importance of forest resources pdf

importance of forest resources pdf

Forest managers are recognizing that intensive plantation silviculture requires active management of both biotic and abiotic resources to optimize production. importance of forest resources Material flow accounting (Box 1) focuses on the extraction and consumption of natural resources as key factors in an economy's environmental impact. So, some of the points that help in understanding the importance of forests are below. 17.2). Boojho and Paheli remembered that they have studied about forests as Fig. Benefits of Forests. manage, use, and protect our forest resources. 1996, KANOWSKI & BOSHIER 1997). in the deeper areas of the forest (Fig. They Bring Rainfall. When we consider the conservation of forests, we need to look at the stakeholders who are - (i) the people who live in or around forests are dependent on forest produce for various aspects of their life (see Fig. 4 Imputing economic values to nonmarketed benefits has the potential to change radically the way we look at all forests and to make the pendulum swing back from a presumption in favor of forest conversion to The mission of forest resource management is to develop, protect, and manage the multiple resources of forests through professional stewardship, enhancing the quality of life for the public while ensuring the conservation and sustainability of these resources. forests are vital for human life because they provide a diverse range of resources: they store carbon &act as carbon sink, produce oxygen which is vital for existence of life on the earth, so they. Research Note 2003-1 . Importance of forest in Points 1. 6. Importance of Forest Resources in India During the early 1990s about 17% of forest resources in India land were dense forestland. Another important contribution of wild life for human progress is availability of large gene pool for the scientists to carry breeding programs in agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery. They are catchments to many rivers that are essential to the economic development of the continent. Below are the leading reasons signifying the importance of forest. It is most important natural habitat for wild life. Forests are of great importance to mankind. The forest resources of Canada are important to its citizen, economy and environment as it employees many people, has a large contribution to Canada's nominal GDP, it is home to many people and animals and it also represents 20% of the world's wetlands. The process of releasing excess water by plants into the atmosphere in the form of water vapour is known as transpiration. Although a forest is usually defined by the presence of trees, under many definitions an area completely lacking trees may still be considered a forest if it grew trees in the past, will grow trees in the future, or was legally . resources Article Importance of Community Forestry Funds for Rural Development in Nepal Puspa K. C. Bhandari 1, Prabin Bhusal 1,*, Ganesh Paudel 2, Chiranjibi P. Upadhyaya 1 and Bir Bahadur Khanal Chhetri 1 1 Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara Campus, Pokhara 33700, Nepal; (P.K.C.B. They 8 The forest resource management planning process is an important part of forest ownership that leads to sustainable forest management and happy forest owners with forest outcomes that meet their expectations. As forest plantations have become important sources of fiber, fuel, and structural material, this custodial role has given way to active intervention to improve both plant and soil resources. resource for a multitude of products from furniture to paper to fuel for heat and electricity production. Forest owners receive forest resources assigned by the state, playing an important role and bearing responsibility for the protection, development, and management of forest resources. on the other hand. Spanning the borders of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, However, more detailed data are often needed on for.rt structure to assess ecosystem services and values, and to help guide forest management (e.g. With the increasing demand of the . Conservation of the world's forests is a most important and pressing contemporary problem. Importance of forest in Points 1. Forest inventory: is a tool that provides the information about size and shape of the area as well as qualitative and/or quantitative information of the growing stock. Forests also play an essential role in food preparation since about one-third of the world's population uses wood fuel for cooking. The forests are good sanctuaries for wildlife, offer opportunities for beekeeping, support many important ecosystem services and goods, and are home to many genetic resources. 2015).For instance, local forests are often a vital source of firewood, medicinal herbs, and foodstuffs necessary to satisfy the energy, health, and nutritional needs of the communities that surround them. So one can notice heavy rainfall in the areas of forests and around. Important Definitions v FORESTS Land Cover/Land Use of pakistan 0 Forest Cover of Pakistan Map 0 1.1 Forest Area of Pakistan and its comparison with other countries following progressive forestry practices 1 2 Wood and wood based Statistics 4 2.1 Out-turn of timber from state controlled forest. The growth of valuable trees is not paid for by people. e total forest area was originally about ,ha but more than half of it was excised for human settlement in [ ]. Also, forests are a huge reserve of trees and plants. Forests provide a wide range of economic and social benefits for instance through employment, value generated from the processing and trade of forest products, and investments in the forest sector. They could see now how the natural resources use provide jobs and are often the basis of livelihoods in poorer communities. Forest management may also encompass the careful use of land, air, water, plant and animal resources. COMMUNITY FORESTRY Community forestry is a form of participatory forest governance that engages local people in forest management and land use decisions that affect their lands and livelihoods. AND NATURAL RESOURCES UNIT I MULTIDISCIPLINARY NATURE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Definition - Scope and importance - Need for public awareness NATURAL RESOURCES Renewable and Non-renewable resources- Natural resources and Associated problems- Forest resources:-Use and over - Exploitation - Deforestation - Case studies - Timber resources to ecosystem services and climate mitigation. The area of PNG's globally important montane forests has been significantly reduced through burning, All that the nature has provided such as soil, air, water, minerals, coal, sunshine (sunlight), animals and plants, etc., are known as natural resources.Human being Many tropical forests contain valuable timber which has taken years, sometime hundreds of years for nature to produce. Conservation of natural resources is the wise use of the earth's resources by humanity. Forest is very important renewable resources which plays a crucial role for the livelihoods of local communities. This implies that there should be rules or regulations governing how, when, or in what quantity the resource can be used. 2.2.1 Natural resources and associated problems 20 2.2.2 Non-renewable resources 22 2.2.3 Renewable resources 22 a. in the deeper areas of the forest (Fig. During the day, trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and give out oxygen. species composition. Prof Ahmad cautioned children that they should not go deep into the forest. Water Resources: Use and over-utilisation of surface and ground water, 26 It is useful fodder source during drought. The forest is threatened by man through many activities. It is highly complex, changing environment made up of a living and non living things. It often involves the participation and collaboration of various actors including community, government and civil society organizations. In India, India Council of Forest Research and Education (ICFRE) is an autonomous body with the Ministry of Environment and Forests, which holds the mandate to organize, direct and manage research and education in the fields of forestry. Many important forest functions have no markets, and hence, no apparent eco-nomic value, justifying the use of forest land for other purposes. Forests cover approximately 30% of the Earth's land surface and provide critical ecosystem goods and services, including food, fodder, water, shelter, nutrient cycling, and cultural and recreational value. Economic benefits can usually be valued in monetary terms but the social . It is a free good, provided by nature. 3.1 The tree's significance as a link to culture and belief. GreenWood Resources . An integration of conservation and utilization would be highly effective both in terms of inputs and outputs. It is the management of valuable natural resources such as timber, fish, topsoil, pastureland, and minerals, forests, wildlife, parkland, wilderness and watershed areas. Forests slower the monsoon currents (winds) and let the clouds move slower over land. Natural Resources PDF Free Download. towards the clearance and consumptive exploitation of forests: x Forests are sources of easy profit. Natural resources may be divided into regenerative resources such as land (arable and grazing land), air, ground water, forests, plants and animals, etc. It is also utilized by farmers for commercial and recreational purposes. e area is comprised of the escarpments, hills, rolling 23 Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people b. • Forests also provide fodder for cattle and other grazing animals. 17.3 Forest as habitat an example of a habitat in Class VI (Fig. and Honey badger []. Therefore, maintaining this resource to provide benefits Supports Ecosystems and Habitats. Clark S. Binkley . Although the word forest is commonly used, there is no universally recognised precise definition, with more than 800 definitions of forest used around the world. ); 3.3 The symbolic and sacred significance of particular forest resources. Leaves and twigs of some plants have high fodder value. resources. Here we are giving you Natural Resources PPT with PDF. implementation. Forest is an important natural resource. 2020.Trees, Forests and Profits in Ethiopia: An Assessment of Tree-Based Landscape Restoration Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it. Plants during photosynthesis release oxygen whereas it consumes carbon dioxide. 2.1. In India, forests form 23 percent of the total land area. Many herbivores find shelter and carnivores their prey in the forest. resources. In forestry, uncontrolled and undocumented movement of forest Forests help in maintaining the oxygen and temperature levels of the atmosphere. Forests are responsible for rains on the land. In addition, forests provide valuable ecosystem service: they maintain local climate and strongly influence global fluxes of oxygen and carbon dioxide; protect top soil, prevent soil erosion and maintain food wave. Forests slower the monsoon currents (winds) and let the clouds move slower over land. Forest management involves the planned use of forest resources on a local, national and worldwide scale using all planning, foresight and cooperation that one can muster. Predicting electricity prices is a very important issue in modern society, because the associated decision process under uncertainty requires accurate forecasts for the economic agents involved. Citation: Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission. Forests tend to be located in remote areas where the reach of the market economy and technological progress are inhibited or slowed. This is the complete phenomenon that humans do. • What are importance of Forest resources for Economic and Ecological wealth of a country. Due to forests, the clouds get cooled and convert to rainwater. • Enlist the functions of forest and explain any one briefly. The 1994 law laid emphasis on four principal areas; management of forest and fauna resources, the manner and nature of issuing forest exploitation licences, sanctions to defaulters and sustainable management.7 The law guides forest loggers, conservation agents Policy gaps. Natural Resources PPT Download. Important of forests 1. This may be a community, family, individual, or other organisation which will work in and ben-efit from the forest. Forests play an important role in the purification of the atmospheric air. The word 'forest' is derived from the Latin word 'foris' means 'outside' (may be the reference was to a village boundary or fence separating the village and the forest land). It provides many benefits. centralized natural resource management towards more devolved models known very broadly as Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). Fight climate change Introductio n A forest is a type of ecosystem in which there is high density of trees occupying a relatively large area of land. Imputing economic values to nonmarketed benefits has the potential to change radically the way we look at all forests and to make the pendulum swing back from a presumption in favor of forest conversion to If inadequately managed, activities like farming, forest-clearing, road-building, and mining can lead to too much soil and suspended particles ending up in rivers (sedimentation). 17.3). Below are 9 reasons why forests are important and why should we protect forests from getting axed. Land and natural resources provide important assets for income generation for most rural households. Our nation has vast forest resources that reflect the American conservation ethic and our history of science-based management. Like the forest management objectives, the scale of the management plan is determined by the forest owner's needs. f Importance of Managing Mangrove Forests 19 5.0 Analysis It is admitted that mangrove forest ecosystem comprising a rich diversity of flora and fauna. CBNRM models work to strengthen locally accountable institutions for natural resource use and management, enabling local groups of people to make better decisions about the use of land and resources. But its future hangs in the balance - the world's largest wetland depends on clean water and healthy forests, the interlinked aims of SDG 6 and SDG 15. Given the importance of forests for the rural poor, it is widely recognized that forests can be a resource for poverty reduction. 5. (ii) the Forest Department of the Government which owns the land and controls the resources from forests. Forest Resources . Uses of Natural Resources. an important role to play in helping both humans and wildlife adapt to the inevitable effects of climate change. In this paper, we apply the decision tree extension of Random Forests to the prediction of electricity prices in Spain, but with the novelty of modeling prices jointly with demand, with the purpose of . Reference. Major problems with Natural Resource conservation. is makes the forest ecosystem an important resource base for the local communities and national and international community. Introduction • Forest resources play an important role in the economy of any country. One of the categories of materials considered in this analysis is biomass, whose subcategories include primary crops, crop residues, grazed biomass and wood. Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in Forest Management. forest structure as they provide a simple means to convey the magnitude and distribution oi the forest resource. They are important, valuable and necessary to our very existence. 2012; Kindu et al. household level, in association with forest resources. 2. Owing to this fundamental importance of natural resources, they must be managed sustainably. Of particular concern are those distant, remote forests 3.4 The judicial function of trees. The convergence of the poor and forests is a result of many factors. CONCLUSION Wildlife is really important for the planet and even for our survival. Forest can act as pollution purifier by absorbing toxic gases. Pollution can harm water resources and aquatic ecosystems. • Forest plants provide hundreds of medicinal plants, spices, poisons, insecticides, soap substitutes like ritha and shikakai, tendu leaves used in bidi wrapping. Many of the important insects pests affecting southern Florida's unique forest and arboricultural resources are treated in a companion volume entitled Pests and Problems of South Florida Trees and Palms by Charles W. Chellman. 17.3). Government plays the essential role in putting into place policies that ensure that resources The benefits of the forest should be understood and proper care should be taken. They give contracted forest to households/groups of households for protection and management to reduce pressure on forest resources and enhance local people's . Benefits of Forests Forests help in maintaining the oxygen and temperature levels of the atmosphere. Forest Resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. 16.2). ing forest management, the capacity and working process of those who are to do the work and benefit from it (user group) should be considered. Forest not only helps in soil conservation but also helps to regulate the hydrological cycle. There are five important research institutes, they are, • Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun. THE IMPORTANCE OF FORESTS Forests and trees have always been of great importance to mankind since prehistoric times. ii | Page Authors: Tsega Mengesha (EFCCC), Meseret Edosa (EFCCC), Gebre Firdu (EFCCC), and Meseret Shiferaw (WRI). The importance of forest and trees to rainfall and water supply include: improvement of water cycle, reduction of runoff, improving the replenishment of the water table, filtration of water. In Nepal, community forest is a resource of primary importance. CBNRM involves management. Forests are responsible for rains on the land. However, as around 50 % of this land was infertile, total region under productive forests was nearly 35 million hectares that is around 10 % of the total land area of the country. Forests also store carbon, provide habitat for a wide range of species and help alleviate land degradation and desertification. Forest is important renewable resources. Major 17.2 Some forest animals Fig. Following are some points illustrating the importance of forests: Forests help in maintaining the water cycle on earth. Forests are habitat to all wild animals, plants and support millions of species. Benefits also include the hosting and protection of sites and landscapes of high cultural, spiritual, or recreational value. constraints have precluded an "all inclusive" edition. BIOLOGY MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources Environment and Health 160 Notes (a) Natural resources and (b)Artificial resources.

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importance of forest resources pdf

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