of the world to support your argument. Climate change is the biggest problem facing our planet. The View Deforestation In Pakistan PPTs online, safely and virus-free! Wood products are better than artificial material, products when evaluating with environmental concerns, but our world's forests cannot be compromised for these products. Rapid urbanization and increased deforestation are phenomena that causes threat to the environment. 4 (a) The map, Fig.4, opposite, shows Pakistan's main trading partners. Although Pakistan is facing environmental challenges, which include climate change impacts, loss of biological diversity, deforestation and degradation of air and water quality, Pakistan is trying . Increasing rates of consumption of fuel wood and timber as well as the. The causes are urbanisation, farming, tourism development and combustion. You should consider different points of view in your answer. And according to the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the 33 million acres of forestland that are lost annually around the globe are responsible for 20% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. PepsiCo is focused on realizing zero net deforestation in our company-owned and operated activities and global supply chains from direct supplier to source. Due to these factors Pakistan has a high rate of deforestation. Natural factors include natural forest fires or parasite-caused diseases which can result in deforestation. The world is at a crossroads, as humanity tries to mitigate climate change and halt biodiversity loss, while still securing a supply of food for everyone. rapid urbanization there is a significant increase in deforestation and as a consequence rise in global mean surface temperatures. With rapid industrialization and rapid urbanization there is a . Rapid and unchecked cut down of forest cover has resulted in some. Deforestation is a contributor to global warming, and is often cited as one of the major causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Thereby, the rising population pressure in Pakistan has been identified as the leading indirect driver of both deforestation and forest degradation under the demographic context. Deforestation along the western borders of Pakistan during last decade are similar to the deforestation patterns in Afghanistan during 1980-2000 and the spatially concentrated loss and heavy dependence on forest resources during the Rwandan conflicts [61,62]. While subsistence farming was a driver in Africa, it noted, in Asia the expansion of plantations and commercial agriculture were key factors. Some of the key issues of Forestry Abstract. Deforestation involves the conversion of forested regions to non-forest land for the use of pastures for livestock, logging companies, industrial gain, urban use, or simply to become a wasteland. Poverty, over-population and . The key issues related to desertification in Pakistan are water erosion, wind erosion, depletion of soil fertility, deforestation, livestock's grazing pressure, loss of bio-diversity, drought and floods, Deforestation and forest fires contribute approximately 25% of total carbon dioxide emissions. Rivers in the Sky: How Deforestation Is Affecting Global Water Cycles. The link between deforestation and climate change is known. Deforestation results in soil degradation, carbon emission as a result of plant decomposition left on forest floor, albedo effect, and intensification of hydro-meteorological hazards. Rapid urbanization and increased deforestation are phenomena that causes threat to the environment. Climate change is a leading cause of deforestation. The ethics as an important cause of deforestation by government employees, approval for the questionnaires was obtained through the Human which is contradicted by the remote sensing analysis with respect to the Research Ethics Review process at the University of Alberta Ethics Kalasha valleys. Which of the following has never been the case […] Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to examples you have studied. One of the primary reasons for deforestation is a burgeoning and very competitive world economy, which forces countries with limited resources to accelerate the use of these resources. Under the United Nation's REDD+ program, new incentive schemes are developed to encourage forest protection and reforestation, while implementing social safeguards for forest-dependent indigenous groups. Pakistan is not self-sufficient in wood based products and spends billions of rupees on import of wood and wood based products. What are the main three causes of rapid urbanization and how can we prevent (or reduce) deforestation to protect such valuable assets for future generations. 1. An endless palm oil plantation in Costa Rica. While drivers of deforestation vary in different places, particular attention should be given to addressing the Deforestation is ongoing and is shaping climate and geography. Give examples from the US or different parts of the world to support your argument. First of all, climate change is a non-traditional threat for Pakistan. Deforestation and its Impacts on Climate Change an Overview of Pakistan 55 affect carbon flux in the soil, vegetation, and atmosphere. Deforestation is one of the major environmental problems in Pakistan To put it simply, deforestation occurs when humans destroy forests by cutting down trees and not replanting then. Other causes of deforestation include mining and oil exploitation, urbanization, acid rain and wildfires. deforestation continues at an uncontrollable rate then many species will extinct Meyerson [1]. Forests are determined both by the presence of trees and the absence of other predominant land uses. Arabian Sea Key: international boundary province-level boundary disputed boundary river JAMMU AND KASHMIR disputed territory N 0 100 200 Thu, 3 Feb 2022, 1:25 PM. The main cause of deforestation is agriculture (poorly planned infrastructure is emerging as a big threat too) and the main cause of forest degradation is illegal logging. Other relevant raw materials that we source include soy, cocoa . Pakistan is a diverse country in terms of its ecosystems, social groups, governance systems, land tenure, and cultures. Deforestation. deforestation and degradation of forests is the priority and key prerequisite to effectively reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and thus enhancing forest carbon stocks in every REDD+ country. However,. Pakistan's Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) does present current land use and change trends in Pakistan. The agricultural productivity of the study area can be enhanced by understanding, estimating and controlling the root causes of soil erosion. Investment and financing in forest restoration efforts is the key challenge and barrier to future . Deforestation and biodiversity loss South Asia shares approximately 19 per cent of the Asian and Pacific region total forest cover, providing cross-border habitats for a wealth of species. Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem faced by district Chakwal. Currently, Pakistan has forests over 2.5% of its land area, with a 2.1% annual rate of deforestation. Extreme weather events like wildfires (which are responsible for an estimated 10% of degradation annually), droughts, and storm surges destroy millions of hectares of forest every year — and their intensity is only increasing with global warming. Key words: causes of deforestation, diverse stakeholders' perspectives, giant deforestation, Pakistan forestry. . One of the leading causes of deforestation is agriculture and cattle grazing.

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key causes of deforestation in pakistan

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