direct drivers of deforestation

direct drivers of deforestation

Direct drivers are Agricultural expansion, Shifting Cultivation, Overexploitation of timber, Fuelwood 1 In 2021 alone, the country lost approximately 2.06Mha of natural forest. Deforestation and forest degradation contribute to climate change (IPCC 2014, Baccini et al 2012, Scott et al 2018).Most net deforestation occurs in the tropics (Hansen et al 2013, IPCC 2014, Baccini et al 2017, Song et al 2018).National policies that aim to reduce deforestation will be more effective if they are informed by accurate and current data on deforestation drivers (Macedo et al 2012 . The main drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Shan State can be divided into two types, namely direct and indirect drivers. Keywords Illegal logging Law enforcement REDD+ Likert scale Multivariate ordered probit Cambodia This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Direct drivers of deforestation in Indonesia are thus spatially and temporally dynamic, suggesting the need for forest conservation policy responses tailored at the subnational level, and new methods for monitoring the causes of deforestation over time. Underlying drivers include range of political . Direct drivers of deforestation in Myanmar The most important driver of deforestation has been clearing for farming. 95% of this occurs in the tropics. 0.99 Mha of pasture deforestation in 2017 Crop expansion, logging activities, cattle ranching, oil palm plantations, mining, and oil concessions are highlighted as the direct drivers of deforestation in the country [9-12]. Deforestation is on the rise in megadiverse Colombia. We use the dataset to train and validate the models and demonstrate that ForestNet . Our study portrays that deforestation and degradation is currently happening in the majority of the WCS conservation landscapes assessed irrespective of the area under legal protection, as found in . Between 2001 and 2020, Canada is estimated to have lost around 44.1Mha of forest cover, accounting for an 11% decline. In the Amazon, 867,675 km2had been deforested by 2018 (MapBiomas 2020), equivalent to 14% of its original forested area (Fig. However, pasture deforestation is highly concentrated in a few municipalities. Table1. Direct drivers of deforestation in Indonesia are thus spatially and temporally dynamic, suggesting the need for forest conservation policy responses tailored at the subnational level, and new methods for monitoring the causes of deforestation over time. Proximate or direct drivers of deforestation are human activities that directly affect the loss of forests and thus constitute proximate sources of change, that result from complex interactions of underlying forces in social, political, economic, technological . long-term overharvesting of forest products (including unsustainable fuel wood harvest), poor harvesting practices and overgrazing. Deforestation in the Americas United States Between 2001 - 2020, the US had lost more than 42.2Mha of forest cover showing a 16% decline in tree cover. Direct drivers The indirect drivers are an interplay of demographic, economic, technological, institutional, and sociocultural factors and underpin the direct drivers of deforestation. In the countries that account for most of the deforestation caused by the four biggest drivers, wood products contribute about 10 percent of the total.. The present study re-emphasises the importance of awareness creation among the communities regarding Direct drivers, identified as human activities that directly affect forest cover, results in the reduction of carbon stocks as well (Kissinger et al. Direct drivers of deforestation are defined as all human activities that directly reduce forest cover, either completely resulting in deforestation or partially resulting in forest degradation (e.g. The main drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Shan State can be divided into two types, namely direct and indirect drivers. Deforestation is on the rise in megadiverse Colombia. 3 95% of this was in the tropics. Industrial tree plantation 5. Attempting to understand the complex and interconnected web of social, political, economic and environmental drivers of deforestation in Colombia - past and present, legal and illicit, direct and indirect - is critical. Drivers can also classified be as human-induced or natural. Of this shifting agriculture is responsible for 63% of the land deforested and commercial agricultural developments, primarily in the form of oil palm are responsible for 30% of the deforested land. In turn, identification of the direct driver aids identification of the indirect driver, such as a market force, that often determines the appropriate policy action. But where in the tropics did we lose this forest? These are: 1. At least three-quarters of this is driven by agriculture - clearing forests to grow crops, raise livestock and produce products such as paper. Agriculture expansion is the most important direct driver of deforestation in practically all tropical regions and includes shifting cultivation, permanent agriculture, pasture creation, and resettlement programs, following converting the forest to other land uses. deforestation. Nevertheless, soy remains an important direct and indirect driver of deforestation. expansion of croplands in one municipality has a significant effect on deforestation in neighbouring municipalities. Deforestation rate: 0.54%: satellite images indicate annual average tree cover loss of as much as 2%. The principal direct drivers of deforestation at the global level are: The objectives of the study are to: Identify and describe drivers of deforestation and forest degradation within the landscape. . 19.1). investigation of direct drivers of deforestation and degradation should concentrate on specific regional areas under the greatest threat of deforestation and degradation. Share on Facebook; 2012). In four Latin American countries (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), over 70% of combined deforestation is linked to cattle ranching. and forest degradation are human activities and . We gathered data on both proximate (direct) and underlying (indirect) drivers of deforestation. Geist und Lambin 2002, Schaeffer et al. Direct and indirect drivers of deforestation and reforestation could vary spatially promoting or restricting forest transitions in natural landscapes (Grau et al. Share. In this case, deforestation and reforestation may exhibit statistically significant spatial clustering or "hotspots" . Selection was based on availability of data. Humans clear tracts of forests to get land for agriculture . The study includes assessment of the REDD+ environment (policy and institutional… 2009. Together, they have an outsized impact on the health of our world's forests and climate, annually contributing 3.83 million hectares of deforestation, an area about the size of Switzerland. Export citation and abstract BibTeX RIS. In Ecuador, the major deforestation hotspots are in the Chocó-Darién and in the Amazon Basin [7,13]. Using satellite imagery, ForestNet identifies the direct drivers of deforestation in forest loss patches of any size. actions that directly impact forest cover and result . Below are some of the primary concerns, which are either directly caused by people, or are the result of climatic changes brought on by human activity in the area. Deforestation rates did calm as a response to the 2004 peak, but in 2018, deforestation peaked yet again, and the country experienced the highest amount of deforestation it had seen in a decade (Phillips, 2018). Unfortunately, wood is also a major driver of deforestation. We analyzed selected direct drivers of deforestation according to Geist and Lambin . In addition to establishing the scale of deforestation in Brazil, it is also important to understand the direct drivers behind the issue. Croplands and thus soy production drive deforestation indirectly, i.e. Direct drivers are Agricultural expansion, Shifting Cultivation, Overexploitation of timber, Fuelwood We found nine direct drivers and four main indirect drivers and six agents of forest deforestation and forest degradation. 2.1. Agriculture is estimated to be the direct driver for around 80% of deforestation worldwide. Deforestation and forest degradation are caused by both direct and underlying factors. Here, we identified the direct and indirect. During the past 20 years, what have been the main drivers of forest cover change (both national and Agricultural expansion 4. or direct drivers and underlying or indirect causes. Direct drivers, ('proximate causes'), human activities or immediate actions that directly impact forest cover and loss of carbon In Latin America, commercial agriculture is the main direct driver, responsible for 2/3 of all cut. the 5 years period (2010 to 2015). In this work, we develop a deep learning model called ForestNet to classify the drivers of primary forest loss in Indonesia, a country with one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. Deforestation and forest degradation are complex transboundary processes with many direct as well as underlying causes. Direct Drivers of Deforestation in the Amazon There are many drivers of deforestation within the countries that host the Amazon Rainforest. Direct drivers of forest degradation include i.a. Relationship between direct and indirect drivers of deforestation Indirect drivers Source: Geist & Lambin 2002. This study was commissioned to assess direct and underlying causes of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, to evaluate the impact of the identified drivers at different levels, while looking the drivers beyond the forest sector and considering their relationship to land use activities. Canada. Agriculture Is the Direct Driver for Worldwide Deforestation; Latest NEWS. Attempting to understand the complex and interconnected web of social, political, economic and environmental drivers of deforestation in Colombia - past and present, legal and illicit, direct and indirect - is critical. Deforestation continues to occur in varying severities across the tropics, due to a variety of direct and indirect drivers of deforestation. Agriculture is estimated to be the direct driver for around 80% of deforestation worldwide. Direct drivers of deforestation are (1) small scale agricultural expansion, (2) large scale agricultural investment, (3) forest fire and (4) infrastructure development (e.g., roads providing access to agricultural settlers). Deforestation for oil palm plantations in Borneo. Overview of Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation In its report to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FPCF) in 2011 [23], Cambodia classified drivers of D & D as direct and indirect drivers within and outside forest sector. Cattle ranching For example, important direct drivers in the Amazon include agriculture (both large and small scale), logging roads, and gold mining (see second figure). Agriculture is the direct driver of roughly 80 percent of tropical deforestation, while logging is the biggest single . That was a decade ago, but the world is still losing a similar amount today: using satellite data, researchers at Global Forest Watch estimate that global deforestation in 2019 was around 5.4 million hectares. 2012).Indirect drivers—complex, socio-economic, cultural, political and technological processes—have an impact on the proximate drivers causing . The study examined the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation focusing on both the proximate (direct) and underlying (indirect) causes ( Geist & Lambin, 2002 ; Hosonuma et al., 2012 ). There were 6 direct drivers and 24 indirect drivers (Table1). We curate a dataset of Landsat 8 satellite images of known forest loss events paired with driver annotations from expert interpreters. Proximate causes of deforestation include human activities with direct impacts on forest cover, such as agricultural expansion, urban growth, infrastructure development, and mining . Within the group of agricultural commodities, soy emerges as the dominant driver of deforestation. Direct impacts from cattle only emerge in the 2006-2011 period, when the Cattle Agreements were . are processes that result in deforestation and forest degradation. Materials and Methods Main direct drivers of deforestation: Commercial logging; commercial agribusiness; mining; infrastructure; mega dams and urban developments Indirect drivers of deforestation National and state legal and policy Identification of the drivers and their agents of deforestation and forest degradation is important for effective implementation of the REDD+ activities. Steps to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in PNG. Mining-induced deforestation in Indonesia. Legend: Orange sectors are drivers of deforestation and red sectors are key drivers per country. Actions to support this can come in the shape of: Take actions, make direct investments, advocate for change . The deforestation drivers identified by our approach are generally consistent with the literature , but reveal additional detail about the spatial relations. 13, March 2021 The role of mining as a driver of deforestation is commonly reduced to its limited direct impacts, not acknowledging its capacity Using satellite imagery, ForestNet identifies the direct drivers of deforestation in forest loss patches of any size. The results identify where deforestation is occurring; perhaps as important, they show where forest loss is not deforestation. 2003, Sanchez-Cuervo and Aide 2013). Wildfires were the biggest drivers for these losses in Canada, resulting in a loss of 932Kha of forest cover. following the definitions, core principles, and guidance of the Accountability Framework. New Nisula Forest Distributor in UK; Minister of Transportation to attend railroad timber terminal opening at Hauerseter; Ponsse opens new service centre in Joensuu; A Large-Scale Delivery To A New Junnikkala Sawmill; Pioneering shifting agriculture 3. This study relates to an analysis of the deforestation drivers and stakeholders in the two districts, as set out under Activity 2.1 in the project document. This study bases the direct driver assessment on the set of nine direct drivers identified in a national level deforestation drivers analysis conducted by Thomas et al. To achieve PNG's emissions reduction targets and to safeguard the future of one of the country's most important strategic assets, PNG must reduce the impact of the primary direct and indirect drivers of forest cover change. The leading direct driver of deforestation in Latin America The Brazilian cattle sector is the leading driver of tropical deforestation. In Latin America , commercial agriculture is the main direct driver, responsible for 2/3 of all cut . But because wood is used in so many different ways, the relationship between wood products and deforestation is complicated. Wood collection, Shifting cultivation, Permanent farming, and mining are some of the direct drivers of deforestation found predominantly operating in the state. . As far as we know, it represents the first spatially explicit deforestation drivers map for the Peruvian Amazon. the 5 years period (2010 to 2015). By the end of 2021, the country had lost a further 1.95Mha of tree cover. A good understanding of why and where forest disturbances occur is instrumental for the development of targeted policies and actions aiming to reduce the loss of forests and the associated carbon emissions. The four major drivers (and some minor ones) The following four commodities are the largest drivers of deforestation. Proximate or direct driversof deforestation and forest degradation are human activities and actions that directly impact forest cover and result in loss of carbon stocks. Identifying spatial patterns and synergies with other economic activities Jan Sievernich, Stefan Giljum & Sebastian Luckeneder FINEPRINT Brief No. 2.1 Current levels of deforestation and forest degradation 19 2.1.1 Worldwide deforestation figures 19 2.1.2 Regional status of deforestation 20 2.2 Deforestation drivers at global level 22 2.2.1 Direct drivers 22 2.2.2 Indirect drivers 24 2.2.3 Actors 27 2.3 Drivers of deforestation in Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa) 27 2.3.1 Direct drivers 28 Hydropower development 7. Direct drivers of deforestation include conversion to agriculture, infrastructure expansion and mining, among others. in loss of carbon stocks. To date, we have documented six major direct drivers of deforestation and degradation in the Peruvian Amazon: small/medium-scale agriculture, large-scale agriculture, cattle pasture, gold mining, illegal coca cultivation, and roads. Proximate or direct drivers of deforestation are human activities that directly affect the loss of forests and thus constitute proximate sources of change, that result from complex interactions of underlying forces in social, political, economic, technological . 19.2 Deforestation - an overview of direct driv- ers and impacts Deforestation is defined as the complete removal of an area's forest cover (Putz and Redford 2010). The study included assessing the REDD+ environment for potential policy and Proximate or direct drivers of deforestation . preparing Ethiopia's REDD+ strategy.The study assessed direct and underlying causes of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, while considering drivers beyond the forest sector and their relationship to land use activities. Every year the world loses around 5 million hectares of forest. or direct drivers and underlying or indirect causes. Download/Explore. supply chain efforts and investments and engagement in key landscapes. Mining 6. Cutting down forests: what are the drivers of deforestation? Notes Acknowledgement Thanks to the Amazon Soy Moratorium there has been very little deforestation directly linked to soy in the Amazon since 2008 (although deforestation continues within soy-growing farms but in areas that are not planted with soy - with most of this deforestation being illegal). This deforestation has been primarily driven by the conversion of forest-land to crop-land which accounts for 87% of deforestation. For most regions and drivers, the map output can be used directly to quantify the proportion of forest loss caused by each driver, because map-based estimates fall within the confidence intervals of sample-based .

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direct drivers of deforestation

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